The Forest of Mystery. Foster James H.
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Название: The Forest of Mystery

Автор: Foster James H.

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Приключения: прочее





      The Forest of Mystery


      The Chinaman

      BANG! Crash!

      “What was that?” Joe Lewis had turned suddenly, every nerve on edge. His eyes tried to penetrate the darkness of the San Francisco night.

      “Sounded like an automobile accident,” came from Bob Holton. “Come on. Let’s go around and see.”

      The two chums dashed across the street and around the corner, hoping that nothing tragic had taken place. They passed several people who were hurrying to investigate the strange noise.

      Reaching the thoroughfare, the youths drew back with cries of alarm, for the sight before them was fearful and unpleasant.

      Lying on its top, wheels in the air, was a small automobile, which had evidently crashed into a pole near by. All about was broken glass, and water[Pg 9][Pg 10] was still oozing from the radiator. The pole was dented severely, indicating that the car had probably been traveling rapidly.

      As Bob and Joe looked on spellbound, a smothered cry for help came from the automobile. It was repeated several times in rapid succession.

      With throbbing hearts, the boys ran over to the wreck, followed by several other people. In the darkness they could not see clearly inside the car and could only guess who was calling for help. A near-by street lamp, although bright did not illuminate the automobile sufficiently.

      “Let’s get this door open,” muttered Bob. “Hurry. There isn’t any time to lose.”

      Working feverishly, the chums reached through the broken window and tugged at the door. It had been wrenched severely and refused to open. What made the task still more difficult was the fact that broken edges of glass projected from the sides of the window.

      With a mighty effort, the youths managed to pull the door open, although they almost lost their balance from the sudden impact. But now they were greatly relieved. They had had an uneasy feeling that perhaps the door would not yield.

      Without hesitation Bob reached into the car, caught hold of someone, and pulled him out. Then, after making sure that no one else was in the car, he turned to the stranger.

      The youths were a bit surprised to see that he was a Chinaman, a short, fat man of middle age. From all appearances he had not been injured in the accident. There was but one little scratch in the side of his face.

      “You do velly well – get me out queek,” he said to Bob gratefully. “I was fear I have to stay in machine long tlime.”

      “What was the trouble?” asked Joe, edging closer to the overturned automobile as the crowd of spectators grew larger. “Did a wheel come off or something?”

      The little Chinaman laughed sheepishly.

      “Nothing like that,” he said. “My machine here it was velly new, and I was not good enough dliver. It run loose and clash into this pole. Then it turn over.”

      “It was just luck that you weren’t hurt,” said Bob grimly. “Not many could have been in a smash-up like that and come out unharmed.”

      At this moment a policeman stepped up to obtain the man’s name and address and the details concerning the crash. While the Chinaman talked, the officer wrote in a small notebook, on which he turned a flashlight.

      “Don’t you think you’d better see a doctor?” asked Joe, when the officer had finished. “You might be hurt and not know it.”

      The Chinaman shook his head.

      “Not hurt, no,” he assured them. “I come thlough without a scratch, as far as I know. But I velly much nervous.”

      “No wonder,” said Bob. “That wreck was enough to shake anybody’s nerves.”

      Bob and Joe remained at the scene for several minutes. Then, as they realized that it was nearly seven o’clock, they started to leave. But at that moment the Chinaman called them back.

      “Before you go I want that you make me a promise,” he said.

      The youths looked inquiringly.

      “I want that you promise you come to my shop tonight. Will you come?”

      The boys were not a little surprised. They wondered what the man’s object was in asking them to visit him.

      “Yes,” said Bob at last, knowing that his chum would also consent. “We’ll come. But where is it? And just when do you want us?”

      Bob wrote what the man told them on a piece of paper. The latter asked that they be there at nine o’clock, although just why they could not guess.

      “What do you think of it?” asked Joe, as he and his friend walked rapidly down the street.

      “I hardly know,” was the reply. “Maybe he wants to reward us for getting him out of the car.”

      “But – that was nothing. Anyone would have done it. No, I’ll bet he has something up his sleeve.”

      “What would it be?” demanded Bob.

      “More than I know. We’ll see before long. And, say, he wants us to be there by nine o’clock, too. That doesn’t give us much time. We’ll have to get back to the hotel and see our dads first. We’ve been gone a long time, you know.”

      “Maybe they can tell us how to get to this Chink’s shop,” suggested Bob. “Do you suppose it’s in Chinatown?”

      “Where else would it be? Chinese here in San Francisco don’t live anywhere else, do they?”

      “Beyond me.”

      The chums reached the corner and boarded a street car for the business district. They knew it would not be necessary to transfer, and so relaxed in their seat.

      “San Francisco is a swell place, all right,” remarked Joe, after a short silence. “Sure has a lot of interesting things to see. Take Golden Gate Park, for instance. It’s one of the finest in the country.”

      “You could get lost there,” smiled Bob. “Why, it’s as big as a small city. And full of interesting attractions. I’d like to spend a whole day there some time. Won’t have time on this visit, though.”

      When they were well into the business district, the boys moved toward the exit of the car. At a corner directly opposite the hotel at which they were staying, they left the street car.

      Anxious to see their fathers, they went to the building without delay. In the elevator they were hurried to the tenth floor, where their rooms were located.

      Mr. Holton and Mr. Lewis were waiting for them. The men had returned earlier in the day and had remained inside to discuss business matters.

      “How do you like San Francisco by now?” inquired Bob’s father quizzically. “Seen much of interest yet?”

      “Plenty,” returned Joe. “Sure is a busy place, isn’t it? We ought to know. We’ve been about everywhere.”

      “Took in the sights, did you?” asked Mr. Lewis. “Well, there are many here. Howard” – referring to Bob’s father – “and I, however, haven’t had much time to look around. All our time СКАЧАТЬ