The Girl at Central. Bonner Geraldine
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Название: The Girl at Central

Автор: Bonner Geraldine

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Классические детективы




СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      "That's just like a novel," I answered, "the heroine's stepfather's always her natural enemy."

      "He's not that in this case," said Anne – she speaks English fine, like the teachers in the High – "I'm sure he means well by her, but they can't get on at all, they're always quarreling."

      "There's many a gilded home hides a tragedy. What do they fight about?"

      "Things she does he disapproves of. She's very spoiled and self-willed. No one's ever controlled her and she resents it from him."

      "What's he disapprove of?"

      Anne didn't answer right off, looking thoughtful out of the window. Then she said slow as if she was considering her words:

      "I'm going to tell you, Molly, because I know you're no gossip and can be trusted, and the truth is, I'm worried. I don't like the situation up at Mapleshade."

      I swung my feet on to the floor and sat up on the edge of the bed, nibbling at a chocolate almond.

      "Here's where I get dumb," I said, sort of casual to encourage her.

      "Sylvia Hesketh's a girl that needs a strong hand over her and there's no one has it. Her father's dead, her mother – poor Mrs. Fowler's only a grown-up baby ready to say black is white if her husband wants her to – and Dr. Fowler's trying to do it and he's going about it all wrong. You see," she said, turning to me very serious, "it's not only that she's head-strong and extravagant but she's an incorrigible flirt."

      "Is there a place in the back of the book where you can find out what incorrigible means?" I said.

      Anne smiled, but not as if she felt like it.

      "Uncontrollable, irrepressible. Her mother – Mrs. Fowler's ready to tell me anything and everything – says she's always been like that. And, of course, with her looks and her fortune the men are around her like flies round honey."

      "Why does the Doctor mind that?"

      "I suppose he wouldn't mind if they just came to Mapleshade or Longwood. But – that's what the quarreling's about – he's found out that she meets them in town, goes to lunch and the matinée with them."

      "Excuse me, but I've left my etiquette book on the piano. What's wrong about going to the matinée or to lunch?"

      "Nothing's really wrong. Mind you, Molly, I know Sylvia through and through and there's no harm in her – it's just the bringing-up and the spoiling and the admiration. But, of course, in her position, a girl doesn't go about that way without a chaperone. The Doctor's perfectly right to object."

      I was looking down, pretending to hunt over the box.

      "Who does she go with?" I said.

      "Oh, there are several. A man named Carisbrook – " I'd seen him often, a swell guy in white spats and a high hat – "and a young lawyer called Dunham and Ben Robinson, a Canadian like me. People see her with them and tell the doctor and there's a row."

      I looked into the box as careful as if I was searching for a diamond.

      "Ain't Mr. Reddy one of the happy family?" I asked. "Ah, here's the last almond!"

      "Oh, of course, young Reddy. I think it would be a good thing if she married him. Everybody says he's a fine fellow, and I tell you now, Molly, with Sylvia so willful and the doctor so domineering and Mrs. Fowler being pulled to pieces between them, things at Mapleshade can't go on long the way they are."

      That was in May. At the end of June the Fowlers went to Bar Harbor with all their outfit for the summer. After that Jack Reddy didn't come into Longwood much. I heard that he was spending a good deal of his time at the bungalow at Hochalaga Lake, and I did see him a few times meeting his company at the train – he had some week-end parties out there – and bringing them back in the gray car.

      At the end of September the Fowlers came home. It was great weather, clear and crisp, with the feel of frost in the air. Most everybody was out of doors and I saw Sylvia often, sometimes on horseback, sometimes driving her motor. She was prettier than ever for the change and seemed like she couldn't stay in the house. I'd see her riding toward home in the red light of the sunset, and as I walked back from work her car often would flash past me, speeding through the early dark toward Maple Lane.

      Anne said they'd had a fairly peaceful summer and she hoped they were going to get on better. There had only been one row – that was about a man who was up at Bar Harbor and had met Sylvia and paid her a good deal of attention. The Doctor had been very angry as he disapproved of the man – Cokesbury was his name.

      "Cokesbury!" I cut in surprised – we were in Anne's room that evening – "why, he belongs round here."

      Anne had heard that and wanted to know what I knew about him, which I'll write down in this place as it seems to fit in and has to be told somewhere.

      When I first came to Longwood, Mr. and Mrs. Cokesbury were living on their estate, Cokesbury Lodge, about twenty-five miles from us, near Azalea. They had been in France for a year previous to that, then come back and taken up their residence in Mr. Cokesbury's country seat, and it was shortly after that Mrs. Cokesbury died there, leaving three children. For a while the widower stayed on with nurses and governesses to look after the poor motherless kids. Then, the eldest boy taking sick and nearly dying, he decided to send them to his wife's parents, who had wanted them since Mrs. Cokesbury's death.

      So the establishment at the Lodge was broken up and Mr. Cokesbury went to live in town. There were rumors that the house was to be sold, but in the spring Sands, the Pullman conductor, told me that Mr. Cokesbury had been down several times, staying over Sunday and had said he had given up the idea of selling the place. He told Sands he couldn't get his price for it and what was the sense of selling at a loss, especially when he could come out there and get a breath of country air when he was scorched up with the city heat?

      I'd passed the house one day in August when I was on an auto ride with some friends. It was a big, rambling place with a lot of dismal-looking pines around it, about five miles from Azalea and with no near neighbors. Mr. Cokesbury only kept one car – he'd had several when his wife was there – and used to drive himself down from the Lodge to the station, leave his car in the Azalea garage, and drive himself back the next time he came. He had no servants or caretaker, which he didn't need, as, after Mrs. Cokesbury's death, all the valuable things had been taken out of the house and sent to town for storage.

      It gave me a jar to hear that Sylvia Hesketh – who, in my mind, was as good as engaged to Jack Reddy – would have anything to do with him. I'd never seen him, but I'd heard a lot that wasn't to his credit. He hadn't been good to his wife – everybody said she was a real lady – but was the gay, wild kind, and not young, either. Anne said he was forty if he was a day. When I asked her what Sylvia could see in an old gink like that, she just shrugged up her shoulders and said, who could tell – Sylvia was made that way. She was like some woman whose name I can't remember who sat on a rock and sang to the sailors till they got crazy and jumped into the water.

      My head was full of these things one glorious afternoon toward the end of October when – it being my holiday – I started out for a walk through the woods. The woods cover the hills behind the village and they're grand, miles and miles of them. But wait! There was a little thing that happened, by the way, that's worth telling, for it gave me a premonition – is that the word? Or, maybe, I'd better say connected up with what was in my mind.

      I was walking slow down Main Street when opposite the postoffice I saw all the loafers and most СКАЧАТЬ