Nests and Eggs of Birds of The United States. Gentry Thomas George
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СКАЧАТЬ to five; and the height, from two and a half to three.

      The specimen which we have figured, and which may be regarded as typical in its character, was obtained in the vicinity of Bridgeton, N. J., in the summer of 1878, and was neatly erected upon the horizontal branch of an oak, and held in position by two nearly vertical branches of the same tree. It was placed at a height of nearly twenty feet above the ground, and consists almost exclusively of fibres of the long greenish-yellow lichens which constitute so conspicuous a feature of the trees of that locality, in their sylvan retreats. Externally, besides a few fine rootlets, there is noticeable much white wrapping-string, which relieves, in a great degree, the monotony of the fabric. Internally, there is the same green moss-like lichen. The cavity is beautifully symmetrical, and measures about three inches in width, and nearly two inches in depth. The external diameter is five inches, and the height, two inches. The nest is most elaborately finished, and is evidently the workmanship of superior mechanics. The Plate represents it three-fourths the natural size, placed upon an apple branch.

      Among other fabrics which the writer possesses, is one which was obtained in June, 1871, in Germantown, Pa., saddled upon the horizontal branch of an apple-tree. It is rather firmly and compactly built, and is composed, exteriorly, of stems of the common timothy, fine rootlets, dried leaves of the mullein, and green leaves of the apple, which are held together by broad strips of colored rags, bits of lint, and divers strings, the latter constituting a prominent feature. Interiorly, there is a promiscuous lining of flower-bearing stems, fragments of strings, fine roots of grasses, fibres of linen, and tendrils of some species of cucurbitaceous plant. The nest is about four and a half inches in external diameter, and nearly three in height. The cavity is three inches wide, and two and a half inches deep in the middle.

      This last model of architecture, as already remarked, was placed upon the limb of an apple-tree, near its extremity, and barely at a distance of fifteen paces from an occupied dwelling. The rags, etc., which form such a prominent feature of the outside, were purposely furnished by an inmate of the house. When first proffered, it was thought that the birds would be slow to perceive the use to which they could be put, but not so, for they entered into the idea with the most praiseworthy alacrity. And even after the materials were no longer supplied, they would repeatedly fly to the bush upon which they had been laid, as though soliciting a continuance of such favors.

      The birds having constructed their home, the female commences on the day following its completion to deposit her complement of eggs. The time thus spent varies from four to six days, and depends upon the number which is to constitute a setting. Oviposition being accomplished, incubation follows, sometimes immediately on the deposit of the last egg, but, not generally, until the succeeding day. This is the exclusive task of the female for nearly fourteen consecutive days. Although the male does not assist in the labor, yet he shows himself to be a very kind and attentive husband, by providing food for his partner, and keeping a vigilant lookout for approaching enemies. This he signals by a low single note, which the female quickly acknowledges, and instantly the two timid creatures beat a hasty retreat to an adjoining tree or shrub beyond the reach of peril, where they become passive spectators of the demolishment of their home, with all its precious burden.

      The eggs, which are from four to six in number, resemble those of the Waxwing, but differ in size, being somewhat smaller. Their groundcolor passes from a light slate to a dark stone-color. The markings are chiefly blotches of dark purplish-brown, lighter shades of the same color, and peuumbræ of light purple, either by themselves, or surrounding the darker spots. In form, they are either oblong-oval, or nearly spherical; and in length, they vary from .80 to .90 of an inch, and in breadth, from .50 to .70 of an inch.

      Plate II. – CONTOPUS VIRENS, Cabanis. – Wood Pewee

      The Wood Pewee, like most of its congeners, has a somewhat extended habitat, ranging from the Atlantic westward to the Plains, and from Texas to New Brunswick. It visits the United States about the 15th of April, and from this time until its departure for Guatemala in October, it is principally an occupant of high-wooded regions with a scanty growth of underbrush, and timbered river-bottoms.

      But as the season advances, and the amatory feelings become awakened, these shady retreats are deserted by a few individuals of more venturesome disposition, and a temporary abiding-place is sought for amid the stirring scenes of active farm-life. This generally occurs during the last of May or the beginning of June, and is the prelude to the more important act of mating, which follows.

      The assumption of matrimonial relations, however, is not a matter that is entered into without more or less consideration. Occasionally, much time is spent in its preparation. This is presumably the case when a young female is courted by some venerable male. But when an apparently experienced individual is the object of his devotion, the state of things is different. His advances are then either encouraged and reciprocated, or they are declined, and the disappointed suitor compelled to seek a partner elsewhere. It is probable, moreover, that the same birds pair together on each return of the breeding-season, unless prevented by death, or some other of the numerous vicissitudes of life.

      The ceremony of mating being over – which business is ordinarily of short continuance, seldom lasting for a greater period than two days – the newly-wedded pair now set out to discover a suitable place for the building of a home. This is a matter of considerable moment, often requiring the performance of long and extended tours of observation and exploration. These reconnoissances generally last for a week, but eventually result in the choice of a locality well adapted, as far as the essential conditions of shelter and security are concerned, to become the depository of a nest. The site generally chosen for this important purpose is a tall open woods with a preponderance of ash or oak trees; but where a time-honored orchard is the recipient of this favor, which is sometimes the case, the apple, 011 account of the many advantages which it possesses, is preferred above all other fruit-trees.

      The site being mutually agreed upon, the happy pair proceed with all possible dispatch and diligence to construct a domicile: the male to collect and bring in the necessary materials; the female, to fix them in their proper places, and also to give shape and symmetry to the structure. The time devoted to this work varies with the industry of the builders, the style of the nest, and the character of the neighborhood. But, where the birds are laboring under the most favorable circumstances, the task is easily accomplished in five days.

      This admirable piece of bird-architecture, which rivals in beauty and symmetry the nest of our little Ruby-throated Humming-bird, is either saddled upon a living or dead limb that is horizontal and lichen-clad, or else upon the crotch of a bifurcated branch, and is placed above the ground at elevations varying from five to thirty feet. According to Nutt all, "the body of the fabric" occasionally consists of "wiry grass or root fibres;" but we have yet to meet with a nest with "small branching lichens held together with cobwebs and caterpillars' silk, moistened with saliva," as that author remarks. In a structure before us, which is typical in its character, small strips of inner bark plucked from trees of chestnut and oak, bits of tow, and fragments of wool, circularly arranged and compactly pi-essed together, are the prevailing constituents. Externally, it is closely invested with the bluish-gray crustaceous lichens which are so plentiful upon the trunks of certain trees, and also upon fence-rails. In diameter, it measures three and a half inches; in height, one and a half inches. The width of the cavity is about two inches; the depth in the centre, three-fourths of an inch.

      The most beautiful fabric, as well as the most compactly built, which we have seen, was obtained in the spring of 1870, not far from Germantown, Pa. It was placed upon a horizontal branch of an apple-tree, in close proximity to a farm-house. Externally, it is thickly covered with bluish-gray crustaceous lichens, which are held in place by a few cobwebs, and fragments of the silk of caterpillars. The base consists of dried stems of grasses, and on these is reared a neat and cosy superstructure composed of the inner fibres of the wild and cultivated species of the vine, and a slight sprinkling of wool. These materials are variously interwoven, and arranged around the margin so as to form a cavity. The dimensions of this nest are as СКАЧАТЬ