A Modern Wizard. Ottolengui Rodrigues
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Название: A Modern Wizard

Автор: Ottolengui Rodrigues

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Классические детективы




СКАЧАТЬ would you say that three grains would be a lethal dose?"

      "It would most probably prove fatal. One sixth of a grain has been known to produce death."

      "One sixth of a grain has proven fatal, and, from what you found, you conclude that three grains had been given to this woman?"

      "Yes, provided your hypothesis as to the time of administration is correct."

      "Oh, we will prove the hypothesis."

      "Then I should say that three grains had been administered."

      "Three grains or more?"

      "Yes, three grains or more."

      "You may take the witness," said the Assistant District Attorney, and

      Mr. Bliss at once began his cross-examination.

      "Professor, as an expert toxicologist now, leaving analytical chemistry for awhile, you are familiar with the action of drugs in the human body during life, are you not?"

      "Of poisonous drugs. Yes, sir."

      "Of poisonous drugs of course. Of opium and its alkaloids especially, is what I mean?"

      "Yes, sir. I have studied them minutely."

      "Now then in regard to morphine. You said to his Honor, awhile ago, that this drug acts variably upon different individuals. Is it not true that it also acts differently upon the same individual at various times?"

      "Yes, sir, that is true."

      "And is its action affected by disease?"

      "It might be!"

      "Supposing that the drug were administered continuously, might it not occur, that instead of being absorbed, the morphine would be retained, stored up as it were, so that the quantity would accumulate?"

      "Yes, the records contain reports of such cases."

      "Well, now, suppose that a patient had some kidney trouble, such as

      Bright's disease, would not morphine be retained in this way?"

      "I have never seen such a case."

      "Never seen it! But you have read, or heard of such cases?"

      "Yes, sir. That is the claim made by some authorities."

      "By good authorities?"

      "Yes. Good authorities."

      "And these good authorities claim that morphine, administered to one who has Bright's disease, might accumulate until a poisonous dose were present?"

      "Yes, sir!"

      Thus was made plain the object of the line of cross-examination that had been followed with Dr. McDougal. It became evident that the defence meant to claim that if Mabel Sloane died from morphine it was because it had been stored up in her system, in consequence of the diseased kidneys. Satisfied with this admission from the prosecution's expert, Mr. Bliss yielded the witness, and he was re-examined by Mr. Munson.

      "Professor," said he, "supposing that in the case of this girl, morphine had been retained in the system, suddenly destroying life because a poisonous quantity had been thus accumulated, would you expect to find it, after death, in the stomach?"

      "No, sir, I would not."

      "How long a time would be required to eliminate it from that organ?"

      "Ordinarily it should be eliminated from the system entirely within forty-eight hours. Certainly after that length of time, it should not appear in the stomach."

      "And yet in this case you found morphine in the stomach?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "So that to be there, it must have been administered within two days, and could not have been there as a result of accumulation beyond that time?"

      "I should say that the presence in the stomach proves that the administration must have occurred within two days."

      Upon re-cross Mr. Bliss asked a few questions.

      "On your original examination, Professor, you said that you found morphine in the intestines and in the stomach. Where did you find the greater quantity?"

      "In the intestines!"

      "If, because of kidney disease, morphine were retained in the system, where would you look for it after death?"

      "In the intestines."

      "That is all."

      The next witness was a young woman. Her examination proceeded as follows, after she had given her name and occupation.

      "Now, Miss Conlin, you say you were engaged in your capacity of professional nurse, to care for Miss Sloane. Were you on duty on the day of her death?"

      "Yes, sir. Day and night."

      "You were present when the doctors called in the afternoon then. What did they say of her condition?"

      "That she was very much better. The membrane had entirely disappeared.

      Dr. Fisher thought she would be up in a few days."

      "Did Dr. Medjora call during the afternoon, or evening?"

      "Yes, sir. He called about five o'clock."

      "Did you remain with your patient throughout his visit?"

      "No, sir. Dr. Medjora said that he would stay until nine o'clock, and that I might go out for some fresh air."

      "Did you do so?"

      "Yes, sir. I was glad to go."

      "Did you not consider it wrong to leave your patient?"

      "Why, no, sir. She was getting better, and besides, Dr. Medjora being a physician could care for her as well as I could."

      "When you went out did you state when you would return?"

      "Yes. I said I would be back at nine o'clock."

      "As a matter of fact, when did you return?"

      "About half-past eight. It was eight o'clock when I left my home."

      "Did you go at once to your patient's room?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "And enter it?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "What did you see when you entered?"

      "I saw Dr. Medjora bending over Miss Sloane, giving her a hypodermic injection of morphine!"

      "How could you tell it was morphine?"

      "He washed out the syringe in a glass of water, before he put it back in his case. I tasted the water afterwards, and distinguished the morphine in that way. Besides, I found several morphine tablets in the bed."

      "What СКАЧАТЬ