The Streets of Ascalon. Chambers Robert William
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Название: The Streets of Ascalon

Автор: Chambers Robert William

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ chestnut colour. And that made him very proud.

      When he had soaked and subdued his ruddy locks he came out to where Westguard still stood.

      "Are you coming, Rix?" demanded the latter again.

      "Not unless you particularly want me," returned Quarren, yawning amiably. "I could take a nap if that red-headed Mick would get out of here."

      Westguard said: "Suit yourself," and followed Lacy and O'Hara down the stairs.

      The two latter young fellows turned aside into O'Hara's apartments to further remake a killing and deadly toilet. Westguard continued on to the first floor which he inhabited, and where he found a Japanese servant already preparing the tea paraphernalia. A few minutes later Mrs. Wycherly arrived with Mrs. Leeds.

      All women, experienced or otherwise, never quite lose their curiosity concerning a bachelor's quarters. The haunts of men interest woman, fascinating the married as well as the unwedded. Deep in their gentle souls they know that the most luxurious masculine abode could easily be made twice as comfortable by the kindly advice of any woman. Toleration, curiosity, sympathy are the emotions which stir feminine hearts when inspecting the solitary lair of the human male.

      "So these are the new rooms," said Molly Wycherly, patronisingly, after O'Hara and Lacy had appeared and everybody had been presented to everybody else. "Strelsa, do look at those early Edwards prints! It's utterly impossible to find any of them now for sale anywhere."

      Strelsa Leeds looked up at the Botticelli Madonna and at Madame Royale; and the three men looked at her as though hypnotised.

      So this was Reginald Leeds's wife – this distractingly pretty woman – even yet scarcely more than a girl – with her delicate colour and vivid lips and unspoiled eyes – dark eyes – a kind of purplish gray, very purely and exquisitely shaped. But in their grayish-violet depths there was murder. And the assassination of Lacy and O'Hara had already been accomplished.

      Her hat, gown, gloves, furs were black – as though the tragic shadow of two years ago still fell across her slender body.

      She looked around at the room; Molly Wycherly, pouring tea, nodded to Westguard, and he handed the cup to Mrs. Leeds.

      She said, smilingly: "And – do you three unprotected men live in this big house all by yourselves?"

      "There are four of us in the Legation," said Lacy, "and several servants to beat off the suffragettes who become enamoured of us."

      "The —legation?" she repeated, amused at the term.

      "Our friends call this house the Irish Legation," he explained. "We're all Irish by descent except Westguard who's a Sassenach – and Dick Quarren, who is only half Irish.'

      "And who is Dick Quarren?" she asked innocently.

      "Oh, Strelsa!" cautioned Molly Wycherly – "you really mustn't argue yourself unknown."

      "But I am unknown," insisted the girl, laughing and looking at the men in turn with an engaging candour that bowled them over again, one by one. "I don't know who Mr. Quarren is, so why not admit it? Is he such a very wonderful personage, Mr. Lacy?"

      "Not at all, Mrs. Leeds. He and I share the top floor of the Legation. We are, as a matter of record, the two financial wrecks of this establishment, so naturally we go to the garret. Poverty is my only distinction; Mr. Quarren, however, also leads the grand march at Lyric Hall now and then I believe – "

      "What is Lyric Hall? Ought I to know?"

      Everybody was laughing, and Molly Wycherly said:

      "Richard Quarren, known variously as Rix, Ricky, and Dick Quarren, is an exceedingly popular and indispensable young man in this town. You'll meet him, Strelsa, and probably adore him. We all do."

      "Must I wait very long?" asked Strelsa, laughing. "I'd like to have the adoration begin."

      Lacy said to O'Hara: "Go up and pull that pitiable dub off the bed, Roger. The lady wishes to inspect him."

      "That's not very civil of Rix," said Mrs. Wycherly; "but I fancy I know why he requires slumber." She added, glancing around mischievously at the three men who were all looking languishingly at Mrs. Leeds: "He'll be sorry when you three gentlemen describe Strelsa to him. I can prophesy that much."

      "Certainly," said Lacy, airily; "we're all at Mrs. Leeds's feet! Even the blind bat of Drumgool could see that! So why deny it?"

      "You're not denying it, Mr. Lacy," said Strelsa, laughing. "But I realise perfectly that I am in the Irish Legation. So I shall carefully salt everything you say to me."

      "If you think I've kissed the blessed pebble you ought to listen to that other bankrupt upstairs," said Lacy.

      "As far as pretty speeches are concerned you seem to be perfectly solvent," said Strelsa gaily, looking around her at the various adornments of this masculine abode. "I wonder where you dine," she added with curiosity unabashed.

      "We've a fine dining-room below," he said proudly, "haven't we, Roger? And as soon as Dick Quarren and I are sufficiently solvent to warrant it, the Legation is going to give a series of brilliant banquets; will you come, Mrs. Leeds?"

      "When you are solvent, perhaps," said Strelsa, smiling.

      "Westguard and I will give you a banquet at an hour's notice," said O'Hara, eagerly. "Will you accept?"

      "Such overwhelming offers of hospitality!" she protested. "I had believed the contrary about New Yorkers. You see I've just emerged from the West, and I don't really know what to think of such bewildering cordiality."

      "Karl," said Mrs. Wycherly, "are you going to show us over the house? If you are we must hurry, as Strelsa and I are to decorate the Calderas' box this evening, and it takes me an hour to paint my face." She turned a fresh, winsome countenance to Westguard, who laughed, rose, and took his pretty cousin by the hand.

      Under triple escort Mrs. Wycherly and Mrs. Leeds examined the Legation from kitchen to garret – and Strelsa, inadvertently glancing in at a room just as Westguard started to close the door, caught sight of a recumbent shape on a bed – just a glimpse of a blond, symmetrical head and a well-coupled figure, graceful even in the careless relaxation of sleep.

      Westguard asked her pardon: "That's Quarren. He was probably up till daylight."

      "He was," said Molly Wycherly; "and by the same token so was I. Thank you so much, Karl… Thank you, Mr. O'Hara – and you, too, Jack!" – offering her hand – "We've had a splendid party… Strelsa, we really ought to go at once – "

      "Will you come again?"

      "We will come again if you ask us," said Strelsa; "we're perfectly fascinated by the Legation."

      "And its personnel?" hinted Lacy. "Do you like us, Mrs. Leeds?"

      "I've only seen three of you," parried Strelsa, much amused.

      "We refuse to commit ourselves," said Molly. "Good-bye. I suppose you all are coming to my house-warming."

      They all looked at Mrs. Leeds and said that they were coming – said so fervently.

      Molly laughed: she had no envy in her make-up, perhaps because she was too pretty herself.

      "Oh, СКАЧАТЬ