The Slayer of Souls. Chambers Robert William
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Название: The Slayer of Souls

Автор: Chambers Robert William

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ been employed by the Government for many years. He seemed to be enormously interested in what Miss Norne was saying.

      Also he was the only man who interrupted her narrative to ask questions. And his questions revealed a knowledge which was making the girl more sensitive and uneasy every moment.

      Finally, when she spoke of the Scarlet Desert, he asked if the Scarlet Lake were there and if the Xin was still supposed to inhabit its vermilion depths. And at that she turned and looked at him, her forefinger still resting on the map.

      "Where have you ever heard of the Scarlet Lake and the Xin?" she asked as though frightened.

      Recklow said quietly that as a boy he had served under Gordon and Sir Robert.

      "If, as a boy, you served under Chinese Gordon, you already know much of what I have told you, Mr. Recklow. Is it not true?" she demanded nervously.

      "That makes no difference," he replied with a smile. "It is all very new to these three young gentlemen. And as for myself, I am checking up what you say and comparing it with what I heard many, many years ago when my comrade Barres and I were in Yian."

      "Did you really know Sir Robert Hart?"


      "Then why do you not explain to these gentlemen?"

      "Dear child," he interrupted gently, "what did Chinese Gordon or Sir Robert Hart, or even my comrade Barres, or I myself know about occult Asia in comparison to what you know? – a girl who has actually served the mysteries of Erlik for four amazing years!"

      She paled a trifle, came slowly across the room to where Recklow was seated, laid a timid hand on his sleeve.

      "Do you believe there are sorcerers in Asia?" she asked with that child-like directness which her wonderful blue eyes corroborated.

      Recklow remained silent.

      "Because," she went on, "if, in your heart, you do not believe this to be an accursed fact, then what I have to say will mean nothing to any of you."

      Recklow touched his short, silvery moustache, hesitating. Then:

      "The worship of Erlik is devil worship," he said. "Also I am entirely prepared to believe that there are, among the Yezidees, adepts who employ scientific weapons against civilisation – who have probably obtained a rather terrifying knowledge of psychic laws which they use scientifically, and which to ordinary, God-fearing folk appear to be the black magic of sorcerers."

      Cleves said: "The employment by the huns of poison gases and long-range cannon is a parallel case. Before the war we could not believe in the possibility of a cannon that threw shells a distance of seventy miles."

      The girl still addressed herself to Recklow: "Then you do not believe there are real sorcerers in Asia, Mr. Recklow?"

      "Not sorcerers with supernatural powers for evil. Only degenerate human beings who, somehow, have managed to tap invisible psychic currents, and have learned how to use terrific forces about which, so far, we know practically nothing."

      She spoke again in the same uneasy voice: "Then you do not believe that either God or Satan is involved?"

      "No," he replied smilingly, "and you must not so believe."

      "Nor the – the destruction of human souls," she persisted; "you do not believe it is being accomplished to-day?"

      "Not in the slightest, dear young lady," he said cheerfully.

      "Do you not believe that to have been instructed in such unlawful knowledge is damning? Do you not believe that ability to employ unknown forces is forbidden of God, and that to disobey His law means death to the soul?"


      "That it is the price one pays to Satan for occult power over people's minds?" she insisted.

      "Hypnotic suggestion is not one of the cardinal sins," explained Recklow, still smiling – "unless wickedly employed. The Yezidee priesthood is a band of so-called sorcerers only because of their wicked employment of whatever hypnotic and psychic knowledge they may have obtained.

      "There was nothing intrinsically wicked in the huns' discovery of phosgene. But the use they made of it made devils out of them. My ability to manufacture phosgene gas is no crime. But if I manufacture it and use it to poison innocent human beings, then, in that sense, I am, perhaps, a sort of modern sorcerer."

      Tressa Norne turned paler:

      "I had better tell you that I have used – forbidden knowledge – which the Yezidees taught me in the temple of Erlik."

      "Used it how?" demanded Cleves.

      "To – to earn a living… And once or twice to defend myself."

      There was the slightest scepticism in Recklow's bland smile. "You did quite right, Miss Norne."

      She had become very white now. She stood beside Recklow, her back toward the suspended map, and looked in a scared sort of way from one to the other of the men seated before her, turning finally to Cleves, and coming toward him.

      "I – I once killed a man," she said with a catch in her breath.

      Cleves reddened with astonishment. "Why did you do that?" he asked.

      "He was already on his way to kill me in bed."

      "You were perfectly right," remarked Recklow coolly.

      "I don't know … I was in bed… And then, on the edge of sleep, I felt his mind groping to get hold of mine – feeling about in the darkness to get hold of my brain and seize it and paralyse it."

      All colour had left her face. Cleves gripped the arm of his chair and watched her intently.

      "I – I had only a moment's mental freedom," she went on in a ghost of a voice. "I was just able to rouse myself, fight off those murderous brain-fingers – let loose a clear mental ray… And then, O God! I saw him in his room with his Kalmuck knife – saw him already on his way to murder me – Gutchlug Khan, the Yezidee – looking about in his bedroom for a shroud… And when – when he reached for the bed to draw forth a fine, white sheet for the shroud without which no Yezidee dares journey deathward – then —then I became frightened… And I killed him – I slew him there in his hotel bedroom on the floor above mine!"

      Selden moistened his lips: "That Oriental, Gutchlug, died from heart-failure in a San Francisco hotel," he said. "I was there at the time."

      "He died by the fangs of a little yellow snake," whispered the girl.

      "There was no snake in his room," retorted Cleves.

      "And no wound on his body," added Selden. "I attended the autopsy."

      She said, faintly: "There was no snake, and no wound, as you say… Yet Gutchlug died of both there in his bedroom… And before he died he heard his soul bidding him farewell; and he saw the death-adder coiled in the sheet he clutched – saw the thing strike him again and again – saw and felt the tiny wounds on his left hand; felt the fangs pricking deep, deep into the veins; died of it there within the minute – died of the swiftest poison known. And yet – "

      She turned her dead-white face to Cleves – "And yet there was no snake there!.. And СКАЧАТЬ