A Gamble with Life. Hocking Silas Kitto
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Название: A Gamble with Life

Автор: Hocking Silas Kitto

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ course, I shall not fail," he said to himself. "The contingency is so remote that I need not give the matter a second thought."

      And yet the impression of that dream was destined to remain with him in spite of all his efforts to shake it off.



      During the next few weeks Rufus Sterne was kept so busy that he had very little time for either retrospect or anticipation. His great complaint was that the days were all too short for the work he wanted to crowd into them. He had told Felix Muller that six months would see his scheme well on its way to completion. But he had not been at work many weeks before he began to fear that twelve months would be much nearer the limit. Contractors were so slow, workmen were so careless, and accidents – none of them serious – were so numerous, that delays were inevitable, and the days grew into weeks unconsciously.

      He maintained, however, a brave and hopeful spirit. Delays and disappointments were, no doubt, inevitable. No one ever carried out a great scheme without encountering a few disappointments. Later on, when victory was assured, they would seem as nothing, and would be quickly forgotten.

      He saw no more of the beautiful stranger who had so much interested him. For several days he kept a sharp look out, and wondered if by any chance he would cross her path. Then he heard that Sir Charles and all his family had gone to London till the end of the season, and he assumed that she had gone to London with them.

      He had had a second interview with Felix Muller, which had left an impression that was not altogether pleasant. Muller was in his most cynical and ungenerous mood. He had not a word of encouragement to give to his client. On the contrary, he appeared to take a delight in pricking Rufus with pointed and unpleasant suggestions.

      "It is well, no doubt, to hope for the best," he said to Rufus; "but it is equally well to be prepared for the worst."

      "I really think you would not trouble much if I should fail," Rufus said, in a tone of irritation.

      "Then you do me an injustice," was the suave and tantalising answer. "If you were to fail I might have trouble in getting my own."

      "You mean that I would back out of the contract at the last?"

      "No, I don't mean any such thing. I know you are not only a man of honour, but a man of courage; but if you should bungle – "

      "Look here, we need not go any further into details," Rufus said, impatiently. "My point is you are not a bit troubled about me as long as you get your money back."

      "Oh, but I am! I would rather you prospered than that you failed, any day. Still, if in the order of chance you should fail – well – ," and he shrugged his shoulders, "It would be in the eternal order, that's all."

      "You would not fret, of course?"

      "My dear fellow, why should I? We must all pass out into the great silence sooner or later. And now, or next year, or next century for that matter, matters little. You and I have got beyond the region of sentiment in such things. Nature sets no value on human life. We take our place among the ants and flies, and the human is treated as remorselessly as the insect. The wind passeth over both, and they are gone."

      "Yes, that is true enough," Rufus answered, looking out of the window.

      "Besides," Muller went on, as if he read his thoughts, "in the business of life we are bound to take risks."

      "You mean money risks?"

      "Not only money risks. A man who drives to market, who explores a mine, who crosses the sea in the interests of commerce, who fights for his country, not only risks his property, but he risks his life."

      "Not always intentionally."

      "Well, not always, perhaps. But in the greatest and noblest enterprises, yes. And what is more, it is counted to a man an honour when he risks his life in a great cause. If you become a martyr for a great ideal I shall revere your memory."

      Rufus winced, and looked uncomfortable. "I am not risking my life in the public interest," he said, "but in my own."

      "It all amounts to the same thing," Muller said, cynically. "You are part of the public, and anything that benefits a part benefits, more or less, the whole. I am taking risks myself on the same chance of doing good."

      "Doing good to whom?"

      "To myself in the first place. Charity should always begin at home."

      "And don't you think also that it should stop there?"

      "Well, in the main, I do. I am no sentimentalist, as you very well know. Every man for himself is the first law of life."

      "So while Nature sets no value on human life, you think that each individual should set great value on his own?"

      "No, I don't. Everything depends on the individual, or on his circumstances. If a man thinks his life is worth preserving, well, let him preserve it by all means. But if he thinks it is worthless, why should he not let it slip?"

      "There seems no particular reason," Rufus answered, reflectively.

      "There's no reason at all," Muller went on, dogmatically, "while a man is doing something, something useful I mean, something that is of benefit to himself and to others, he ought to keep agoing as long as he can. But when he is a failure, when he becomes a burden to himself and his neighbours, it is cowardly to hang on, and why should anybody fret because he makes himself scarce?"

      "You mean this as a little homily to myself?" Rufus questioned.

      "Oh, not a bit of it! I am not afraid of you not doing the right thing! Besides, you are not going to fail," and he laughed, cynically.

      "No, I am not going to fail," Rufus answered, rising from his seat; "I am going to succeed."

      "That's right. I hope you will. But don't forget that there is nothing certain in this world but death," and he smilingly bowed Rufus out of the room.

      In the street Rufus purchased an evening paper, that he might get the latest news of the war. He did not open it until he got into the quiet lanes outside the town. There had been another big battle in which there had been an appalling loss of life. The work of extermination was going on rapidly. Modern civilisation was showing what it could do in preventing the too rapid growth of the human race.

      Rufus hurriedly glanced down the columns, then folded the paper and put it into his pocket. "Yes, Muller is right," he mused. "Nature sets no value on human life, neither do governments, and neither does religion. I wonder how many thousands of human beings have been sacrificed during the last few weeks, and who gives to the matter a second thought. Religion accepts it as inevitable and even meritorious. Governments approve and applaud, and make provision for slaughter on a larger scale in the future. Nature, not to be outdone, tries her hand at earthquakes, or famine, or disease. It is only the individual who thinks his own life is of value, and he, of course, is a conceited prig."

      He paused when he reached the hill-top from which the sea came into view. The days were beginning to shorten a little. The light of the sun was less brilliant, and the green of the fields had given place to harvest gold.

      "It is curious that we should cling to life so much for its own sake," he said, reflectively. "Curious that the law should label a man a criminal who takes his own life when he has no longer any use for it. What СКАЧАТЬ