Astronomical Curiosities: Facts and Fallacies. Gore John Ellard
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Название: Astronomical Curiosities: Facts and Fallacies

Автор: Gore John Ellard

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Физика




СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Dr. Bauschinger has made a study of the minor planets discovered up to the end of 1900. He finds that the ascending nodes of the orbits show a marked tendency to cluster near the ascending node of Jupiter’s orbit, a fact which agrees well with Prof. Newcomb’s theoretical results. There seems to be a slight tendency for large inclinations and great eccentricities to go together; but there appears to be no connection between the eccentricity and the mean distance from the sun. The longitudes of the perihelia of these small planets “show a well-marked maximum near the longitude of Jupiter’s perihelion, and equally well-marked minimum near the longitude of his aphelion,” which is again in good agreement with Newcomb’s calculations.118 Dr. Bauschinger’s diameter for Eros is 20 miles. He finds that the whole group, including those remaining to be discovered, would probably form a sphere of about 830 miles in diameter.

      The total mass of the minor planets has been frequently estimated, but generally much too high. Mr. B. M. Roszel of the John Hopkins University (U.S.A.) has made a calculation of the probable mass from the known diameter of Vesta (319 miles, Pickering), and finds the volume of the first 216 asteroids discovered. From this calculation it appears that it would take 310 asteroids of the 6th magnitude, or 1200 of the 7th to equal the moon in volume. Mr. Roszel concludes that the probable mass of the whole asteroidal belt is between 1⁄50th and 1⁄100th of that of the moon.119 Subsequently Mr. Roszel extended his study to the mass of 311 asteroids,120 and found a combined mass of about 1⁄40th of the moon’s mass.

      Dr. Palisa finds that the recently discovered minor planet (1905 QY) varies in light to a considerable extent.121 This planet was discovered by Dr. Max Wolf on August 23, 1905; but it was subsequently found that it is identical with one previously known, (167) Urda.122 The light variation is said to be from the 11th to the 13th magnitude.123 Variation in some of the other minor planets has also been suspected. Prof. Wendell found a variation of about half a magnitude in the planet Eunomia (No. 15). He also found that Iris (No. 7) varies about a quarter of a magnitude in a period of about 6h 12m.124 But these variations are small, and perhaps doubtful. The variability of Eros is well known.

      The planet Eros is a very interesting one. The perihelion portion of its orbit lies between the orbits of Mars and the earth, and the aphelion part is outside the orbit of Mars. Owing to the great variation in its distance from the earth the brightness of Eros varies from the 6th to the 12th magnitude. That is, when brightest, it is 250 times brighter than when it is faintest.125 This variation of light, is of course, merely due to the variation of distance; but some actual variation in the brightness of the planet has been observed.

      It has been shown by Oeltzen and Valz that Cacciatore’s supposed distant comet, mentioned by Admiral Smyth in his Bedford Catalogue, must have been a minor planet.126

      Dr. Max Wolf discovered 36 new minor planets by photography in the years 1892-95. Up to the latter year he had never seen one of these through a telescope! His words are, “Ich selsbt habe noch nie einen meinen kleinen Planeten am Himmel gesehen.”127

      These small bodies have now become so numerous that it is a matter of much difficulty to follow them. At the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society on January 8, 1909, Mr. G. F. Chambers made the following facetious remarks —

      “I would like to make a suggestion that has been in my mind for several years past – that it should be made an offence punishable by fine or imprisonment to discover any more minor planets. They seem to be an intolerable nuisance, and are a great burden upon the literary gentlemen who have to keep pace with them and record them. I have never seen, during the last few years at any rate, any good come from them, or likely to come, and I should like to see the supply stopped, and the energies of the German gentlemen who find so many turned into more promising channels.”

      Among the minor planets numbered 1 to 500, about 40 “have not been seen since the year of their discovery, and must be regarded as lost.”128



      This brilliant planet – only inferior to Venus in brightness – was often seen by Bond (Jun.) with the naked eye in “high and clear sunshine”; also by Denning, who has very keen eyesight. Its brightness on such occasions is so great, that – like Venus – it casts a distinct shadow in a dark room.129

      The great “red spot” on Jupiter seems to have been originally discovered by Robert Hooke on May 9, 1664, with a telescope of 2 inches aperture and 12 feet focus. It seems to have existed ever since; at least the evidence is, according to Denning, in favour of the identity of Hooke’s spot with the red spot visible in recent years. The spot was also observed by Cassini in the years 1665-72, and is sometimes called “Cassini’s spot.” But the real discoverer was Hooke.130

      The orbit of Jupiter is so far outside the earth’s orbit that there can be little visible in the way of “phase” – as in the case of Mars, where the “gibbous” phase is sometimes very perceptible. Some books on astronomy state that Jupiter shows no phase. But this is incorrect. A distinct, although very slight, gibbous appearance is visible when the planet is near quadrature. Webb thought it more conspicuous in twilight than in a dark sky. With large telescopes, Jupiter’s satellites II. and III. have been seen – in consequence of Jupiter’s phase – to emerge from occultation “at a sensible distance from the limb.”131

      According to M. E. Rogovsky, the high “albedo of Jupiter, the appearance of the clear (red) and dark spots on its surface and their continual variation, the different velocity of rotation of the equatorial and other zones of its surface, and particularly its small density (1·33, water as unity), all these facts afford irrefragable proofs of the high temperature of this planet. The dense and opaque atmosphere hides its glowing surface from our view, and we see therefore only the external surface of its clouds. The objective existence of this atmosphere is proved by the bands and lines of absorption in its spectrum. The interesting photograph obtained by Draper, September 27, 1879, in which the blue and green parts are more brilliant for the equatorial zone than for the adjacent parts of the surface, appears to show that Jupiter emits its proper light. It is possible that the constant red spot noticed on its surface by several observers, as Gledhill, Lord Rosse, and Copeland (1873), Russel and Bredikhin (1876), is the summit of a high glowing mountain. G. W. Hough considers Jupiter to be gaseous, and A. Ritter inferred from his formulæ that in this case the temperature at the centre would be 600,000 °C.”132

      The four brighter satellites of Jupiter are usually known by numbers I., II., III., and IV.; I. being the nearest to the planet, and IV. the farthest. III. is usually the brightest, and IV. the faintest, but exceptions to this rule have been noticed.

      With reference to the recently discovered sixth and seventh satellites of Jupiter, Prof. Perrine has suggested that the large inclination of their orbits to the plane of the planet’s equator seems to indicate that neither of these bodies was originally a member of Jupiter’s family, but has been “captured by the planet.” This seems possible as the orbits of some of the minor planets lie near the orbit of Jupiter (see “Minor Planets”). A similar suggestion has been made by Prof. del Marmol.СКАЧАТЬ


Monthly Notices, R.A.S., February, 1902, p. 291.


Nature, May 24, 1894.


Ibid., February 14, 1895.


Ibid., September 14, 1905.


Ibid., September 21, 1905.


Ibid., September 28, 1905.


Ibid., July 13, 1905.


Nature, November 3, 1898.


Ibid., July 14, 1881, p. 235.


Quoted in The Observatory, February, 1896, p. 104, from Ast. Nach., No. 3319.


Monthly Notices, R.A.S., February, 1909.


Celestial Objects, vol. i. p. 163.


Nature, December 29, 1898.


Celestial Objects, vol. i. p. 166.


Astrophysical Journal, vol. 14 (1901), pp. 248-9.