Marketing and Pricing. Valery Bondarenko
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СКАЧАТЬ Study of consumer response to price changes



      A postgraduate of degree «Master of Economics» must have the following competences:

      academic competences – science, theoretical, methodological knowledge and research skills providing elaboration of research projects or solving tasks for scientific research, innovative activity, continuous self-education;

      social and personal competences – personal qualities and skills for following social, cultural, and moral values, social responsibility;

      professional competences – skills and abilities to solve complicated professional problems in research and educational activity, to elaborate and adopt innovative projects.

      Master should be able to:

      To generate new ideas.

      To acquire new knowledge and skills independently, including the areas of knowledge that are not directly related to the field of activity.

      To take the initiative, including the situations of risk, to take responsibility, to resolve problem situations.

      The requirements are for Master’s social and personal competencies

      Master should be able to:

      To be able to take into account the social, moral and ethical standards in social and professional activities.

      To be able to cooperate and work as a team.

      To use one of the state languages of the Republic of Belarus and any foreign language as a means of business communication.

      To generate and argue personal judgment and professional position.

      To use logical, reasoned, clear oral and written language, to use the skills of public speaking, conducting discussion and debates.

      To work as a team, to lead and to obey.

      To respect and protect the historical heritage and cultural traditions, to perceive social and cultural differences tolerantly.

      To take the initiative and creativity, including unusual situations.

      To adapt to new situations of social and professional activities, to implement the experience, possibilities.

      The requirements are for Master’s professional competence

      Master should be able to:

      Organizational-administrative activity

      Assess the process taking place in international economy, identify trends and prospects.

      Analyze and develop recommendations to improve the national development strategy.

      Use elements of economic analysis in organizing of practice in the workplace.

      Translation activities

      To possess modern means of telecommunications.

      To keep professional, social and cultural communication in a foreign language.

      The implementation of these competences while studying the course «Current Global Issues» envisages the following tasks:

      knowledge and understanding of the concept «global issues»;

      awareness of existing global problems;

      having deep information about main historical events and tendencies which lead to the emergence of global problems;

      analyzing current world political, economic, social, and cultural developments;

      understanding the essence and main directions of globalization process, its positive and negative aspects;

      understanding the essence and content of the main current global issues;

      realizing interconnections and interactions between global problems and national and world economies state and trends of development;

      knowledge of the role and activities of international organizations for overcoming global issues.

      knowledge of the contents of main international programs for solving global issues;

      realizing manifestations of global issues in native countries of a student;

      skills and willingness to make personal contribution in overcoming global problems after taking position according to obtained degree.

      As a result of the discipline studying the master’s students should


      – the subject and methodology of the discipline;

      – concept and evolution stages of the world economy theory;

      – structure and development trends of the world economy;

      – concept of the international division of labour, its special aspects in current conditions;

      – subject-matter of internationalization, transnationalization and globalization;

      – substance of international economic integration and its forms, special aspects of integration process in the world economy;

      – content of international currency relations and their components;

      – up-to-date theory and practice of macroeconomic regulation in open economy.

      be able to:

      – estimate processes taking place in the world economy;

      – determine development trends and prospects for countries, groups of countries and the world economy;

      – analyse position of the country in international division of labour, degree of openness of an economy;

      – use concepts of the international division of labour and international trade;

      estimate critically conditions of foreign economic relations and determine advanced directions for national economy participation in the world economic relation.



      1. Marketing as a business philosophy

      At the core of the term «marketing» is the word «market», which means «the market.» So, in the marketing one often understands the philosophy of governance, economic conditions in the market, proclaiming the orientation of the production to meet the needs of specific customers.

      Marketing under its widest sense is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups of people get what СКАЧАТЬ