Settling Day. Gould Nat
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Название: Settling Day

Автор: Gould Nat

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ then gave Rodney Shaw an account of what had happened.

      'It is very strange,' was his comment. 'I wonder how the horse got into your paddocks. My man says it was stolen.'

      'I am as ignorant as yourself,' replied Jim, 'how the horse came there. If he is your horse, you can have him back by sending for him.'

      Jim Dennis did not like the tone in which Rodney Shaw spoke; it seemed to imply a doubt about his story.

      'Of course I will send for him. One of my men shall return with you.'

      'I think you had better send two,' replied Jim, smiling.

      'Is the horse as dangerous as that?'

      'He was, but Doonan and myself tamed him down. Still, I think it would be safer to have two men.'

      'Will you bring him over?'

      'If you wish it,' said Jim, 'but I had rather your own men did it. He might get lost on the way again.' This with a glance at the sergeant.

      'Perhaps it would be better to send your own men,' said that worthy guardian of law and order.

      Jim Dennis rose to go. He had not received a hospitable reception, and he was not a man to remain where he saw he was not wanted.

      'I hope I shall see you again soon,' said Rodney Shaw, who seemed suddenly to think he had been too frigid.

      'You may if I am riding this way,' was the quiet answer.

      Although Rodney Shaw was wealthy, Jim Dennis considered himself his equal as a man, and so he was.



      Dennis waited a short time to see if Rodney Shaw's men would return with him to Wanabeen, and as they did not appear he took his departure.

      As he rode back he thought of the strange change that had taken place in Rodney Shaw.

      'I suppose living in England has done it,' thought Jim; 'but I had no idea it would make such an alteration in a man. He looks so much older, and speaks differently. There's something about him I can't make out. He has such a shifty look, and might have done some great wrong, he has that half-frightened glance as though he feared detection. It is quite evident he does not mean us to be on our old footing. That will not trouble me, I'm as good as he any day. Strange how a few years can alter a man. He never was a friendly fellow, but he seems a regular bear now.'

      'If he prefers such men as Machinson, he's welcome to him. I'll get even with the sergeant one of these days. They say he is none too straight, and is not above accepting a tip now and again. If he lets me alone I'll let him alone, but I'm hanged if he shall meddle in my affairs without any cause. Doonan ought to be in his place, he's a man anyway.'

      The rain was still coming down, but it did not interfere with Jim's meditations. He wished it would keep on for a fortnight, but there were already signs of a break in the sky.

      The reins hung loosely on the mare's neck, for he knew he could trust her not to stumble over any of the numerous rabbit holes, and she would make straight for Wanabeen.

      In due course he arrived home.

      'Two men have been here,' said Sal.

      'What did they come for? Who were they?'

      'I have not seen them before, but they said they had come for the horse they had lost a few days ago, and that had been seen on your run,' said Sal.

      Jim stared; he could hardly believe what she said. Then it dawned upon him that the men who had stolen Mr Shaw's horse must have lost him again and tracked him on to Wanabeen; they were clever at such work, and only one set of men could do it, Abe Dalton's gang.

      'Did they take it away?'

      'Yes, and it went quietly enough,' said Sal. 'I think you took it all out of him.'

      Jim smiled. He thought it very probable such was the case.

      'How long have they been gone?'

      'A couple of hours, or more.'

      'I must go after them,' said Jim.

      'Be careful, dad,' said Willie; 'they may belong to Dalton's gang.'

      'I have something here that will settle half-a-dozen of Dalton's men,' he said, as he took a six-chambered revolver out of a cupboard and loaded it, putting more cartridges in his pouch. It was an old-fashioned weapon, or would be considered so now, but it was apt to be dangerous when handled by Jim Dennis. He kissed the boy and went out, saying he would return as speedily as possible.

      'Poor old dad, he's always in trouble over something,' said Willie. 'I wonder why it is, when he is so good to you, and me, and everybody.'

      'There's men about here as hate him 'cause he's honest,' said Sal; 'but don't you be feared for him, Willie, he's a good man and he'll come to no harm.'

      'I wish I were a man,' said the lad. 'You'd see what I'd do.'

      'What would you do?' she asked, smiling.

      'Stick up for him. Back Dr Tom up when he stuck up for him, and Fred Doonan too. They're fond of dad, aren't they, Sal?'

      'Yes, very fond of him.'

      'And Fred Doonan's fond of someone else here,' said the lad.

      'You, Willie? He's very fond of you,' she said.

      'And he's fond of you, Sal. He said you are a real good sort, a regular white woman, even if you had dark blood in you. Oh, yes, he's fond of you, Sal.'

      The half-caste's eyes gleamed with pleasurable pride, and her whole face changed. She was a comely woman, a very comely woman, with a heart and nature that would love fiercely, half savagely, if such a sentiment were roused within her.

      'He said that about me?' she asked in a low voice. She could hardly believe it, so few, very few men had been kind to her, and none of her own sex. The black gins had hated her because of their ugliness and her good looks – they were not so very unlike their white sisters after all. Even in this almost deserted land there was love and hate, sorrow and joy, comedy and tragedy.

      'Yes, he said that and more.'

      'More! More, Willie?'

      'He said you were like a mother to me, and you have been, Sal. I never had a real mother that I knew of; dad says she died when I was a baby.'

      The woman stroked the child's hair and said, —

      'I will always be your mother. I love you, and your father has been kinder to me than any man in the world.'

      'Good-bye,' shouted Jim, and they sent him an answering cry.

      'Two hours' start or more. Which way must I go?' thought Jim. 'If it is Dalton's men who have taken him, I know their ropes as well as they do themselves. They'll make for Barker's Creek. I'll chance it.'

      Barker's Creek was a small hamlet consisting of half-a-dozen shanties, all occupied by the members of the gang of which Abe Dalton was the head. They were a lawless, licentious lot, СКАЧАТЬ