The White Gauntlet. Reid Mayne
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Название: The White Gauntlet

Автор: Reid Mayne

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ moonlight.

      In ten minutes more Walter Wade would be at home.

      It was a pleasant anticipation for the young courtier to indulge in. Home so near, after such a long protracted absence – home, that promised the sweet interchange of natural affection, and – something more.

      The cavalier – whose journey extended farther up the road – was about congratulating his companion on the delightful prospect; when a rustling noise, heard to the right of the path suddenly stopped their conversation. At the same instant a harsh voice, sounded in their ears, pronouncing the significant summons: – “stand and deliver!”

      The two travellers had already ridden into the open ground, in front of the ruined hut, out of which the voice appeared to proceed. But they had no time to speculate as to whence it came: for on the instant of its utterance, a man was seen rushing forward into the middle of the road, and placing himself in a position to intercept their advance.

      His threatening attitude, combined with the mode in which he manipulated a long-handled pike – the point of which he held close to the heads of their horses – left no doubt upon the minds of the travellers that to stop them was his determination.

      Before either could make reply to his challenge, it was repronounced in the same loud tone, and with a fresh gesture of menace – in which the pike played an important part.

      “Stand and deliver?” interrogated the cavalier, slowly repeating the stereotyped phrase. “That’s your wish, is it, my worthy fellow?”

      “It is!” growled the challenger, “an’ be quickish, if ye’ve any consarn for yer skins.”

      “Well,” continued the cavalier, preserving the most perfect sang froid, “you can’t say but that we’ve been quick enough in obeying your first command? You see we have both come to a stand instanter? As for your second, it requires consideration. Before delivering, we must know the why, and the wherefore – above all, to whom we are to unburthen ourselves. You won’t object, to obliging us with your name – as also your reason for making such a modest request?”

      “Curse your palaver?” vociferated the man, with an impatient flourish of the pike. “There be no names given on the road, nor reasons neyther. Yer money, or yer blood! It be no use yer tryin’ to get out o’ it. Look thear! Ye see there be a dozen o’ us! What’s the good o’ resistin’? Ye’re surrounded.”

      And as he said this, the robber with a sweep of his formidable weapon indicated the circle of shrubbery – near the centre of which the scene was being enacted.

      The eyes of the two travellers involuntarily followed the pointing of the pike.

      Sure enough they were surrounded. Six or seven fierce-looking men, all apparently armed with the same sort of weapon as that in the hands of their leader, stood at equal distances from each other around the opening – their forms half concealed by the trees and gorse. They were all standing perfectly motionless. Not even their weapons seemed to stir; and not one of them had as yet spoken, or stepped forward; though it might have been expected they would have done so – if only to strengthen the demand made by their spokesman.

      “Keep your places, comrades!” commanded the latter. “There’s no need for any o’ ye to stir. These are civilish gentlemen. We don’t want to hurt them. They bean’t a-goin’ to resist.”

      “But they be” interrupted the cavalier, in a mocking but determined tone, at the same time whipping a pistol from its holster – “I am to the death; and so too will the gallant youth by my side.”

      Walter had drawn his slender rapier – the only weapon he possessed.

      “What! yield to a pack of cowardly footpads?” continued the cavalier, cocking his pistol, as he spoke. “No – sooner – ”

      “Your blood on your own head then!” shouted the robber, at the same time rushing forward, and extending his pike so that its steel point was almost in contact with the counter of the cavalier’s horse.

      The moonlight shone full upon the footpad, showing a face of fierce aspect – features of wild expression – black beard and whiskers – a thick shock of dark hair matted and tangled – eyes bloodshot, and gleaming with a lurid light!

      It was fortunate for their owner, that the moonlight favoured the identification of those fear-inspiring features – else that moment might have been his last.

      The cavalier had levelled his cocked pistol. His finger was upon the trigger. In another second the shot would have been discharged; and in all likelihood his assailant would have been lying lifeless at the feet of his horse.

      All at once, the outstretched arm was seen to drop; while at the same instant from the horseman’s lips issued an exclamation of singular import.

      “Gregory Garth!” cried he, “you a highwayman – a robber? About to rob – to murder – ”

      “My old master!” gasped out the man, suddenly lowering the point of his pike. “Be it you? Pardon! O pardon, Sir Henry! I didn’t know ’twas you.”

      And as the speaker gave utterance to the last words, he dashed his weapon to the ground, and stood over it in a cowering and contrite attitude – not daring to raise his eyes to the face of him who had brought the affair to such an unexpected ending.

      “O Master Henry!” he again cried, “will you forgive me! Brute as I am, ’twould ha’ broke my heart to a hurted a hair o’ your head. Curse the crooked luck that’s brought me to this!”

      For some moments there was a profound silence – unbroken by any voice. Even the companions of the robber appeared to respect the situation: since not one of them moved or made remark of any kind!

      Their humiliated chief was himself the first to put a period to this interval of embarrassment.

      “O Master Henry!” he exclaimed, apparently in a paroxysm of chagrin. “Shoot me! Kill me if ye like! After what’s passed, I doan’t desarve no better than to die. There’s my breast! Send yer bullet through it; an’ put an end to the miserable life o’ Greg’ry Garth!”

      While speaking, the footpad pulled open the flap of his doublet – laying bare before the moonlight a broad sinewy breast, thickly covered with coarse black hair.

      Advancing close to the cavalier’s horse he presented his bosom, thus exposed – as if to tempt the death he had so strangely solicited. His words, his looks, his whole attitude, proclaimed him to be in earnest.

      “Come, come, Garth!” said the cavalier in a soothing tone – at the same time returning the pistol to its holster. “You’re too good a man – at least you were once– to be shot down in that off-hand fashion.”

      “Ah! once Master Henry. May be that’s true enough. But now I desarve it.”

      “Spare your self-recrimination, Gregory. Your life, like my own, has been a hard one. I know it; and can therefore look more leniently on what has happened now. Let us be thankful it’s no worse; and hope it will be the means of bringing about a change for the better.”

      “It will, Master Henry; it will! I promise that.”

      “I’m glad to hear you say so; and doubt not but that you’ll keep your word. Meanwhile give orders to your trusty followers – by the way a well-behaved band СКАЧАТЬ