The Ivory Snuff Box. Kummer Frederic Arnold
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Название: The Ivory Snuff Box

Автор: Kummer Frederic Arnold

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Классические детективы




СКАЧАТЬ into the tiny parlor which formed the second of the two rooms of the suite, she heard a tapping at the door, and upon opening it, discovered one of the hotel maids, waiting outside with fresh towels. The girl came in, and busied herself setting to rights the toilet articles on the washstand. Grace, who was engaged in listlessly watching the traffic in the square outside, paid no attention to her. Presently she heard the girl come in from the bedroom, and inquire if there was anything else that she could do for her. "Nothing," she replied, without turning. The maid, however, did not leave the room, but stood near by, observing her. Grace faced about. "That is all," she said sharply.

      "I have something to say to you, mademoiselle," the girl whispered in a low tone, as she took a step forward. "A message from Monsieur Lefevre."

      "Monsieur Lefevre? You?"

      "Yes, mademoiselle, I am in his confidence. I know the purpose of your visit here, and I come to give you further instructions." She spoke quietly, impressively, and Grace was convinced that she was what she represented herself to be. Still, she felt the necessity of caution. "Please explain," she remarked, without further committing herself.

      The girl approached still closer, and reaching into the bosom of her dress, drew out a ring similar to the one which the Prefect had given Grace. It was attached to a bit of ribbon. She glanced at the ring on Grace's finger and smiled. "May I suggest, mademoiselle," she said, "that you place the ring you are wearing where it will be less conspicuous?"

      Grace colored slightly at the criticism which the woman's words implied, but drew the ring from her finger and placed it in her purse. "What have you to say to me?" she inquired.

      "This, mademoiselle. Certain persons, whose identity is not known to the police, have committed a theft in London – in fact, have stolen a valuable article from the French Ambassador there, Monsieur de Grissac. This theft was committed this morning."

      "What did they steal?" asked Grace.

      "Monsieur de Grissac's ivory snuff box, mademoiselle."

      "His snuff box? You don't mean to say that they are making all this fuss over a trifling thing like a snuff box?"

      "Yes, mademoiselle. Such is, indeed, the case."

      "But why?"

      "That I cannot tell. I do not know. It is sufficient to me that Monsieur Lefevre wishes it recovered. In our service, mademoiselle, we are not supposed to ask questions, but to obey orders."

      Grace repressed her annoyance as best she could. "I suppose it must be very valuable," she remarked, lamely.

      "Undoubtedly. Very valuable, as you say. Now that it is stolen, it must be recovered without delay. Monsieur Lefevre informs us here in Brussels that others have gone to London to recover it. Should they fail to do so – we believe that the persons who have committed the theft will come here."


      "Because they are acting, we believe, in the interests of a certain Dr. Hartmann, who is a resident of Brussels."

      "Why should this Dr. Hartmann want the box?" asked Grace, somewhat mystified.

      "That I am unable to tell you. He is an enemy of my country. He has many agents, and is a man of great power."

      "But why don't you arrest him?"

      "Alas, mademoiselle, you do not understand. This Dr. Hartmann is a physician of great prominence. His cures of nervous and mental disorders have made him famous throughout Europe. He has in Brussels – just outside the city, a sanatorium, where he receives and treats his patients. He is looked up to by all. His work as an enemy of France is quite secret, known to but a few. Even we know very little about it."

      "Then how do you know that he had anything to do with the matter of this snuff box?"

      "We do not know it – we only surmise. There is a reason, which I am not permitted at present to tell you, which causes Monsieur Lefevre to believe that Dr. Hartmann had a hand in this matter. It is for that reason, indeed, that he has sent you here."

      "What can I do?"

      "I will tell you. For a long time we have tried to get one of our own agents into Dr. Hartmann's house, but without success. He is very shrewd – very cautious. All his servants are countrymen of his, upon whom he knows he can depend. His patients are people of wealth, position, standing, who, he knows, could not possibly be agents of the French police. He will take no others, and always insists upon the strictest references. It is for these reasons that we have failed. Now an opportunity presents itself for you, mademoiselle, to accomplish that which the police cannot accomplish. You are an American girl, of prominent family, of wealth, of position. I am informed that your aunt, by her second marriage, was the Countess d'Este. Should you apply to Dr. Hartmann for treatment, you will have no difficulty in obtaining admission, for he could not, by any chance, think that Miss Grace Ellicott, of New York, was in the employ of the French secret police. You observe, mademoiselle, Monsieur the Prefect's object in sending you to Brussels?"

      Grace nodded. She was beginning to feel a keen interest in the matter. "But I am not ill," she said, with a laugh. "How can I ask Dr. Hartmann to treat me?"

      "We have thought of that. The matter has been under consideration ever since we were advised, early this afternoon, that you were coming. We have thought it best that you represent yourself to the doctor as a somnambulist."

      "A sleep walker?"

      "Precisely. It is a form of nervous trouble which is by no means infrequent. We are informed that Dr. Hartmann has treated several such cases in the past. There are not symptoms, except a state of nervousness on the part of the patient which in your case it is probable the excitement of the enterprise will supply, and, of course, the tendency to walking in the sleep. This latter you must assume."


      "Yes. You must pretend to be a somnambulist. You must get up, each night, at some hour, and wander about the house – pretending to be oblivious of all about you. You are not normally conscious. You are in a walking dream. Your eyes are fixed ahead – seeing no one. It will not be difficult for you to pretend all this – and naturally, by wandering about in this way, you may – we hope you will – have excellent opportunities to observe what goes on within the doctor's walls."

      "Is that all I am to do – just watch?"

      "I think not. If we are unable, by other means, to prevent the stolen box from being delivered to Dr. Hartmann, it must be recovered from him, at any cost – at any cost whatever – " the woman repeated, significantly. "Even life itself cannot be spared, in this case. The box must be recovered, no matter what the price we pay – so we are informed by Monsieur Lefevre."

      "Then if it should pass into his possession, I may have to steal it? Is that what you mean?"

      "Undoubtedly, and at the very first opportunity." The girl rose, gathered up the soiled towels which she had taken from the bedroom, and went toward the door. "That is all, mademoiselle, except that you will communicate to us any news of importance by means of a young man who goes to the house each morning and evening to deliver bread. He comes in a small wagon, and you will no doubt be able to speak with him, as he enters or leaves the grounds. He is quite safe, and can be trusted. Address your communications to him verbally – no letters, understand; they are always dangerous. And now, let me suggest that you arrange to see Dr. Hartmann at once."

      "But – he may require reference – credentials."

      "We have thought СКАЧАТЬ