Wild Margaret. Garvice Charles
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Название: Wild Margaret

Автор: Garvice Charles

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ prevent it!"

      He stood looking at her without an atom of expression on his clean-cut face, which might have been a marble mask.

      "I understand," he said, after the pause. "At any cost? You will not upbraid, reproach me in the future, whatever may happen?"

      "No. I shall not! At any cost!" she repeated, meeting his cold glance.

      He stood regarding the wall above her head for a moment, then, without a word, went out and left her.

      Slowly, impassively, he paced down the stairs, his eyes fixed on the open doorway and the street beyond, but reaching the hall, which happened to be empty, he paused, and with his foot on the doorstep, he turned round and smiled.

      It was a peculiar smile and difficult to analyze, but supposing a man had caught a wild animal in a trap and had left it hard and fast, to be killed at his leisure, that man might smile as Austin Ambrose smiled as he looked round the hall of Violet Graham's house in Park Lane.


      Margaret had never been in love. If any one had asked her why not, she would have said that she was too busy, and hadn't time. Young men had admired her, and some few, the artists whom she met now and again, had fallen in love with her, but no one had ever spoken of the great mystery to her, for there was something about Margaret, with all her wildness, an indescribable maiden dignity which kept men silent.

      Lord Blair had been the first to speak to her in tones hinting at passion, and it is little wonder that his words clung to her, and utterly refused to be dismissed from her mind, though she tried hard and honestly to forget them; even endeavored to laugh at them, as the wild words of a wild young man, who would probably forget that he had ever spoken them, and forget her, too, an hour or two after he had got to London.

      But she could not. She said not a word of what had occurred to old Mrs. Hale, for she felt that she could not have borne the flow of talk, and comment, and rebuke which the old lady would pour out. It would have been better if she had spoken and told her all; a thing divided becomes halved, a thing dwelt upon grows and gets magnified.

      Margaret brooded over the wild words Lord Blair had said until every sentence was engraved on her mind; even the expression of his face as he stood before her, defiant as a Greek god, got impressed upon her memory so that she could call it up whenever she pleased, and, indeed, it rose before her when she did not even wish it.

      "This is absurd and – and nonsensical!" she exclaimed on the second day after his departure, when she suddenly awoke to the fact that she had been sitting, brush in hand, staring before her and recalling Lord Blair's handsome, dare-devil eyes, as they had looked into hers. "I am behaving like a foolish, sentimental idiot!" she told herself, dabbing some color on her canvas with angry self-reproach. "What on earth can it matter to me what such a person as Viscount Leyton said to me? I shall never see him again, and he has probably forgotten, by this time, that such a person as myself exists! I am an idiot not to be able to forget him as easily. He behaved like a savage to the very last, and I would not speak to him again if – if we were cast alone on a desert island!"

      She sprung to her feet with an exclamation of annoyance, and began bundling her painting materials together, and was in the midst of clearing up, when she heard a step behind her, and saw the earl.

      It was near the dinner hour, and he was in evening dress, for, though he dined alone, he always assumed the regulation attire; and Margaret, as she looked at him, could not help noticing the vague likeness between him and Lord Blair.

      "Do I disturb you?" he said, in his low, grave voice, and he paused with the knightly courtesy for which he was famous.

      "No, my lord. I have just finished for to-day," said Margaret, rather shyly, for she felt his greatness, which spoke in the tone of his voice, and proclaimed itself even in his gait, and the way he held himself.

      With a slight inclination of his head he came and stood before the canvas.

      A slight expression of surprise came over his face.

      "You have made an excellent copy," he said. "I think you are capable of higher work – original work."

      Margaret's face flushed with pleasure, but she said nothing. It was not for so humble an individual as herself to bandy compliments with so great a personage as the Earl of Ferrers.

      "You have worked hard," he said, looking at her; "not too hard, I hope."

      Now Margaret had grown rather pale during these last two days. It had been one of the results of Lord Blair's passionate words. She did not sleep much at night, and what with this and dwelling upon the scene that had passed between them, the roses which Mrs. Hale wished to see had vanished from her face.

      "You are looking tired and pale," said the earl, in a gravely kind fashion.

      "I am quite well, my lord," she said, standing with lowered lids under the piercing gaze of the dark-gray eyes.

      "Yes, it is a very good copy," he said, returning to the picture. "I should have paid you a visit before; I have not lost my interest in art, but I have been engaged and indisposed. I have had my nephew with me," he continued, more to himself than to her – "Lord Leyton." He sighed. "You may not have seen him?"

      "I have seen him, my lord," said Margaret, and for the life of her she could not help the tell-tale flush rising to her face.

      His eyes rested on hers, and seemed to sink to the innermost depths of her soul.

      "Have you spoken to him?" he asked, not angrily, but in the tones a judge might use.

      Margaret's face grew pale again.

      "I have spoken to him, my lord," she said.

      The earl's face grew stern and he stood perfectly motionless, with his eyes fixed on her face.

      "I am sorry for that."

      "Sorry, my lord?" faltered Margaret.

      "I am sorry," he repeated. "My nephew, Lord Leyton, is a wicked and unprincipled young man. He is not fit – "

      "Oh, my lord!" said Margaret, all her womanly chivalry rising on behalf of the absent.

      The earl looked at her, his eyes dark and severe.

      "He is not fit to hold converse with such as you." Then the look of grief and surprise seemed to recall him to himself. "No matter. He has gone. It is not likely that you will see him again – "

      "No, my lord," assented Margaret, with simple dignity.

      "Let us say no more about him. He has nearly broken my heart; he is the one thorn in my side," he went on, notwithstanding that he had said no more should be spoken of the wicked young man. "He is a spendthrift and a gambler, and – " he stopped, suddenly. "If your work is done, permit me to walk with you on the terrace; the air is cool and inviting."

      "I have finished for to-day, my lord," she said.

      He went to the window and opened it wide for her, and held it open until she had passed out.

      It was only to Lord Blair that he was rough and fierce.

      "It is a lovely evening," he said, looking out upon the far-stretching lawns.

      Margaret stood beside him in silence.

      "What СКАЧАТЬ