The Forest of Mystery. Foster James H.
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Название: The Forest of Mystery

Автор: Foster James H.

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Приключения: прочее




СКАЧАТЬ secret connected with them. He wouldn’t tell us, and we haven’t been able to find out.”

      “Hmm.” Joe’s father examined the ring eagerly while Mr. Holton looked over Joe’s.

      “No secret openings in them, are there?” inquired Bob.

      “Apparently not,” his father returned. “Each has a lot of Chinese letters and figures on it, though. Perhaps if you knew what they mean you could solve the mystery.”

      Joe yawned and stretched.

      “Whatever it is, I’m not going to stay up any longer to find out, even if I could,” he said.

      Without further discussion all retired, eager to get all the sleep the night would afford them.

      Late the next morning, Bob and Joe were awakened by their fathers.

      “Whazzamatter?” demanded Bob drowsily.

      “We have some news for you,” Mr. Holton said, his eyes twinkling. “Thought maybe you’d like to hear it.”

      All the sleep knocked out of them, the chums sat up quickly, wondering what was meant.


      Seeing the Sights

      “DO you remember what we said yesterday about making an expedition to Africa?” asked Mr. Lewis as the youths sat up in bed expectantly.

      “Why – you said you might go,” Bob answered.

      “Well, there isn’t going to be any ‘might’ in it,” Mr. Lewis said. “We’re going.”

      The youths bounded out of bed in wild excitement.

      “You mean we’re actually going to Africa?” cried Joe, falling over himself in enthusiasm.

      The naturalists laughed significantly.

      “We’re not certain how that ‘we’ will work out,” chuckled Mr. Holton. “But we’re almost sure of one thing: Ben [Mr. Lewis] and I are going. How many more will make up the expedition we haven’t decided as yet. In fact, it was only this morning that we came to a conclusion.”

      “Oh, you’ve got to take Joe and me,” Bob begged. “We always have wanted to explore in the Dark Continent. We’re plenty old enough to take care of ourselves. You see how we made short work of dangerous wild animals in the Andes and in Brazil. Well, we could do the same with lions and elephants.”

      “Don’t be too sure of that,” said his father gravely but with twinkling eyes. “There’s scarcely anything worse than a charging elephant.”

      “Just the same, we’d take care of the situation,” said Bob boastfully. “They wouldn’t stand much chance before the Lewis-Holton expedition. Why we’d mow ’em down right and left. But seriously, Dad, Mr. Lewis, why can’t Joe and I go with you?”

      “We’d like to have you,” his father assured him. “But of course you’ll have to reckon with your mothers. Suppose,” he went on, “we don’t say anything more about this matter until we get back to Washington. You see, there’s a chance that the museum heads will have something else for us to do. In that case, we won’t go.”

      “I’m betting you will,” smiled Joe, who felt there was a big chance of an expedition.

      “Perhaps,” smiled Mr. Holton. “Right now, though, let’s think of something else. We want to leave for Washington tomorrow morning. We’d go today if Ben and I didn’t have some more business to look after.”

      “Had breakfast yet?” inquired Joe.

      “Breakfast? You mean lunch?” Mr. Lewis laughed. “Boys, in case you don’t know it, it’s nearly ten o’clock.”

      “Wow!” cried Bob. “If Joe and I get to see any more of old San Francisco we’ll have to do some hustling.”

      “Be careful that you don’t get in any danger. Don’t be carried away on some ship,” Mr. Holton said, grinning. “And now,” he added, “we’re leaving. Be back about three this afternoon. Take care of yourselves, boys. And be careful.”

      “We will. So long, Mr. Lewis, Dad.”

      The youths had been dressing during the conversation with their fathers, and now they were ready to get breakfast. After the meal, they would start out to see more of San Francisco and perhaps visit other cities across the bay.

      A half hour later they were walking down Market Street toward the Ferry Building, having decided to see the busy waterfront.

      It was no short distance to their destination, but they moved rapidly, dodging in and out among the crowd of shoppers. They were so interested in the sights about them that they found themselves almost without knowing it at the Ferry Building.

      “Now let’s go around to the docks,” suggested Bob. “I’d like to see the boats coming in from the Orient.”

      “Ought to see some,” Joe said. “There are a lot of steamship lines here.”

      Directly in back of the building were the ferry slips. Bob and Joe stopped a few minutes to watch passengers board a boat to Oakland. Then they continued around to the docks, where scores of vessels were anchored.

      Beside one dock was a huge liner almost ready to embark for Honolulu. The gangplank was being pulled in, ropes were loosened, and a general scene of excitement prevailed. Relatives and friends of the leavetakers waved hearty farewells as, with long blasts of the whistle, the ship slowly left the wharf.

      Bob and Joe watched closely as it steamed majestically out into the blue Pacific. Not far out there was the Golden Gate. Beyond this was the Orient, with all its lure, its beckoning.

      “I sure would give a lot to sail out on the Pacific,” sighed Bob, turning and walking on with his chum.

      Away on around Embarcadero Street the boys came to Fishermen’s Wharf, where their eyes met with a sight slightly different. At a miniature harbor were scores of Italian fishing vessels. Their crew were busily engaged in preparing the boats for sailing, or in unloading the huge cargoes of fish.

      “Look over here,” called Joe. “They’re selling fresh crab sandwiches. Let’s get some.”

      “O.K. What do they taste like?”

      The chums soon found out. A short, exceedingly fat man who always smiled served them with tempting steaming sandwiches in return for a meager sum. After the eventful morning they tasted delicious.

      As they ate, Bob and Joe walked back down past the docks, their eyes always ready to single out the unusual. Although they had been in many interesting cities, never had they been more captivated than now.

      Soon their attention was attracted by a coarse whistle, and looking around they saw a large freighter steaming up to the dock.

      Ordinarily the boys would have paid little or no attention to the ship, for they had often watched vessels arriving and departing. But this time they looked up in wonder.

      The freighter was listing badly to starboard and looked as though it were partly filled with water. How it СКАЧАТЬ