The Flying Girl. Baum Lyman Frank
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Название: The Flying Girl

Автор: Baum Lyman Frank

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ would be ruin,” he said gently. “I would be obliged to give up my business – these offices – and begin life anew. You would lose your position, and – ”

      “Oh, I won’t mind that!” she exclaimed.

      “Don’t you care for it, then?”

      “Yes; for I need the money I earn. But to do right will not ruin either of us, sir.”

      “Perhaps not; but I’m not going to do right – as you see it. I shall follow my business judgment.”

      Orissa was indignant.

      “I shall save you from yourself, then,” she cried, standing before him like an accusing angel. “I warn you now, Mr. Burthon, that when Mr. Cumberford calls I shall tell him the truth about your mine, and then he will not buy it.”

      He looked at her curiously, reflectively, for a long time, as if he beheld for the first time some rare and admirable thing. The man was not angered. He seemed not even annoyed by her threat. But after that period of disconcerting study he turned again to his desk.

      “Thank you, Miss Kane. That is all.”

      She went back to her post, trembling nervously from the excitement of the interview, and tried to put her mind on her work. Mr. Burthon was wholly unemotional and seemed to have forgotten her presence. But, a half hour later, when he thrust the papers into his pocket, locked his desk and took his hat to go, he paused beside his secretary, gazed earnestly into her face a moment and then abruptly turned away.

      “Good night, Miss Kane,” he said, and his voice seemed to dwell tenderly on her name.



      That night Orissa confided the whole story to Steve. Her brother listened thoughtfully and then inquired:

      “Will you really warn Mr. Cumberford, Ris?”

      “I – I ought to,” she faltered.

      “Then do,” he returned. “To my notion Burthon is playing a mean trick on the fellow, and no good business man would either applaud or respect him for it. Your employer is shifty, Orissa; I’m sure of it; if I were you I’d put a stop to his game no matter what came of it.”

      “Very well, Steve; I’ll do it. But I don’t believe Mr. Burthon means to be a bad man. His plea about his conscience proves that. But – but – ”

      “It’s worse for a man to realize he’s doing wrong, and then do it, than if he were too hardened to have any conscience at all,” asserted Steve oracularly.

      “And if I let him do this wrong act I would be as guilty as he,” she added.

      “That’s true, Ris. You’ll lose your job, sure enough, but there will be another somewhere just as good.”

      So, when Mr. Burthon’s secretary went to the office next morning she was keyed up to do the most heroic deed that had ever come to her hand. Whatever the consequences might be, the girl was determined to waylay Mr. Cumberford when he arrived and tell him the truth about the Queen of Hearts.

      But he did not come to the office at nine o’clock. Neither had Mr. Burthon arrived at that time. Orissa, her heart beating with trepidation but strong in resolve, watched the clock nearing the hour, passing it, and steadily ticking on in the silence of the office. The outer room was busy this morning, and in the broker’s absence his secretary was called upon to perform many minor tasks; but her mind was more upon the clock than upon her work.

      Ten o’clock came. Eleven. At half past eleven the door swung open and Mr. Burthon ushered in a strange gentleman whom Orissa at once decided was Mr. Cumberford. He was extremely tall and thin and stooped somewhat as he walked. He had a long, grizzled mustache, wore gold-rimmed eyeglasses and carried a gold-headed cane. From his patent leather shoes to his chamois gloves he was as neat and sleek as if about to attend a reception.

      Observing the presence of a young lady the stranger at once removed his hat, showing his head to be perfectly bald.

      “Sit down, Cumberford,” said Mr. Burthon, carelessly.

      As he obeyed, Orissa, her face flaming red, advanced to a position before him and exclaimed in a pleading voice:

      “Oh, sir, do not buy Mr. Burthon’s mine, I beg of you!”

      The man stared at her with faded gray eyes which were enlarged by the lenses of his spectacles. Mr. Burthon smiled, seemed interested, and watched the scene with evident amusement.

      “Why not, my child?” asked Mr. Cumberford.

      “Because it is worthless – absolutely worthless!” she declared.

      He turned to the other man.

      “Eh, Burthon?” he muttered, inquiringly.

      “Miss Kane believes she is speaking the truth,” said the broker jauntily.

      “Oh, she does. And you, Burthon?”

      “I? Why, I’m of the same opinion.”

      Mr. Cumberford took out his handkerchief, removed his glasses and polished the lenses with a thoughtful air. Orissa was trembling with nervousness.

      “Don’t buy the Queen of Hearts, sir; it would ruin you,” she repeated earnestly.

      He breathed upon the glasses and wiped them carefully.

      “You interest me,” he remarked. “But, the fact is, I – er – I’ve bought it.”


      “At nine o’clock, according to agreement. Burthon sent word he’d come to my hotel instead of meeting me at his office, as first planned.”

      “Oh, I see!” cried Orissa, much disappointed. “He knew I would prevent the crime.”

      “Crime, miss?”

      “Is it not a crime to rob you of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars?”

      “It would be, of course. I should dislike to lose so much money.”

      “You have lost it!” declared the girl. “That mine has no gold in it at all – except what has been bought elsewhere and placed in it to deceive a purchaser.”

      Mr. Cumberford replaced his glasses, adjusting them carefully upon his nose. Then he stared at Orissa again.

      “You’re an honest young woman,” he said calmly. “I’m much obliged. You interest me. But – ahem! – Burthon has my money, you see.”

      Mr. Burthon’s expression had changed. He was now regarding his brother-in-law with a curious and puzzled gaze.

      “You’re not angry, Cumberford?” he asked.

      “No, Burthon.”

      “You’re not even annoyed, I take it?” This with something of a sneer.

      “No, Burthon.”

      Both СКАЧАТЬ