The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (Third Edition, Vol. 03 of 12). Frazer James George
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СКАЧАТЬ van het Zuid-oostelijk Schiereiland van Celebes, pp. 119-123 (this work, of which I possess a copy, forms part of a Dutch journal which I have not identified; it is dated Batavia, 1835); J. G. F. Riedel, “De Topantunuasu of oorspronkelijke volksstammen van Central Selebes,” Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, xxxv. (1886) p. 93; J. B. Neumann, “Het Pane- en Bilastroom-gebeid,” Tijdschrift van het Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Tweede Serie, dl. iii., Afdeeling, meer uitgebreide artikelen, No. 2 (1886), pp. 300 sq.; J. L. van der Toorn, “Het animisme bei den Minangkabauer,” Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, xxxix. (1890) pp. 51 sq.; H. Ris, “De onderafdeeling Klein Mandailing Oeloe en Pahantan,” Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, xlvi. (1896) p. 529; C. Snouck Hurgronje, De Atjéhers (Batavia and Leyden, 1893-4), i. 426 sq.; W. W. Skeat, Malay Magic, pp. 49-51, 452-455, 570 sqq.; Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxiv. (1895) pp. 128, 287; Chimkievitch, “Chez les Bouriates de l'Amoor,” Tour du monde, N.S. iii. (1897) pp. 622 sq.; Father Ambrosoli, “Notice sur l'île de Rook,” Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, xxvii. (1855) p. 364; A. Bastian, Die Völker des östlichen Asien, ii. 388, iii. 236; id., Völkerstämme am Brahmaputra, p. 23; id., “Hügelstämme Assam's,” Verhandlungen der Berlin. Gesell. für Anthropol., Ethnol. und Urgeschichte, 1881, p. 156; Shway Yoe, The Burman, i. 283 sq., ii. 101 sq.; G. M. Sproat, Scenes and Studies of Savage Life, p. 214; J. Doolittle, Social Life of the Chinese, pp. 110 sq. (ed. Paxton Hood); T. Williams, Fiji and the Fijians,2 i. 242; E. B. Cross, “On the Karens,” Journal of the American Oriental Society, iv. (1854) pp. 309 sq.; A. W. Howitt, “On some Australian Beliefs,” Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xiii. (1884) pp. 187 sq.; id., “On Australian Medicine Men,” Journ. Anthrop. Inst. xvi. (1887) p. 41; E. P. Houghton, “On the Land Dayaks of Upper Sarawak,” Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London, iii. (1870) pp. 196 sq.; L. Dahle, “Sikidy and Vintana,” Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Annual, xi. (1887) pp. 320 sq.; C. Leemius, De Lapponibus Finmarchiae eorumque lingua, vita et religione pristina commentatio (Copenhagen, 1767), pp. 416 sq.; A. E. Jenks, The Bontoc Igorot (Manilla, 1905), pp. 199 sq.; C. G. Seligmann, The Melanesians of British New Guinea (Cambridge, 1910), pp. 185 sq. My friend W. Robertson Smith suggested to me that the practice of hunting souls, which is denounced in Ezekiel xiii. 17 sqq., may have been akin to those described in the text.


J. G. F. Riedel, De sluik- en kroesharige rassen tusschen Selebes en Papua, p. 440.


A. Bastian, Die Völker des östlichen Asien, v. 455.


J. G. F. Riedel, op. cit. p. 340.


N. Adriani en A. C. Kruijt, “Van Posso naar Parigi, Sigi en Lindoe,” Mededeelingen van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, xlii. (1898) p. 511; compare A. C. Kruijt, ib. xliv. (1900) p. 247.


A. C. Kruijt, “Eenige ethnografische aanteekeningen omtrent de Toboengkoe en de Tomori,” op. cit. xliv. (1900) p. 226.


Annales de l'Association de la Propagation de la Foi, iv. (1830) p. 481.


Rev. J. Roscoe, in a letter to me dated Mengo, Uganda, May 26, 1904.


R. E. Dennett, “Bavili Notes,” Folk-lore, xvi. (1905) p. 372; id., At the Back of the Black Man's Mind (London, 1906), p. 79.


Dudley Kidd, The Essential Kafir, p. 84.


Dudley Kidd, Savage Childhood, p. 68.


C. W. Hobley, “British East Africa,” Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxxiii. (1903) pp. 327 sq.


J. J. M. de Groot, The Religious System of China, iv. 84 sq.


E. Modigliani, Viaggio a Nías, p. 620, compare p. 624.


R. H. Codrington, The Melanesians, p. 184.


R. H. Codrington, op. cit. p. 176.


Fr. Boas, in Ninth Report on the North-Western Tribes of Canada, pp. 461 sq. (Report of the British Association for 1894).


J. J. M. de Groot, The Religious System of China, i. 94, 210 sq.


E. H. Man, “Notes on the Nicobarese,” Indian Antiquary, xxviii. (1899) pp. 257-259. Compare Sir R. C. Temple, in Census of India, 1901, iii. 209.


W. W. Skeat, Malay Magic, p. 143.


J. Dawson, Australian Aborigines, p. 54.


Mohammed Ebn-Omar El-Tounsy, Voyage au Darfour, traduit de l'Arabe par le Dr. Perron (Paris, 1845), p. 347.


W. W. Skeat, Malay Magic, p. 306.


[Aristotle] Mirab. Auscult. 145 (157); Geoponica, xv. 1. In the latter passage, for κατάγει ἑαυτήν we must read κατάγει αὐτόν, an emendation necessitated by the context, and confirmed by the passage of Damïrï quoted and translated by Bochart, Hierozoicon, i. col. 833, “cum ad lunam calcat umbram canis, qui supra tectum est, canis ad eam [scil. hyaenam] decidit, et ea illum devorat.” Compare W. Robertson Smith, The Religion of the Semites,2 p. 129.


Dudley Kidd, Savage Childhood, p. 71.


W. Crooke, in Indian Antiquary, xix. (1890) p. 254.


Spencer and Gillen, Northern Tribes of Central Australia, p. 612.


M. R. Pedlow, in Indian Antiquary, xxix. (1900) p. 60.


W. Cornwallis Harris, The Highlands of Aethiopia (London, 1844), i. 158.


Dudley Kidd, The Essential Kafir, p. 313.


D. Kidd, op. cit. p. 356.


Dudley Kidd, Savage Childhood, p. 70.


Panjab Notes and Queries, i. p. 15, § 122.


Fr. Boas, in Sixth Report on the North-Western Tribes of Canada, pp. 92, 94 (separate reprint from the Report of the British Association for 1890); compare id. in Seventh Report, etc., p. 13 (separate reprint from the Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1891).