Jack Hinton: The Guardsman. Lever Charles James
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Название: Jack Hinton: The Guardsman

Автор: Lever Charles James

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ read, and, as your trunks were addressed to the Castle, they concluded you ought to go there also. You have despatches, haven’t you?”

      “Yes,” said I, producing the packet; “when must they be delivered?”

      “Oh, at once. Do you think you could make a little change in your dress, and manage to come over? his Grace always likes it better; there’s no stiffness, no formality whatever; most of the dinner-party have gone home; there are only a few of the government people, the Duke’s friends, remaining, and, besides, he’s always kind and good-natured.”

      “I’ll see what I can do,” replied I, as I rose from the sofa; “I put myself into your hands altogether.”

      “Well, come along,” said he; “you’ll find everything ready in this room. I hope that old villain has left hot water. Corny! Corny, I say! Confound him, he’s gone to bed, I suppose.”

      Having no particular desire for Mr. Delany’s attentions, I prevailed on his master not to disturb him, and proceeded to make my toilette as well as I was able.

      “Didn’t that stupid scoundrel come near you at all?” cried O’Grady.

      “Oh yes, we have had a long interview; but, somehow, I fear I did not succeed in gaining his good graces.”

      “The worst-tempered old villain in Europe.”

      “Somewhat of a character, I take it.”

      “A crab-tree planted in a lime-kiln, cranky and cross-grained; but he is a legacy, almost the only one my father left me. I’ve done my best to part with him every day for the last twelve years, but he sticks to me like a poor relation, giving me warning every night of his life, and every morning kicking up such a row in the house that every one is persuaded I am beating him to a jelly before turning him out to starve in the streets.”

      “Oh, the haythins! the Turks!” said I, slyly.

      “Confound it!” cried he, “the old devil has been opening upon you already; and Jet, with all that, I don’t know how I should get on without Corny; his gibes, his jeers, his everlasting ill-temper, his crankiness that never sleeps, seem to agree with me: the fact is, one enjoys the world from all its contrasts. The olive is a poor thing in itself, but it certainly improves the smack of your Burgundy. In this way Corny Delany does me good service. Come, by Jove, you have not been long dressing. This way: now follow’ me.” So saying, Captain O’Grady led the way down the stairs to the colonnade, following which to the opposite side of the quadrangle we arrived at a brilliantly lighted hall, where several servants in full-dress liveries were in waiting. Passing hastily through this, we mounted a handsome staircase, and, traversing several ante-chambers, at length arrived at one whose contiguity to the dinner-room I could guess at from the loud sound of many voices. “Wait one moment here,” said my companion, “until I speak to his Grace.” He disappeared as he spoke, but before a minute had elapsed he was again beside me. “Come this way; it’s all right,” said he. The next moment I found myself in the dinner-room.

      The scene before me was altogether so different from what I had expected, that for a moment or two I could scarce do aught else than stand still to survey it. At a table which had been laid for about forty persons, scarcely more than a dozen were now present. Collected together at one end of the board, the whole party were roaring with laughter at some story of a strange, melancholy-looking man, whose whining voice added indescribable ridicule to the drollery of his narrative. Grey-headed general officers, grave-looking divines, lynx-eyed lawyers, had all given way under the irresistible impulse, and the very table shook with laughter.

      “Mr. Hinton, your Excellency,” said O’Grady for the third time, while the Duke wiped his eye with his napkin, and, pushing his chair a little back from the table, motioned me to approach.

      “Ah, Hinton, glad to see you; how is your father? – a very old friend of mine, indeed; and Lady Charlotte – well, I hope? O’Grady tells me you’ve had an accident – something slight, I trust. So these are the despatches.” Here he broke the seal of the envelope, and ran his eye over the contents. “There, that’s your concern.” So saying, he pitched a letter across the table to a shrewd-looking personage in a horse-shoe wig. “They won’t do it, Dean, and we must wait. Ah! – so they don’t like my new commissioners; but, Hinton, my boy, sit down. O’Grady, have you room there? A glass of wine with you.”

      “Nothing the worse of your mishap, sir?” said the melancholy-looking man who sat opposite to me.

      I replied by briefly relating my accident.

      “Strange enough,” said he, in a compassionate tone, “your head should have suffered; your countrymen generally fall upon their legs in Ireland.” This was said with a sly look at the Viceroy, who, deep in his despatches, paid no attention to the allusion.

      “A very singular thing, I must confess,” said the Duke, laying down the paper. “This is the fourth time the bearer of despatches has met with an accident. If they don’t run foul of a rock in the Channel, they are sure to have a delay on the pier.”

      “It is so natural, my Lord,” said the gloomy man, “that the carriers should stop at the Pigeon-house.”

      “Do be quiet, Curran,” cried the Duke, “and pass round the decanter. They’ll not take the duty off claret, it seems.”

      “And Day, my Lord, won’t put the claret on duty; he has kept the wine at his elbow for the last half-hour. Upon my soul, your Grace ought to knight him.”

      “Not even his Excellency’s habits,” said a sharp, clever-looking man, “would excuse his converting Day into Knight.”

      Amid a shower of smart, caustic, and witty sayings, droll stories, retort and repartee, the wine circulated freely from hand to hand; the presence of the Duke adding fresh impulse to the sallies of fun and merriment around him. Anecdotes of the army, the bench, and the bar, poured in unceasingly, accompanied by running commentaries of the hearers, who never let slip an opportunity for a jest or a rejoinder. To me, the most singular feature of all this was, that no one seemed too old or too dignified, too high in station, or too venerable from office, to join in this headlong current of conviviality. Austere churchmen, erudite chief-justices, profound politicians, privy councillors, military officers of high rank and standing, were here all mixed up together into one strange medley, apparently bent on throwing an air of ridicule over the graver business of life, and laughing alike at themselves and the world. Nothing was too grave for a jest, nothing too solemn for a sarcasm. All the soldier’s experience of men and manners, all the lawyer’s acuteness of perception and readiness of wit, all the politician’s practised tact and habitual subtlety, were brought to bear upon the common topics of the day with such promptitude, and such power, that one knew not whether to be more struck by the mass of information they possessed, or by that strange fatality which could make men, so great and so gifted, satisfied to jest where they might be called on to judge.

      Play and politics, wine and women, debts and duels, were discussed, not only with an absence of all restraint, but with a deep knowledge of the world and a profound insight into the heart, which often imparted to the careless and random speech the sharpness of the most cutting sarcasm. Personalities, too, were rife; no one spared his neighbour, for he did not expect mercy for himself; and the luckless wight who tripped in his narrative, or stumbled in his story, was assailed on every side, until some happy expedient of his own, or some new victim being discovered, the attack would take another direction, and leave him once more at liberty. I feel how sadly inadequate I am to render even the faintest testimony to the talents of those, any one of whom, in after life, would have been considered to have made the fortune of a dinner-party, and who now were met together, not in the careless СКАЧАТЬ