Secrets of the Andes. Foster James H.
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Название: Secrets of the Andes

Автор: Foster James H.

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Приключения: прочее




СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      For the next half-hour the three carried on a varied conversation. It was at last broken as they neared a small town.

      They had almost entered the city limits when a slowly moving freight train halted them. Reluctantly they settled back and waited.

      “This will mean a big loss of time,” remarked Joe, as he gazed far down the track at the seemingly endless string of cars. “I’m anxious to – ”

      “Listen!” commanded Bob, leaning forward wonderingly. “Did you hear anything? There it is again.”

      “It’s a muffled cry for help, coming from one of those freight cars.” Joe had opened the door of the sedan.

      With a parting word for the driver, the youths left the automobile and ran down the track, straining their ears for a repetition of the cry.

      “There it is again!” declared Joe. “Sounds like a young boy. In that third freight car up there.”

      Summoning all their strength, the youths ran on until they were opposite the box car. It was easy to keep abreast with the train, moving as slowly as it was.

      The door was pushed back about three feet, leaving barely enough room for the youths to clamber up into the car. Their efforts were not in vain, however, and soon they found themselves inside.

      “Where are you?” called Joe, glancing about at the scores of boxes and barrels.

      “Here!” a faint reply came from a far corner.

      At once the youths turned in that direction, searching for a passageway between the many objects that filled the car. At last they were within a few feet of the corner. But it was not possible to penetrate farther, for a large pile of heavy crates barred the way.

      “Let’s get these to one side,” said Bob, and for the next few minutes the young men worked furiously.

      Finally they made an opening sufficient for them to pass through.

      “Now we’ll see who’s here,” muttered Joe Lewis.

      The youths worked their way through the passage, their eyes trying to pierce the darkness.

      Suddenly they drew back with a cry of surprise.


      The Aimless Wanderer

      EMERGING from behind a pile of boxes was a small boy, his face black with dirt that looked the product of weeks. The clothes he wore were soiled and torn, and his shoes barely clung to his feet.

      “Thanks!” was all he said, as he glanced up shyly at Bob and Joe.

      For several seconds the young men stared wonderingly at this forlorn being, as if trying to account for his presence. Finally Bob broke the silence.

      “What’s it all about?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”

      The boy hesitated a moment, looked up at Bob and Joe, and then, satisfied that he could confide in them, spoke.

      “I – I was caught behind that stuff,” he stammered. “I hid under a pile of bags when they loaded the car so they wouldn’t find me.”

      “But why were you in the car?” demanded Joe. “Where are you going?”

      The boy waited a moment before replying.

      “I don’t know,” he confessed, dropping his head.

      There was something about this youngster’s frankness that moved the youths to pity.

      “Come,” urged Bob, laying his hand on the boy’s shoulder, “tell us about it. Why did you run away from home?”

      “I didn’t want to go to school, that’s why. Ain’t that reason enough?”

      “H’m. Don’t like school, huh? Where do you live?”


      There were exclamations of surprise from Bob and Joe.

      While they gaze at the young lad in wonder, it might be well, for the benefit of those who have not read the first two books of The Exploration Series, to tell something about the two youths, and what had been their adventures up to the present time.

      Bob Holton, who was generally the leader of the two, was a large, powerful boy of nineteen. His complexion was originally light, but an adventurous life in hot lands had made him bronzed. Wherever he went, he was a prime favorite of all.

      Joe Lewis was Bob’s closest friend, the two being almost inseparable. Joe was of medium build and possessed many desirable characteristics. But in a crisis he was never as cool as the other youth.

      Fortune favored the boys. Their fathers, Howard Holton and Benjamin Lewis, were noted naturalists, who often wandered to far corners of the globe in search of wild animals for a large Washington museum. The two families thus lived in Washington, their homes being but a few rods apart.

      Shortly after Bob and Joe had graduated from high school, they were given an opportunity of accompanying their fathers to little-known Brazil. Here with wild animals and treacherous savages they had many thrilling adventures, which are related in the first volume of this series, Lost in the Wilds of Brazil. The boys proved themselves worthy of being called explorers, and the following spring were given another chance to penetrate the unknown.

      On the Sahara Desert they encountered more perils and hardships. How, among other things, they endured a terrible sand storm, went for days without water, and finally fought hostile Arabs for freedom, is related in the volume entitled Captured by the Arabs.

      At the time this story opens, the youths would have been in college had it not been for another proposed scientific trip. The naturalists had finally decided to explore the Andes Mountains in South America, and Bob and Joe were given the permission to accompany the men. The boys had argued stiffly that such an adventure would benefit them as much as a half-year at college, to which their fathers had finally agreed. Now less than two weeks remained before the expedition would depart.

      As we return to Bob and Joe, who stood staring in amazement at the small lad who said his home was in Chicago, we see that Bob is speaking.

      “And you came all this distance?” he asked. “How old are you?”


      “Aren’t you sorry you ran away from home?” queried Joe.

      “I ain’t sorry, but I’m goin’ back. That’s where I’m headin’ now.”

      “Why did you change your mind?” Bob asked.

      “Even school’s better’n goin’ without anything to eat,” the boy said.

      For some time Bob and Joe sat staring at the floor. Everything was clear to them now. They were impressed by this little fellow’s resourcefulness in finding his way freely about.

      Suddenly Joe glanced up. He had almost forgotten that he was on a moving freight train. The cold sweat burst out on his forehead as he saw that they were now traveling rapidly.

      “No СКАЧАТЬ