The Splendid Outcast. Gibbs George
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Название: The Splendid Outcast

Автор: Gibbs George

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ can think of something." He tried a smile and failed. "I know it's a good deal to ask you – to take my place – to go out into the world and be what I am, but you won't have to do it. You won't have to. We'll manage something – some way. You go back to the studio – " he paused uncertainly, "You're not – ?" he paused.

      Jim Horton read his meaning.

      "Making love to your wife? And if I was, it would only be what you deserve. She doesn't love you any too much, as it is."

      Harry frowned at the floor, and was silent, but his brother's answer satisfied him.

      "All right. You go back – but I've got to get some money. I can't starve."

      "I don't want you to," Jim fumbled in his pockets and brought out some bills. "Here – take these. They're yours anyway. We'll arrange for more later. I've an account at a bank here – "

      "And so have I – but I don't dare – "

      "Very good. What's your bank?"

      "Hartjes & Cie."

      "All right. I'll get some checks to-morrow and you can make one payable to yourself. I'll cash it and give you the money. And I'll make one out at my bank for the same amount, dated back into October, before the Boissière fight, payable to bearer. You can get it cashed?"



      "A woman I know."

      Jim shrugged. "All right. But be careful. I'll meet you here to-morrow night. And don't shave."

      Harry nodded and put the bills into his pocket while Jim rose again.

      "You play the game straight with me," he said, "and I'll put this thing right, even if – "

      He paused suddenly in the doorway, his sentence unfinished, for just in front of him stood a very handsome girl, who had abandoned her companion and stood, both hands outstretched, in greeting.

      "'Arry 'Orton," she was saying joyously in broken English. "You don seem to know me. It is I – Piquette."

      The name Quinlevin had spoke in the hospital!

      Jim glanced over his shoulder into the shadow where Harry had been, but his brother had disappeared.



      She wore a black velvet toque which bore upon its front two large crimson wings, poised for flight, and they seemed to typify the girl herself – alert, on tip-toe, a bird of passage. She had a nose very slightly retroussé, black eyes, rather small but expressive, with brows and lids skillfully tinted; her figure was graceful, svelte, and extraordinarily well groomed, from her white gloves to the tips of her slender shiny boots, and seemed out of place in the shadows of these murky surroundings. For the rest, she was mischievous, tingling with vitality and joyous at this unexpected meeting.

      Horton glanced past her and saw a figure in a slouch hat go out of the door, then from the darkness turn and beckon. But Jim Horton was given no opportunity to escape and Harry's warning gesture, if anything, served to increase his curiosity as to this lovely apparition.

      "Monsieur Valcourt – Monsieur 'Orton," she said, indicating her companion with a wave of the hand. And then, as he shook hands with her companion, a handsome man with a well-trimmed grayish mustache, "Monsieur Valcourt is one day de greatest sculptor in de world – Monsieur 'Orton is de 'ero of Boissière wood."

      "You know of the fight in Boissière – ?" put in Jim.

      "And who does not? It is all in le Matin to-day – an' 'ere I find you trying to 'ide yourself in the obscure caféof Monsieur Javet."

      She stopped suddenly and before he realized what she was about had thrown her arms over his shoulders and kissed him squarely upon the lips. He felt a good deal of a fool with Monsieur Valcourt and the villainous-looking Javet grinning at them, but the experience was not unpleasant and he returned her greeting whole heartedly, wondering what was to come next.

      And when laughing gayly she released him, he turned toward Monsieur Valcourt, who was regarding her with a dubious smile.

      "For all her prosperity, Monsieur 'Orton," Valcourt was saying, in French, "she is still a gamine."

      "And who would wonder, mon vieux! To live expensively is very comfortable, but even comfort is tedious. Does not one wish to laugh with a full throat, to kick one's toes or to put one's heels upon a table? La la! I do not intend to grow too respectable, I assure you."

      Jim Horton laughed. She had spoken partly in English, partly in French, translating for both, and then, "Let me assure you, Madame," said Valcourt with a stately bow, "that you are not in the slightest danger of that."

      But she was already turning to Horton again.

      "A 'ero. The world is full of 'eros to-day, but not one like my 'Arry 'Orton. Allons! I mus' 'ave a talk with you alone. Lucien," she said sharply, turning to Valcourt, "I will come to de studio to-morrow. Monsieur le Duc t'inks I am gone away, but now I would be a poor creature not to give my brave soldier a welcome."

      "If Monsieur will excuse me – " said Valcourt, offering his hand.

      Jim Horton took it, wondering where the adventure was to lead. She was a very remarkable person and her élan had already carried him off his feet. Taking his hand in hers, with a charming simplicity, she led him into the room at the rear, now occupied by a number of persons of both sexes, and bade Monsieur Javet himself serve them. And when they were seated at a table, her hand still in his, she examined him with a new interest.

      "It is indeed you," she said gayly, "and yet you seem different – more calm, more silent. What is it?"

      "I've had two months in the hospital."

      "And you're quite strong again?"

      "Oh yes. And you have been well – Piquette?"

      "Well – but so ennuyée. It is why I come back here to de Quartier to get a breath of fresh air. I've been posing for Monsieur Valcourt —La Liberté. He says my figure is better than ever. And Valcourt knows."

      "I'm sure you are very lovely."

      "La, la, mon vieux, but you are the grand serieux. Of course I am lovely. It is my business. But you do not show me 'ow lovely I am, for you are so quiet – so cool – "

      Jim Horton laughed and caught her fingers to his lips.

      "You are – Piquette. That is enough."

      "C'est mieux. But you are change'. One does not look deat' in de eyes wit'out feeling its col' touch. Oh, but I am glad that you are come back to me. You s'all be 'ere long?"

      "I don't know – when I shall get my orders."

      "But until then – t'ings s'all be as dey were wit' us two, eh, my little one? An' I s'all 'elp you now in de great affair? But Monsieur de Vautrin becomes more onpleasant. He is a very tiresome ol' man…"

      Jim Horton started unconsciously. Then remembered that it was in connection with de Vautrin that Quinlevin had mentioned this very СКАЧАТЬ