Two Boy Gold Miners: or, Lost in the Mountains. Webster Frank V.
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      "Suppose he runs into a carriage, or something, and gets all cut and bruised and lame, so he can't work," spoke Will.

      "What's the use of supposing any such thing as that?" asked Jed. "Probably he'll run until he gets tired, and we'll find him along the road, waiting for us."

      "I'm afraid something will happen," went on Will, rather gloomily. "Maybe, as dad said, the gypsies will steal him."

      "Nonsense!" retorted Jed, taking a more hopeful view. "What's the use of worrying until you have to?"

      "But if we lose that horse it will be a serious blow to dad. He's only got these two, and there's no money left to hire or buy another."

      "How do you know?"

      "I heard him and mother talking about it the other night. She asked him why he didn't hire Joe Wright's horse, to help with the cultivating, and he said he couldn't afford it."

      "Well, of course it would be serious if we only had one horse left to do the farm work with," admitted Jed. "But Pete isn't lost yet."

      "It will be my fault if he is," said his brother. "I suppose I shouldn't have unharnessed him from the cultivator. He couldn't have run very far, dragging that."

      "I guess not. But we'll find him, all right."

      "I can't see any more of him."

      "No, he's gone around the bend in the road. We'll make some inquiries when we get there."

      The two lads went on at a dog-trot. In spite of the calm way in which he took it, Jed was not a little worried over the running away of the horse. A number of things might happen to the animal, and even the loss of its services meant a serious handicap at the farm in those hard times. Both boys felt that they simply must recover the animal, before it had run too far.

      As they reached the turn of the road, around which the horse had disappeared, they looked ahead, hoping to get a sight of the runaway. But the road twisted and turned so that it was impossible to see very far.

      "Hello, Mr. Johnson!" called Jed to a man who was hoeing some cabbages in a field near the highway. "Did you see our brown horse pass here a while ago?"

      "Was that your hoss?" asked the man, straightening up, and wiping his head with a big, red handkerchief.


      "Waal, I couldn't tell whether it was a hoss or a cow, it were goin' so fast, and th' dust was so thick. I never see it so dry, not since seventy-three. I guess – "

      "Then the horse went on toward Fentonville?" asked Jed, interrupting the farmer, who was one of the greatest talkers in that locality.

      "Yep, he did that. But, as I was sayin', I ain't seen it so dry since seventy-three. That was th' year I – "

      "Come on, Will," spoke Jed, in a low voice. "I've heard that story a dozen times. Much obliged," he called to Mr. Johnson. "We want to catch him before the gypsies nab him," and with that the two boys ran on.

      "Humph!" exclaimed Mr. Johnson, as he looked after the disappearing lads. "They're in a turrible hurry. I ain't never seen it so dry since seventy-three, and that year I – " Then he seemed to realize that he had no audience, and he began to hoe the cabbages again.

      Meanwhile Jed and Will ran on. When they came to a straight stretch of road, they looked eagerly down it, but they were not rewarded by a sight of the horse.

      "I didn't think he would run so long," remarked Will.

      "Especially on a hot day like this," added Jed. "I'm going to slow down a bit. You're so thin, Will, the heat doesn't have a good chance to get at you." Jed was inclined to fleshiness.

      "We'd ought to have taken the other horse to chase after Pete on," said Will.

      "Ned couldn't carry both of us."

      "I didn't mean we were both to ride him."

      "Oh, I suppose I could walk, and you'd ride."

      "I'm not particular. But it's too late to think of that now. I wonder why we can't see him? He must have turned off somewhere."

      "Very likely. Here comes a man. We'll ask him."

      Down the road the boys saw approaching a rather elderly man. He walked slowly, leaning heavily on a cane, and over his shoulder was a bundle.

      "Looks like a pedler," commented Jed.

      "Maybe he's one of the gypsy gang," suggested Will.

      "Guess not. They very seldom travel alone. No, he's a white man, but he's tanned enough to be a gypsy," went on Jed, as the stranger approached closer.

      "Morning, boys," said the man, pleasantly. "Hot, ain't it? My, you look all played out! Is the sheriff after you?"

      "The sheriff?" repeated Jed, for the words were somewhat puzzling to him.

      "Yes. Out West, where I hail from, a man doesn't run the way you have unless the sheriff gets after him. And then usually he does his running on a horse."

      "Well, we happen to be doing our running after a horse," replied Jed, with a smile. "You didn't happen to see a brown horse with only a bridle on, as you came along, did you?"

      "Did he have a white spot on the breast?"

      "Yes," said Will, eagerly.

      "Then I guess I saw him. I was walking along, a way back, going slow because my corn hurts me, and I see a cloud of dust coming toward me, lickity-split. I thought it was a drove of steers on a stampede at first, and I got out of the way. Then I see it was only one horse. Queer how much dust he did kick up, but then it's terrible dry in these parts. Worse than the Nevada desert in midsummer."

      "Where did the horse go?" asked Jed, a little impatiently, for he did not care for all those details.

      "I'm coming to that, my lad. Just after he passed me the horse seemed to think he'd run enough, and he jumped over a fence, into a pasture, and began to eat. Pretty good jump it was, too, after the way he'd been running."

      "Come on, Will!" cried Jed. "We'll catch him."

      "Hold on, and I'll help you," exclaimed the man, as he followed the two boys down the road.



      "Shall we let him help us?" asked Will, in a low tone, of his brother.

      "I guess so. I don't see why we shouldn't. He was kind enough to tell us about the horse."

      "I know; but he seems like a queer character."

      "Oh, I guess he's all right. He said he was from out West, and the folks there are a little different from those in this part of the country. We'll wait for him."

      The boys, who had started off at a fast pace, on hearing where their horse was, now slackened their gait, to allow the man to catch up to them.

      "You seem to be in pretty much of a hurry, boys," remarked the stranger.

      "Well, it means quite a loss to us if that СКАЧАТЬ