The Trial and Execution, for Petit Treason, of Mark and Phillis, Slaves of Capt. John Codman. Goodell Abner Cheney
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СКАЧАТЬ her not to be Concerned with Mark for that she would be Brought into Trouble by him, for that Mark had been wth. Kerr Gibbons to get Poyson, & had askt sd Kerr whither Phœbe had not been wth him for sd Poyson. The sd Quacoe also says that the above discourse wth Phœbe was when they were going to Bed the Saturday night after the discourse had wth. Kerr Gibbons. He also says that he charged her not to be concerned wth. Mark about Poyson on any accot. whatever.

      The above Examination Taken on the 12th. July 1755 at Boston

Wm Stoddard J Pacis

      [Mittimus against Robin.]

      Suffolk ss:

      To The Keeper of His Majestys Goal in Boston and to the Constables of Boston Greeting —


      I herewith Comit to you Mr. Constable Pattin the Body of Robin a Negro man belonging to Dr. William Clarke of the North End of Boston, who is this day Charged wth being Concerned in the Poysoning of the late Mr. John Codman of Charles Town Deceased. Take Care of him and deliver him to The Keeper of His Majestys Goal in Boston; and you the sd Keeper are hereby Commanded to Receive the Body of the Said Robin and him Safely Keep untill he shall be discharged by Due Course of Law,

      Given under my hand and Seal at Boston the Twelfth day of July anno Domini 1755 and in the Twenty ninth Year of the Kings Reign.

      Wm. Stoddard, Just: Pacis.

      [Examination of Phillis.]

      Middx ss:

      The Examination of Phillis a negro Servant of John Codman late of Charlstown deceased taken by Edmund Trowbridge and Thaddeus Mason Esqrs at Cambridge in the County of Middlesex the 26th. Day of July Anno Domini 1755. And ye 2d of Augt. following —

      Questn. Was Mr. John Codman late of Charlstown de[=c]d, your Master?

      Answr. Yes he was.

      Quest. How long was you his servant?

      Answr. He my said Master bought me when I was a little girl and I continued his servant untill his Death.

      Questn. Do you know of what sickness your said master died?

      Answer. I suppose he was poisoned.

      Quest. Do you know he was poisoned?

      Answr. I do know he was poisoned.

      Quest. What was he poisoned with?

      Answr.– It was with that black lead.

      Quest. what black Lead is it you mean?

      Answr. The Potter's Lead.

      Quest. How do you know your sd. master was poisoned with that Lead?

      Answr. Mark got some of the said Potter's Lead from Essex Powers and my young mistress Molly found some of the same Lead in the Porringer that my Master's Sagoe was in, he complain'd it was gritty; and that made Miss Molly look into the Porringer, and finding the Lead there, she ask'd me what it was, I told her I did not know. – I cleaned the Skillet the Sagoe was boiled in and found some of the same stuff in the bottom of the skillet that was in the bottom of the Porringer. And presently after Mark was carried to Goal, Tom brought a Paper of the Potter's Lead out of the Blacksmith's Shop, which he said he found there; and I saw it and am sure it was the same with that which Was in the bottom of the Porringer and the Skillet.

      Quest. Do you know that any other Poison besides the Potter's Lead was given to your sd master?

      Answr. Yes.

      Quest. What was it?

      Answr. It was Water which was poured out of a Vial.

      Quest. How do you know that, that Water was Poison?

      Answr. There was a White Powder in the Vial, which Sunk to the Bottom of it. —

      Quest. Do you know who put the Powder into the Vial?

      Answr. I put the first Powder in.

      Quest. Where did you get that Powder?

      Answr. Phebe gave it to me up in the Garret, the Sabbath Day morning before the last Sacrament before my master dyed, and Phœbe at the same time told me Mark gave it to her.

      Quest. What was the Powder in when Phœbe gave it you?

      Answer. It was in a White Paper, folded up Square, both ends being turn'd up, & it was tyed with some Twine.

      Quest. How much Powder was there in the Paper?

      Answr. There was a good deal of it I believe near an ounce.

      Quest. Did you put all that Powder into the Vial?

      Answr. No, I put in but a little of it, only so much as lay on the Point of a narrow Piece of flat Iron, with which I put it in, which Iron Mark made & gave it to me to give to Phebe, Mark gave me the sd Iron the Saturday before the Sabbath aforesd. I ask'd him what it was for, he would not tell me; he said Robbin gave him one, and he had lost it; and that he himself went into the shop and made this. I gave the sd Iron to Phœbe that same afternoon, in the Kitchen; and the next morning she gave it to me in the Garret, and Quaco was there with her; she whisper'd to me and told me to take the Paper of Powder which was in the hollow over the Window, and the flat Iron which was with it and put some of it into the Vial with the Iron which I did; and she bid me put some water into it, but I did not; but she afterwards put some in herself, as she told me, and she put it into the Closet in the Kitchen in a Corner behind a black Jug; and the same Vial was kept there untill my master dyed.

      Quest. Had your Master any of that Water which was put into the said Vial given to him?

      Answr. Yes he had.

      Quest. How was it given to him?

      Answr. It was poured into his barly Drink and into his Infusion, and into his Chocalate, and into his Watergruel.

      Quest. Who poured the Water out of the sd Vial into the Chocalate?

       Answr. Phœbe did, and Master afterwards eat it.

      Quest. Who pour'd it into his barly Drink?

      Answr. I did it myself; I pour'd a drop out of the Vial into the barly Drink, & I felt ugly, and pour'd the Water out of the mug again off from the Barly, and put clean Water into the mug again & cover'd it over that it might boil quick.

      Quest. Who pour'd the Water out of the Vial into the Infusion?

      Answr. Phœbe did.

      Quest. How do you know it?

      Answr. I came into the Kitchen and saw her do it.

      Quest. Did your master drink the Infusion after that water was so pour'd in?

      Answr. He drank one Tea Cup full of it.

      Quest. How СКАЧАТЬ