The Grey Fairy Book. Lang Andrew
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Название: The Grey Fairy Book

Автор: Lang Andrew

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика





      And when he had swallowed the powder the ogre stretched himself out and went to sleep.

      In a little while the man’s flesh, which the maiden was cooking for the ogre’s supper, called out and said:

           ‘Hist! Hist!

           A man lies in the kist!’

      And the lamb’s flesh answered:

           ‘He is your brother,

           And cousin of the other.’

      The ogre moved sleepily, and asked, ‘What did the meat say, Dschemila?’

      ‘Only that I must be sure to add salt.’

      ‘Well, add salt.’

      ‘Yes, I have done so,’ said she.

      The ogre was soon sound asleep again, when the man’s flesh called out a second time:

           ‘Hist! Hist!

           A man lies in the kist!’

      And the lamb’s flesh answered:

           ‘He is your brother,

           And cousin of the other.’

      ‘What did it say, Dschemila?’ asked the ogre.

      ‘Only that I must add pepper.’

      ‘Well, add pepper.’

      ‘Yes, I have done so,’ said she.

      The ogre had had a long day’s hunting, and could not keep himself awake. In a moment his eyes were tight shut, and then the man’s flesh called out for the third time:

           ‘Hist! Hist

           A man lies in the kist,’

      And the lamb’s flesh answered:

           ‘He is your brother,

           And cousin of the other.’

      ‘What did it say, Dschemila?’ asked the ogre.

      ‘Only that it was ready, and that I had better take it off the fire.’

      ‘Then if it is ready, bring it to me, and I will eat it.’

      So she brought it to him, and while he was eating she supped off the lamb’s flesh herself, and managed to put some aside for her cousin.

      When the ogre had finished, and had washed his hands, he said to Dschemila: ‘Make my bed, for I am tired.’

      So she made his bed, and put a nice soft pillow for his head, and tucked him up.

      ‘Father,’ she said suddenly.

      ‘Well, what is it?’

      ‘Dear father, if you are really asleep, why are your eyes always open?’

      ‘Why do you ask that, Dschemila? Do you want to deal treacherously with me?’

      ‘No, of course not, father. How could I, and what would be the use of it?’

      ‘Well, why do you want to know?’

      ‘Because last night I woke up and saw the whole place shining in a red light, which frightened me.’

      ‘That happens when I am fast asleep.’

      ‘And what is the good of the pin you always keep here so carefully?’

      ‘If I throw that pin in front of me, it turns into an iron mountain.’

      ‘And this darning needle?’

      ‘That becomes a sea.’

      ‘And this hatchet?’

      ‘That becomes a thorn hedge, which no one can pass through. But why do you ask all these questions? I am sure you have something in your head.’

      ‘Oh, I just wanted to know; and how could anyone find me out here?’ and she began to cry.

      ‘Oh, don’t cry, I was only in fun,’ said the ogre.

      He was soon asleep again, and a yellow light shone through the castle.

      ‘Come quick!’ called Dschemil from the chest; ‘we must fly now while the ogre is asleep.’

      ‘Not yet,’ she said, ‘there is a yellow light shining. I don’t think he is asleep.’

      So they waited for an hour. Then Dschemil whispered again: ‘Wake up! There is no time to lose!’

      ‘Let me see if he is asleep,’ said she, and she peeped in, and saw a red light shining. Then she stole back to her cousin, and asked, ‘But how are we to get out?’

      ‘Get the rope, and I will let you down.’

      So she fetched the rope, the hatchet, and the pin and the needles, and said, ‘Take them, and put them in the pocket of your cloak, and be sure not to lose them.’

      Dschemil put them carefully in his pocket, and tied the rope round her, and let her down over the wall.

      ‘Are you safe?’ he asked.

      ‘Yes, quite.’

      ‘Then untie the rope, so that I may draw it up.’

      And Dschemila did as she was told, and in a few minutes he stood beside her.

      Now all this time the ogre was asleep, and had heard nothing. Then his dog came to him and said, ‘O, sleeper, are you having pleasant dreams? Dschemila has forsaken you and run away.’

      The ogre got out of bed, gave the dog a kick, then went back again, and slept till morning.

      When it grew light, he rose, and called, ‘Dschemila! Dschemila!’ but he only heard the echo of his own voice! Then he dressed himself quickly; buckled on his sword and whistled to his dog, and followed the road which he knew the fugitives must have taken. ‘Cousin,’ said Dschemila suddenly, and turning round as she spoke.

      ‘What is it?’ answered he.

      ‘The ogre is coming after us. I saw him.’

      ‘But where is he? I don’t see him.’

      ‘Over there. He only looks about as tall as a needle.’

      Then they both began to run as fast as they could, while the ogre and his dog kept drawing always nearer. A few more steps, and he would have been by their side, when Dschemila threw the darning needle behind her. In a moment it became an iron mountain between them and their enemy.

      ‘We will break it down, my dog and I,’ cried the ogre in a rage, and they dashed at the mountain till they had forced a path through, and came ever nearer and nearer.

      ‘Cousin!’ СКАЧАТЬ