Robert Kimberly. Spearman Frank Hamilton
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Название: Robert Kimberly

Автор: Spearman Frank Hamilton

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Larrie Morgan, a bit self-conscious, stood foran instant aloof. Alice said nothing, but her eyesin the interval worked their spell. He suddenlysmiled.

      "I'm mightily pleased to meet you, Mrs. MacBirney,"he exclaimed with heartiness. "We'veall heard about you. Is Mr. MacBirney here?"he continued, tendering the biggest complimenthe could think of.

      "He is somewhere about, I think."

      "We shall lose our waltz, Mrs. MacBirney,"urged Arthur De Castro.

      "Oh, we mustn't do that. Let's run,"whispered Alice, taking his arm.

      "Who is Mrs. MacBirney?" asked Grace ofLarrie with an appealing look as Alice movedaway.

      "Why, don't you know? Her husband ownssome beet plants."

      "What lovely manners she has." Grace spokeunder her breath. "And so quiet. Where aretheir refineries, Larrie?"

      "In the West."

      "Where in the West?"

      "Somewhere out toward the Rocky Mountains,"hazarded Larrie.

      "Denver?" suggested Grace doubtfully.

      "I fancy that's it. Anyway," explained Larriecoldly, "we are buying them."

      "Are you?" asked Grace, lifting her soft eyestimidly.

      To her, Larrie was the entire Kimberly sugarinterest; and at the moment of making theMacBirney purchase he looked, to Grace, the part.


      Edward Nelson, the counsel, in somemeasure the political adviser and, as to thepublic, the buffer of the Kimberly sugar interests, was fond of entertaining. Being naturally anamiable gourmet, his interests suited his tastes.Moreover, his wife, Lottie Nelson, pleasing offace, with a figure well proportioned and withdistinction in her bright, indolent eyes, loved toentertain. And she loved to entertain withoutworking hard to do so. Morningside, her countryhome at Second Lake, though both attractive andspacious, and designed with a view to entertaining, was already being replaced with a new home moreattractive and more spacious, and meant to befilled with still more guests.

      Observation and experience had convincedLottie that the easiest way to keep people in hand isto feed them well. And she quite understood thata vital part of the feeding in such a philosophy isthe drinking. There were difficulties, it is true, but which of us has not difficulties?

      People-provided, they were people ofconsequence-diverted Lottie. She had nochildren-children had no place in her view of life-norwas she vitally interested in her husband. Thecompanionship of those whom she called herfriends thus became a necessity; the annoyancebeing that not always would the particularfriends whom she wanted-men chiefly-gather to her.

      On the evening of the De Castro dinner anddance, Lottie was in better than her usual spirits.She had brought home Charles Kimberly-who asa yachtsman bore the title of Commodore-andhis wife, Imogene. Imogene, the little Quakeress, did not like her, as Lottie was aware, but CharlesKimberly was always in sorts and alwaystractable-different in that respect from Robert.Charles and his wife took MacBirney and FritzieVenable to the Nelsons' with them and Alice wasto follow with the De Castros.

      When Lottie reached home, Dora Morgan hadalready come over with George Doane, one of theKimberly stock brokers. These two assured theevening. In the dining-room only a few-of theright sort-were needed for good company.

      But more was in prospect for thisevening-Robert Kimberly was expected. Nelson camedown from the library with MacBirney and lefthim with Imogene while he followed Charles toa smoking-room. Fritzie and Mrs. Nelson joinedDoane and Dora Morgan in the music-room.Cards were proposed, but no one had the energyto get at them.

      A servant passed in the hall to answer the doorand Lottie Nelson at once left the room. Whenshe reached the vestibule the footman was takingRobert Kimberly's coat. She walked well up toRobert before she spoke: "At last!"

      "I went back to The Towers for a moment,"said Kimberly in explanation. "Are Charles andNelson here?"

      "And is that all after a month-'Are Charlesand Nelson here?'!" echoed Lottie patiently andwith a touch of intimate reproach.

      "We have a conference to-night, you know,Lottie. How are you?"

      She put back her abundant hair: "Why didn'tyou call up last week when you were home tofind out?"

      "I was home only overnight. And I camelate and left before you were awake. You knowI have been at the new refinery for a week. Webegan melting yesterday."

      "At the big one?"

      "At the big one."

      She took hold of the lei that he had worn overfrom the dance and in a leisurely way made apretence of braiding the stem of a loose rose backinto it. "This is the prettiest I've seen," saidLottie. "Who gave it to you?"

      "Grace. What is the matter with it?" heasked looking down at her white fingers.

      "You are losing your decoration," she murmuredwith leisurely good-nature. "Nobody todo anything for you."

      Kimberly looked at the parting lei with someannoyance, but if he entertained doubts as to itsneeding attention he expressed none. "Thesethings are a nuisance anyway," he declared atlength, lifting the lei impatiently over his head anddepositing it without more ado on a console. "Wewill leave it there."

      "Where else have you been all this time?"demanded Lottie with an indolent interest.

      "All over the country-even across the Rockies."

      "Across the Rockies! And a whole big car toyourself! You must love solitude. And now youare buying a lot of refineries."

      "Not I-the companies are."

      "Oh, it's all the same."

      "Not precisely; this MacBirney purchase isnot by my advice or with my approval."

      "He is in there now, Imogene is talking with him."

      "The trip was extremely tedious," said Kimberly, casting his eyes slowly around for means of escape.

      "How could it be anything else with no friendsalong?"

      "With McCrea and two secretaries and astenographer, I hadn't time to take any friends."

      "What is time for?"

      "I should say in the West it is valuable forgetting home with."

      "And when you do get home?"

      "To build more; borrow more; control more; sell more; spend more. I'm speaking for all therest of you, not for myself. I'm just thecentrifugal to throw the money out."

      "Never by any chance to live more, I suppose?"

      "You mean to eat and drink more? Howcould we?"

      "I don't mean to eat and drink more. I meanjust what I say, to live more!"

      They were at the threshold of the music room.He laughed good-naturedly, but Lottie declinedto be appeased.

      "Lord, but I'm sick of it all!" she exclaimedpetulantly.

      Kimberly used care СКАЧАТЬ