Elsie at Home. Finley Martha
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Название: Elsie at Home

Автор: Finley Martha

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ in an indulgent tone. "However, I think I should not hesitate to leave that matter to the judgment of my daughters themselves; for I know that neither of you is inclined to be at all extravagant."

      "No, indeed," said Violet, "they are always very careful to make sure that papa is able to afford them what they want."

      "It would be strange if we weren't, Mamma Vi," said Lucilla with a happy laugh, "for we know that papa loves us so dearly that he would go without things himself any time rather than deny us anything desirable."

      "And I expect to put him to the additional expense of dressing Elsie handsomely for the occasion," laughed Rosie.

      "Ah! is she also to be a bridesmaid?" asked the captain with a smiling glance at his little girl, who was turning her bright eyes from one to another with a surprised, pleased, yet puzzled look.

      "Not just that," replied Rosie; then went on to explain her plan for giving the two little Elsies a part in the ceremony.

      "Should you like to do that, daughter?" asked the captain, taking the hand of the little girl and drawing her to his side.

      "I'm 'most afraid I would not know how to do it right, papa," she answered with doubtful look and tone.

      "You can take lessons beforehand," he said; "but you shall do just as you please about it."

      "And the question need not be decided at once," remarked Grandma Elsie. "We will let the matter rest till we learn what your cousin Elsie Dinsmore thinks about joining you in it."

      "Yes," said Rosie, "and fortunately we do not need to settle anything more to-day. Maud and Sydney must be consulted before we quite decide on the colour and material of the bridesmaids' dresses."


      A pause in the conversation upon the veranda was broken by an exclamation from little Ned. "Cousin Arthur is coming!" he cried as a carriage turned in at the great gates and came swiftly up the driveway.

      "Yes," said his father, stepping forward to meet and welcome Dr. Conly, "always a visitor we are delighted to see, whether we are sick or well. Good-morning, sir! We are all glad to see you as friend and guest, though fortunately not in need of your professional services at present. I hope the demands of other patients are not so pressing that we may not keep you here till after dinner."

      "Thank you, but I can stay for only a hasty call," replied the doctor, alighting and shaking hands with one after another as they crowded about him.

      "You look like the bringer of good news, cousin," said Grandma Elsie, regarding him with a pleased smile.

      "Yes," he said, "I feel myself a very fortunate and happy man to-day, and have come to tell my news and ask the sympathy and congratulations of you my relatives and friends. My Marian and I have a son – a fine healthy babe, now some hours old – mother and child are doing as well as possible."

      The congratulations were poured forth without stint. Then Mr. Dinsmore asked, "What do you propose to call the lad?"

      "Ronald. It is Marian's choice and I am well content, for it is a good name, and I highly esteem the dear old cousin who has showed such kindness to the mother."

      "Yes, he is worthy of it," said Grandma Elsie. "I have always felt proud to own him as my kinsman."

      "And Ronald and Conly go well together, making a very pretty name, to my thinking," said Rosie.

      "Have they heard the news at Beechwood yet?" asked Lucilla.

      "I think not," replied the doctor; "but I shall take it in my way home, as it will make the drive only a little longer and I need delay there but a moment." Then with a hasty adieu he took his departure.

      "Art is a very happy man to-day," Mr. Dinsmore remarked with a pleased smile, as they watched the doctor's gig on its way down the drive.

      "Yes; I know of no one more worthy of happiness, and it does me good to see it," said the captain.

      "And no doubt dear Marian's heart is overflowing with love and gratitude," said Grandma Elsie in low, soft tones. "I quite want to see her and her new treasure."

      "Both she and Art will be very proud to show it to their friends and relatives," remarked Violet with a smile, "though he will be careful not to admit even relatives for some days yet. He is very kind and careful as both husband and physician."

      "Yes," said Rosie; "he will take excellent care of Marian and have her well in time to attend the wedding, I hope."

      "I think we can manage that, daughter, as we have not fixed upon the day," her mother said with playful look and tone.

      "Oh, yes, mamma! and I do intend it to be at least six weeks before I leave girlhood for married life," returned Rosie, laughing and blushing as she spoke.

      "It is too serious a step to be taken hastily, my dear young sister," remarked the captain in a tone between jest and earnest; "a step that once taken cannot be retraced – a venture involving the happiness or misery of perhaps a lifetime; certainly the lifetime of one if not of both."

      "Oh, you frighten me!" cried Rosie, drawing a long breath and lifting her hands with a gesture of alarm and despair; "what shall I do? Would you recommend single blessedness – you who have twice tried laying hold of the other horn of the dilemma?"

      "Only for a time," he said. "Look well before you leap, as I did, and then you will be in little danger of wanting to leap back again."

      "You don't? you never do?" she queried in mock surprise and doubt.

      "Never!" he said with a smiling, admiring glance into Violet's beautiful eyes, watching him with not a shade of doubt or distrust in their azure depths; "never for a moment have I been conscious of the slightest inclination to do so."

      "Thank you, my dear," Violet said. "And, Rosie, let me tell you for your encouragement that I have known no more regret than has he. I am very sure that if it were in our power to reconsider, the question would be decided exactly as it was years ago."

      "I believe it," responded Rosie heartily, "and that Will and I will be able to say the same when we too have lived together for years. He is good as gold, I know, and I shall try to be worthy of him."

      The call to dinner here put an end to the conversation and the talk at the table was upon other themes.

      Shortly after the conclusion of the meal Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore returned to Ion, while the others, some on horseback, the rest in the family carriage, went over to the Oaks to call upon the relatives there and consult with them on the arrangements for the wedding, particularly the dress of the bride and her attendants – a subject of great interest to the ladies, especially such to the young girls, but one which the two gentlemen – Captain Raymond and young Mr. Dinsmore – were so entirely willing to leave to their decision that they presently excused themselves and walked out into the grounds, Mr. Dinsmore wishing to consult the captain in regard to some improvements that he had in contemplation.

      Then Rosie announced her errand and gave her invitation to Maud and Sydney. It was accepted promptly and with evident pleasure by both. Then Rosie went on to speak of her idea of having the two little Elsies act as flower girls.

      "My niece and my cousin, and both bearing mamma's name; about the same size, too; would it not be pretty?" she asked, and received a chorus of approving replies.

      "Oh, СКАЧАТЬ