The Red Mustang. Stoddard William Osborn
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Название: The Red Mustang

Автор: Stoddard William Osborn

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ them up.

      It was a remarkable military plan, and, when it was all told, "Oh, mother!" exclaimed Vic, and in a moment more she added: "Splendid!"

      "'Dade, an' I'm ready, ma'am," said Norah, as she made a dash for the boiler, and heaped the stove with fuel. "Faith, I'd rather bile thim than ate thim."

      A bustling time of it followed, and courage grew with work. Weapons were plentiful, and the stockade had been regularly pierced for rifle practice. All that was needed there or in the adobe was a supply of riflemen. There was a tall flagstaff at one corner of the adobe, but its halliards had swung emptily for many a day.

      "Mother," said Vic, at the end of about twenty minutes, "what will they say?"

      "The Indians?" said Mrs. Evans, "They may not come at all. Take your father's field-glass and go up to the roof. We must keep a sharp lookout. I'll tend to things down here."

      Up went Vic, her bright young face all aglow with excitement, and she carried Cal's repeating rifle with her, as well as the double field-glass with which to sweep the prairie for Indians.

      "Not one in sight," she shouted down to her mother. "Guess Cal's safe, anyhow. I don't believe they're coming."

      She should have questioned Kah-go-mish about that. While she was nervously patrolling the roof of the old hacienda and watching for him, the prudent leader of the now well-mounted Mescaleros was pushing steadily forward. He had given out a careful set of orders, which proved his right to be considered an uncommon Apache.

      "Ugh!" he said. "No kill. Borrow! Make pale-face lend poor Mescalero gun, horse, mule, blanket, knife, cartridges, kettle. Keep 'calp on head. No want 'calp now."

      He hoped to find the ranch almost if not quite undefended and to take it by surprise, getting what he wanted without doing anything to provoke the altogether unforgiving vengeance of the military authorities.

      Half an hour more went by that was very long to the watchers in the adobe.

      "Four Indians, mother," shouted Vic, at last, from her station on the roof. "'Way off there, eastward. I can't see anything of father or the men."

      "They will come, Vic. Watch!" replied Mrs. Evans.

      "If they were near enough," said Vic, "I'd fire at them. They've halted."

      They had done so, on a roll of the prairie, for they were a mere scouting-party, and they quickly hurried away as if they had an unexpected report to make concerning the state of things at Santa Lucia. Five minutes later Vic laid down her field-glass and took up Cal's rifle.

      "More Indians, mother!" she shouted, and the loud report which followed testified strongly to the condition of Vic's fighting courage.

      Nobody seemed to be hit by that bullet; but the warning shot, long as was the range, compelled one Indian to remark:

      "Ugh! Kah-go-mish is a great chief! Pale-face heap wide-awake."

      "They've halted, mother, but I didn't hit anybody. Hurrah! Hurrah!"

      "What is it, Vic?" anxiously inquired Mrs. Evans. "Do you see anybody else?"

      "Not Indians, this time. On the other side. Key and Joaquin. Perhaps they won't dare to ride in."

      "Nothing could stop your father."

      That was very true, and nothing did. Key and Joaquin had had somewhat the start of him, but had been delayed on the way, repeatedly, by the necessity of keeping out of sight of a dangerous-looking squad of Apaches, so that they were but a little in advance of three more white men who quickly rode up.

      "Colorado!" exclaimed one of these. "What's lit on to the ranch?"

      It was a fair question for Sam Herrick or any other man to ask. A wide-winged American flag floated proudly from the flagstaff, at the foot of which stood what seemed to be an army officer in very full uniform, cocked hat, epaulets, sword, and all. Another flag fluttered at the gate, and in front of it paced up and down a sentry in uniform, while outside of him, at regular intervals, were ostentatiously stacked a complete company's allowance of muskets, bayonets fixed, ready for service.

      "Colorado!" again exclaimed Sam Herrick; but the angry look was fading from the face of his employer. It did not return, even when a score or so of yelling Apaches came out in full view at the right.

      "Boys," he shouted, "give 'em a volley and ride in. The drove is gone, but the ranch is all right."

      Crack went the rifles; but the range was long, and not one of the red men was harmed. A whoop, a yell, and they wheeled away, for they had no idea of storming a stockade defended by an infantry company in addition to Colonel Abe Evans and his cowboys.

      "Hurrah!" roared the deep voice of the colonel. "There's fun coming!"

      Loud rang the answering cheers of the cowboys, but at that instant the sentry at the gate threw away his musket, exclaiming: "Howly mother!"

      The army officer on the roof made a quick motion as if he were gathering his skirts to go down a ladder, and he disappeared, while four soldiers inside the stockade dropped their muskets also, and their commander ceased a remarkable use she was making of an old drum. The garrison of Fort Santa Lucia had been seized with a sudden panic and had disappeared, leaving the gate open for the colonel and his men to ride in and take possession.

      Mrs. Evans had not been in uniform. She had put down her drum, and she was now in the doorway ready to meet her husband. Norah had dashed past her, exclaiming: "'Dade, ma'am, I'd not let the owld man and the byes see me wid the like o' this on me bones."

      Reports were quickly exchanged between the colonel and his wife.

      "Nothing lost but the horses and a few cattle," he said. "It was just like you, Laura. You did the best thing, all around. Cal is safe, but if the cavalry come, he and I are going to ride after the redskins with 'em, far as they go."

      "Of course," she quietly responded.

      "Laura," said he, "I'm glad all that old army stuff was in the storeroom; but I shall not take Major Victoria Evans along. I shall leave her here to garrison Santa Lucia, with General Laura Evans as commander-in-chief."

      Sam Herrick and the other cowboys brought in the stacks of muskets and closed the gate.

      "All that old iron is good for something, after all. So's the flag," said Bill.

      "Colorado!" remarked Sam. "The redskins may think they've struck Fort Craig, by mistake."

      "They'll smell a mouse," said Key, "and they may not give it up so easy."

      "If they do try it on," said Sam, "it won't be till about daylight to-morrow morning. Let's have something to eat."

      "Byes," said Norah, as they entered the kitchen. "Hilp me off wid the b'iler. It was put there to cook 'Paches, but I'll brile you some bacon instid."

      The kitchen table looked warlike enough with its collection of the weapons required by Norah, but she was no longer in uniform, and looked peaceful. She and her Mexican assistants cooked vigorously, but before the coffee was hot the colonel sent for Joaquin.

      "Eat your dinner," he said, in Spanish, "and then take a fresh horse and ride to warn the upper ranches. We're safe enough; even if they try a daylight attack, we can stand 'em off till help can get here. Bring me a dozen good men. СКАЧАТЬ