The Tower of London: A Historical Romance, Illustrated. Ainsworth William Harrison
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Название: The Tower of London: A Historical Romance, Illustrated

Автор: Ainsworth William Harrison

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ any answer could be returned, the door of the chapel was suddenly thrown open, and the Duke presented himself. A momentary change passed over Renard’s countenance at this interruption. But he instantly recovered his composure, and folding his arms upon his breast, awaited the result.

      Unable to control his indignation, the Duke strode towards them, and flinging his jewelled cap on the ground, drew his sword.

      “M. Renard,” he exclaimed, “you are a traitor!”

      “To whom, my lord?” replied Renard, calmly.

      “To me – to the Queen,” rejoined the Duke.

      “If to be your grace’s enemy is to be a traitor, I confess I am one,” retorted Renard sternly. “But I am no traitor to her majesty.”

      “It is false!” exclaimed the Duke, furiously. “You are her worst and most dangerous enemy. And nothing but the sacred spot in which you have sought shelter, prevents me from taking instant vengeance upon you.”

      Renard smiled disdainfully.

      “Your grace threatens safely,” he said, in a taunting tone.

      “Insolent!” exclaimed the Duke, roused to a pitch of ungovernable fury. “Draw and defend yourself, or I will strike you dead at my feet.”

      “Put up your sword, my lord,” cried Jane, throwing herself between them. “You forget in whose presence you stand.”

      “No!” exclaimed Northumberland, “I do not forget. I am in the presence of one who owes her authority to me – and who holds it through me. The same power which made you queen, can as readily unmake you.”

      “Your majesty will now judge who is the traitor,” observed Renard, sarcastically.

      “I do,” she replied. “I command your grace,” she continued, authoritatively addressing Northumberland, “to quit the chapel instantly.”

      “What if I refuse to obey?” rejoined the Duke.

      “Your grace will do well not to urge me too far,” replied Jane. “Obey me, or take the consequences.”

      “What are they?” cried the Duke contemptuously.

      “Your arrest,” said the Earl of Pembroke, laying his hand upon his sword, and advancing. “If his grace will not submit himself to your highness’s authority, we will compel him to do so.”

      “Jane!” said the Duke, suddenly controlling himself – “be warned before it is too late. You are in the hands of those who will destroy you.”

      “On the contrary,” rejoined Renard, “her majesty is in the hands of those who will uphold her, and destroy you?

      “No more of this,” interposed the Queen. “If you are, what you profess yourselves, my faithful subjects, you will reconcile your differences.”

      “Never!” exclaimed the Duke. “Let M. Renard look to himself.”

      “Another such menace, my lord,” said Jane, “and I place you in arrest.”

      “Threatened men live long,” observed Renard. “I beseech your majesty not to place any restraint upon his grace.”

      “Will your highness grant me a moment’s speech with you!” said Northumberland, sheathing his sword.

      “Not now, my lord,” replied Jane. “To-morrow, at the council, you shall be fully heard. And I charge you, by your allegiance, to cease all hostilities till then. Have I your knightly word for this?”

      “You have,” replied the Duke, after a moment’s reflection.

      “And yours, M. Renard?” continued the Queen, turning to him.

      “Since his grace has passed his word I cannot withhold mine,” replied the ambassador. “But I give it with reluctance.”

      “Your grace will not fail to attend the council to-morrow,” said Jane.

      “If your highness desires it I will not, undoubtedly,” replied the Duke. “But since you decline to act upon my advice, there can be little need for my presence.”

      “My wishes – my commands are, that you attend,” rejoined the Queen.

      “Your wishes are commands,” rejoined the Duke. “I will be there.”

      “Enough,” replied Jane. “M. Renard, you will accompany me to the palace.”

      As the ambassador was preparing to depart, he perceived Northumberland’s cap lying at his feet.

      “Your grace’s hat,” he observed, pointing to it. And glancing significantly at Jane, he added, in an audible whisper, “Would the head were in it!”

      “Ha!” exclaimed the Duke, laying his hand upon his sword. “But you are safe till to-morrow.”

      Renard made no reply, but with a smile of exultation followed the Queen out of the chapel.


      At noon on the following day, the Council was held as appointed by the Queen. In the meantime, alarming intelligence having been received of the accession which Mary’s party had obtained, it became absolutely necessary that immediate and decisive measures should be taken against her.

      As soon as the Lords of the Council, including the two ambassadors, Renard and Noailles, were assembled, and the Queen had taken her seat upon the throne, the Earl of Pembroke stepped forward, and thus addressed her: —

      “It is with infinite concern that I have to apprise your majesty that news has just been brought that Sir Edward Hastings, with an army of four thousand men, has gone over to the Lady Mary. Five counties also have revolted. Your highness is already aware that the Earls of Sussex, Bath and Oxford, Lord Wentworth, Sir Thomas Cornwallis and Sir Henry Jerningham, have raised the commoners of Suffolk and Norfolk. Lord Windsor, Sir Edmund Peckham, Sir Robert Drury, and Sir Edward Hastings, have now raised those of Buckinghamshire. Sir John Williams and Sir Leonard Chamberlain have stirred up a party in Oxfordshire, and Sir Thomas Tresham another in Northamptonshire. These rebels with their companies are now marching towards Framlingham Castle.”

      “The revolt must be instantly checked,” rejoined Jane. “An army must be sent against her.”

      “To whom will your majesty entrust its command?” inquired the Earl of Pembroke.

      “To one well fitted for the office, – my father, the Duke of Suffolk,” answered the Queen.

      “My advice is, that it be given to the Duke of Northumberland,” said the Earl of Arundel. “Wherever he has carried his arms – in Scotland and in France – he has been victorious. The recollection of the defeat sustained by the rebels at Dussindale will operate in his favour. His grace has every recommendation for the office. Having achieved the victory of Norfolk once already, he will be so feared that none will dare to lift up a weapon against him. Besides which, I need scarcely remind your highness, who must be familiar with his high reputation, that he is the best man of war in the realm, as well for the ordering of his camps and soldiers, both СКАЧАТЬ