The Knight Of Gwynne, Vol. 1. Lever Charles James
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Название: The Knight Of Gwynne, Vol. 1

Автор: Lever Charles James

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ to that, sir!” replied Forester, sternly; “but if you would like to hear the opinion my fellow-countrymen would have of yourself, I could perhaps favor you.”

      “Stop, stop! where are you hurrying to? No more of this nonsense,” cried the host, who had suddenly caught the last few words, while conversing with a person on his left.

      “I beg your pardon most humbly, sir,” said MacDonough, whose faced was flushed with passion, and whose lip trembled, notwithstanding all his efforts to seem calm and collected, “but the gentleman was about to communicate a trait of English society. I know you misunderstood him.”

      “Perhaps so,” said the host; “what was it, Captain Forester? I believe I did not hear you quite accurately.”

      “A very simple fact, sir,” said Forester, coolly, “and one that can scarcely astonish Mr. MacDonough to hear.”

      “And which is – ?” said MacDonough, affecting a bland smile.

      “Perhaps you ‘d ask for a definition, if I employ a single word.”

      “Not this time,” said MacDonough, still smiling in the same way.

      “You are right, sir, it would be affectation to do so; for though you may feel very natural doubts about what constitutes a gentleman, you ought to be pretty sure what makes a blackguard.”

      The words seemed to fall like a shell in the company; one burst of tumultuous uproar broke forth, voices in every tone and accent of eagerness and excitement, when suddenly the host cried out, “Lock the doors; no man leaves the room till this matter is settled; there shall be no quarrelling beneath this roof so long as Bagenal Daly sits here for his friend.”

      The caution came too late – MacDonough was gone.


      The unhappy event which so suddenly interrupted the conviviality of the party scarcely made a more than momentary impression. Altercations which ended most seriously were neither rare nor remarkable at the dinner-tables of the country gentlemen, and if the present instance caused an unusual interest, it was only because one of the parties was an Englishman.

      As for Forester himself, his first burst of anger over, he forgot all in his astonishment that the host was not “the Knight” himself, but only his representative and friend, Bagenal Daly.

      “Come, Captain Forester,” said he, “I owe you an amende for the mystification I have practised upon you. You shall have it. Your travelling acquaintance at Kilbeggan was the ‘Knight of Gwynne;’ and the few lines he sent through your hands contained an earnest desire that your stay here might be sufficiently prolonged to admit of his meeting you at his return.”

      “I shall be extremely sorry,” said Forester, in a low voice, “if anything that has occurred to-night shall deprive me of that pleasure.”

      “No, no – nothing of the kind,” said Daly, with a significant nod of his head. “Leave that to me.” Then, raising his voice, he added: “What do you say to that claret, Conolly?”

      “I agree with you,” replied a rosy-cheeked old squire in a hunting-dress, “it ‘s too old, – there’s little spirit left in it.”

      “Quite true, Tom. Wine has its dotage, like the rest of us. All that the best can do is to keep longest; and, after all, we scarcely can complain of the vintage that has a taste of its once flavor at our age. It’s a long time since we were schoolfellows.”

      “It is not an hour less than – ”

      “Stop, Tom, – no more of that. Of all scores to go back upon, that of years past is the saddest.”

      “By Jove! I don’t think so,” said the hearty old squire, as he tossed off a bumper. “I never remember riding better than I did to-day. Ask Beecham O’Reilly there which of us was first over the double ditch at the red barn.”

      “You forget, sir,” said the young gentleman referred to, “that I was on an English-bred mare, and she doesn’t understand these fences.”

      “Faith, she wasn’t worse off, in that respect, than the man on her back,” said old Conolly, with a hearty chuckle. “If to look before you leap be wisdom, you ought to be the shrewdest fellow in the country.”

      “Beecham, I believe, keeps a good place in Northamptonshire,” said his father, half proudly.

      “Another argument in favor of the Union, I suppose,” whispered a guest in Conolly’s ear.

      “Well, well,” sighed the old squire, “when I was a young man, we ‘d have thought of bringing over a dromedary from Asia as soon as an English horse to cross the country with.”

      “Dick French was the only one I ever heard of backing a dromedary,” said a fat old farmer-like man, from the end of the table.

      “How was that, Martin?” said Daly, with a look that showed he either knew the story or anticipated something good.

      “And by all accounts, it ‘s the devil to ride,” resumed the old fellow; “now it’s the head down and the loins up, and then a roll to one side, and then to the other, and a twist in the small of your back, as if it were coming in two. Oh, by the good day! Dick gave me as bad as a stitch in the side just telling me about it.”

      “But where did he get his experience, Martin? I never heard of it before,” said Daly.

      “He was a fortnight in Egypt, sir,” said the old farmer. “He was in a frigate, or a man-of-war of one kind or another, off – the devil a one o’ me knows well where it was, but there was a consul there, a son of one of his father’s tenants – indeed, ould French got him the place from the Government – and when he found out that Dick was on board the ship, what does he do but writes him an invitation to pass a week or ten days with him at his house, and that he ‘d show him some sport. ‘We ‘ve elegant hunting,’ says he; ‘not foxes or hares, but a big bird, bigger nor a goose, they call – ‘By my conscience, I ‘ll forget my own name next, for I heard Dick tell the story at least twenty times.”

      “Was it an ostrich?” said Tom.

      “No; nor an oyster either, Mr. Conolly,” said the old fellow, who thought the question was meant to quiz him.

      “‘T was an ibis, Martin,” cried Daly, – “an ibis.”

      “The devil a doubt of it, – that’s the name. A crayture with legs as long as Mr. Beecham O’Reilly’s, and a way of going – half-flying, half-walking – almost impossible to catch; and they hunt him on dromedaries. Dick liked the notion well, and as he was a favorite on board, he got lave for three days to go on shore and have his fun; though the captain said, at parting, ‘It’s not many dromedaries you’ll see, Dick, for the Pasha has them all up the country at this time.’ This was true enough; sorra a bit of a camel or dromedary could be seen for miles round. But however it was, the consul kept his word, and had one for Dick the next morning, – a great strapping baste, all covered with trappings of one kind or other; elegant shawls and little hearthrugs all over him.

      “The others were mounted on mules or asses, any way they could, and away they went to look after the goose – the ‘ibis,’ I mean. Well, to be short with it, they came up with one on the bank of the river, and soon gave chase; he was a fine strong fellow, and well able to run. I wish you heard Dick tell this part of it; СКАЧАТЬ