The Pink Fairy Book. Lang Andrew
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Название: The Pink Fairy Book

Автор: Lang Andrew

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ heard from my tame sweetheart that he was merry and quick-witted; he had not come to woo, he said, but to listen to the princess’s wisdom. And the end of it was that they fell in love with each other.’

      ‘Oh, yes; that was Kay!’ said Gerda. ‘He was so clever; he could do sums with fractions. Oh, do lead me to the palace!’

      ‘That’s easily said!’ answered the crow, ‘but how are we to manage that? I must talk it over with my tame sweetheart. She may be able to advise us, for I must tell you that a little girl like you could never get permission to enter it.’

      ‘Yes, I will get it!’ said Gerda. ‘When Kay hears that I am there he will come out at once and fetch me!’

      ‘Wait for me by the railings,’ said the crow, and he nodded his head and flew away.

      It was late in the evening when he came back.

      ‘Caw, caw!’ he said, ‘I am to give you her love, and here is a little roll for you. She took it out of the kitchen; there’s plenty there, and you must be hungry. You cannot come into the palace. The guards in silver and the footmen in gold would not allow it. But don’t cry! You shall get in all right. My sweetheart knows a little back-stairs which leads to the sleeping-room, and she knows where to find the key.’

      They went into the garden, and when the lights in the palace were put out one after the other, the crow led Gerda to a back-door.

      Oh, how Gerda’s heart beat with anxiety and longing! It seemed as if she were going to do something wrong, but she only wanted to know if it were little Kay. Yes, it must be he! She remembered so well his clever eyes, his curly hair. She could see him smiling as he did when they were at home under the rose trees! He would be so pleased to see her, and to hear how they all were at home.

      Now they were on the stairs; a little lamp was burning, and on the landing stood the tame crow. She put her head on one side and looked at Gerda, who bowed as her grandmother had taught her.

      ‘My betrothed has told me many nice things about you, my dear young lady,’ she said. ‘Will you take the lamp while I go in front? We go this way so as to meet no one.’

      Through beautiful rooms they came to the sleeping-room. In the middle of it, hung on a thick rod of gold, were two beds, shaped like lilies, one all white, in which lay the princess, and the other red, in which Gerda hoped to find Kay. She pushed aside the curtain, and saw a brown neck. Oh, it was Kay! She called his name out loud, holding the lamp towards him.

      He woke up, turned his head and – it was not Kay!

      It was only his neck that was like Kay’s, but he was young and handsome. The princess sat up in her lily-bed and asked who was there.

      Then Gerda cried, and told her story and all that the crows had done.

      ‘You poor child!’ said the prince and princess, and they praised the crows, and said that they were not angry with them, but that they must not do it again. Now they should have a reward.

      ‘Would you like to fly away free?’ said the princess, ‘or will you have a permanent place as court crows with what you can get in the kitchen?’

      And both crows bowed and asked for a permanent appointment, for they thought of their old age.

      And they put Gerda to bed, and she folded her hands, thinking, as she fell asleep, ‘How good people and animals are to me!’

      The next day she was dressed from head to foot in silk and satin. They wanted her to stay on in the palace, but she begged for a little carriage and a horse, and a pair of shoes so that she might go out again into the world to look for Kay.

      They gave her a muff as well as some shoes; she was warmly dressed, and when she was ready, there in front of the door stood a coach of pure gold, with a coachman, footmen and postilions with gold crowns on.

      The prince and princess helped her into the carriage and wished her good luck.

      The wild crow who was now married drove with her for the first three miles; the other crow could not come because she had a bad headache.

      ‘Good-bye, good-bye!’ called the prince and princess; and little Gerda cried, and the crow cried.

      When he said good-bye, he flew on to a tree and waved with his black wings as long as the carriage, which shone like the sun, was in sight.

      They came at last to a dark wood, but the coach lit it up like a torch. When the robbers saw it, they rushed out, exclaiming, ‘Gold! gold!’

      They seized the horses, killed the coachman, footmen and postilions, and dragged Gerda out of the carriage.

      ‘She is plump and tender! I will eat her!’ said the old robber-queen, and she drew her long knife, which glittered horribly.

      ‘You shall not kill her!’ cried her little daughter. ‘She shall play with me. She shall give me her muff and her beautiful dress, and she shall sleep in my bed.’

      The little robber-girl was as big as Gerda, but was stronger, broader, with dark hair and black eyes. She threw her arms round Gerda and said, ‘They shall not kill you, so long as you are not naughty. Aren’t you a princess?’

      ‘No,’ said Gerda, and she told all that had happened to her, and how dearly she loved little Kay.

      The robber-girl looked at her very seriously, and nodded her head, saying, ‘They shall not kill you, even if you are naughty, for then I will kill you myself!’

      And she dried Gerda’s eyes, and stuck both her hands in the beautiful warm muff.

      The little robber-girl took Gerda to a corner of the robbers’ camp where she slept.

      All round were more than a hundred wood-pigeons which seemed to be asleep, but they moved a little when the two girls came up.

      There was also, near by, a reindeer which the robber-girl teased by tickling it with her long sharp knife.

      Gerda lay awake for some time.

      ‘Coo, coo!’ said the wood-pigeons. ‘We have seen little Kay. A white bird carried his sledge; he was sitting in the Snow-queen’s carriage which drove over the forest when our little ones were in the nest. She breathed on them, and all except we two died. Coo, coo!’

      ‘What are you saying over there?’ cried Gerda. ‘Where was the Snow-queen going to? Do you know at all?’

      ‘She was probably travelling to Lapland, where there is always ice and snow. Ask the reindeer.’

      ‘There is capital ice and snow there!’ said the reindeer. ‘One can jump about there in the great sparkling valleys. There the Snow-queen has her summer palace, but her best palace is up by the North Pole, on the island called Spitzbergen.’

      ‘O Kay, my little Kay!’ sobbed Gerda.

      ‘You must lie still,’ said the little robber-girl, ‘or else I shall stick my knife into you!’

      In the morning Gerda told her all that the wood-pigeons had said. She nodded. ‘Do you know where Lapland is?’ she asked the reindeer.

      ‘Who should know better than I?’ said the beast, and his eyes sparkled. ‘I was born and bred СКАЧАТЬ