The Beth Book. Grand Sarah
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Название: The Beth Book

Автор: Grand Sarah

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары




СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      "What's the matter, Puck?" Lady Benyon asked, beaming already in anticipation.

      "Oh, nothing. Only I said Uncle James would say that if I sniffed. Didn't I, Mildred?"

      But Mildred, too wary to support her, looked down demurely.

      "Puck," said Lady Benyon, "you're a character."

      "There are good characters and there are bad characters," Uncle James moralised.

      "Arrah, thin, it isn't a bad character you'd be afther givin' your own niece," Beth blarneyed; and then she turned up her naughty eyes to the ceiling and chanted softly: "What will Jimmie-wimmie give his duckie-dearie to be good? A nice – sweet – kiss!"

      Uncle James's big white face became suddenly empurpled.

      "Gracious! he's swallowed wrong," Lady Benyon exclaimed in alarm. "Drink something. You really should be careful, a great fat man like you."

      Uncle James coughed hard behind his handkerchief, then began to recover himself. Beth's eyes were fixed on his face. Her chaunt had been a sudden inspiration, and its effect upon the huge man had somewhat startled her; but clearly Uncle James was afraid she was going to tell.

      "How funny!" she ejaculated.

      Uncle James gasped again.

      "What is the matter, Puck?" Lady Benyon asked.

      "Oh, I was just thinking – thinking I would ask Uncle James to give Mildred some chicken."

      "Why, of course, my dear child!" Uncle James exclaimed, to everybody's astonishment. "And have some yourself, Beth?"

      "No, thank you," Beth answered. "I'm full."

      "Beth!" her mother was beginning, when she perceived that Uncle James was laughing.

      "Now, that child is really amusing," he said – "really amusing."

      No one else thought this last enormity a happy specimen of her wit, and they looked at Uncle James, who continued to laugh, in amazement.

      "Beth," he said, "when luncheon is over I shall give you a picture-book."

      Beth accordingly had to stay behind with him after the others had left the dining-room.

      "Beth," he began in a terrible voice, as soon as they were alone together, trying to frighten her; "Beth, what were you doing last night?"

      "I was meditating among the tombs," she answered glibly; "but I never heard them called by that name before."

      "You bad child, I shall tell your mamma."

      "Oh for shame!" said Beth. "Tell-tale! And if you tell I shall. I saw you kissing Jenny-penny."

      Uncle James collapsed. He had been prepared to explain to Beth that he had met the poor girl with some rustic lover, and was lecturing her kindly for her good, and making her go in, which would have made a plausible story had it not been for that accursed kissing. Of course he could insist that Beth was lying; the child was known to be imaginative; but then against that was the emotion he had shown. Lady Benyon had no very high opinion of him, he knew, and once she obtained a clue she would soon unravel the truth. No, the only thing was to silence Beth.

      "Beth," he said, "I quite agree with you, my dear child. I was only joking when I said I would tell your mamma. Nothing would induce me to tell tales out of school."

      Beth smiled up at him frankly: "Nor me neither. I don't believe you're such a bad old boy after all."

      Uncle James winced. How he would have liked to throttle her! He controlled himself, however, and even managed to make a smile as he got up to leave the room.

      "I say, though," Beth exclaimed, seeing him about to depart, "where's that picture-book?"

      "Oh!" he ejaculated. "I had forgotten. But no, Beth, it would never do. If I give it to you now, it would look like a bribe; and I'm sure you would never accept a bribe."

      "I should think not," said Beth.

      And it was long years before she understood the mean adroitness of this last evasion.


      There are those who maintain that a man can do everything better than a woman can do it. This is certainly true of nagging. When a man nags, he shows his thoroughness, his continuity, and that love of sport which is the special pride and attribute of his sex. When a man nags, he puts his whole heart into the effort; a woman only nags, as a rule, because the heart has been taken out of her. The nagging woman is an over-tasked creature with jarred nerves, whose plaint is an expression of pain, a cry for help; in any interval of ease which lasts long enough to relax the tension, she feels remorse, and becomes amiably anxious to atone. With the male nag it is different. He is usually sleek and smiling, a joyous creature, fond of good living, whose self-satisfaction bubbles over in artistic attempts to make everybody else uncomfortable. This was the kind of creature Uncle James Patten was. He loved to shock and jar and startle people, especially if they were powerless to retaliate. Of two ways of saying a thing he invariably chose the more disagreeable; and when he had bad news to break, it added to his interest in it if the victim felt it deeply and showed signs of suffering.

      One morning at breakfast it might have been suspected that there was something unpleasant toward. Uncle James had read prayers with such happy unction, and showed such pleased importance as he took his seat.

      "Aunt Victoria," he lisped, "I have just observed in yesterday's paper that money matters are in a bad way. There has been a crisis in the city, and your investments have sunk so low that your income will be practically nil."

      "What!" said Aunt Victoria incredulously, "the shares you advised me to buy?"

      "Those are the ones, yes," he answered.

      "But, then – I fear you have lost money too," she exclaimed.

      "Oh no, thank you," he assured her, in a tone which implied reproach, "I never speculate."

      "James Patten," said Aunt Victoria quietly, "am I to understand that you advised me to buy stock in which you yourself did not venture to speculate?"

      "Well – er – you see," he answered with composure, "as speculation was against my principles, I could not take advantage of the opportunity myself, but that seemed to me no reason why you should not try to double your income. It may have been an error of judgment on my part; I am far from infallible – far from infallible. But I think I may claim to be disinterested. I did not hope to benefit myself – "

      "During my lifetime," Aunt Victoria suggested, in the same tone of quiet self-restraint. "I see. My modest fortune would not have been much in itself to a man of your means; but it would have been a considerable sum if doubled."

      "Yes, doubles or quits, doubles or quits," said Uncle James, beaming on Aunt Victoria as if he were saying something reassuring. "Alas! the family failing!"

      "It is a new departure, however, for the family – to gamble at other people's expense," said Aunt Victoria.

      "Alas! poor human nature," Uncle James philosophised, shaking his head. "You never know – you never know."

      Aunt Victoria looked him straight in the eyes, but made no СКАЧАТЬ