The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Volume 1. Browning Elizabeth Barrett
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СКАЧАТЬ thee or for the sun than what ye are,

      My utter life and light! If we have fallen,

      It is that we have sinned, – we: God is just;

      And, since his curse doth comprehend us both,

      It must be that his balance holds the weights

      Of first and last sin on a level. What!

      Shall I who had not virtue to stand straight

      Among the hills of Eden, here assume

      To mend the justice of the perfect God,

      By piling up a curse upon his curse,

      Against thee – thee?

      Eve. For so, perchance, thy God,

      Might take thee into grace for scorning me;

      Thy wrath against the sinner giving proof

      Of inward abrogation of the sin:

      And so, the blessed angels might come down

      And walk with thee as erst, – I think they would, —

      Because I was not near to make them sad

      Or soil the rustling of their innocence.

      Adam. They know me. I am deepest in the guilt,

      If last in the transgression.

      Eve. Thou!

      Adam. If God,

      Who gave the right and joyaunce of the world

      Both unto thee and me, – gave thee to me,

      The best gift last, the last sin was the worst,

      Which sinned against more complement of gifts

      And grace of giving. God! I render back

      Strong benediction and perpetual praise

      From mortal feeble lips (as incense-smoke,

      Out of a little censer, may fill heaven),

      That thou, in striking my benumbèd hands

      And forcing them to drop all other boons

      Of beauty and dominion and delight, —

      Hast left this well-beloved Eve, this life

      Within life, this best gift between their palms,

      In gracious compensation!

      Eve. Is it thy voice?

      Or some saluting angel's – calling home

      My feet into the garden?

      Adam. O my God!

      I, standing here between the glory and dark, —

      The glory of thy wrath projected forth

      From Eden's wall, the dark of our distress

      Which settles a step off in that drear world —

      Lift up to thee the hands from whence hath fallen

      Only creation's sceptre, – thanking thee

      That rather thou hast cast me out with her

      Than left me lorn of her in Paradise,

      With angel looks and angel songs around

      To show the absence of her eyes and voice,

      And make society full desertness

      Without her use in comfort!

      Eve. Where is loss?

      Am I in Eden? can another speak

      Mine own love's tongue?

      Adam. Because with her, I stand

      Upright, as far as can be in this fall,

      And look away from heaven which doth accuse,

      And look away from earth which doth convict,

      Into her face, and crown my discrowned brow

      Out of her love, and put the thought of her

      Around me, for an Eden full of birds,

      And lift her body up – thus – to my heart,

      And with my lips upon her lips, – thus, thus, —

      Do quicken and sublimate my mortal breath

      Which cannot climb against the grave's steep sides

      But overtops this grief.

      Eve. I am renewed.

      My eyes grow with the light which is in thine;

      The silence of my heart is full of sound.

      Hold me up – so! Because I comprehend

      This human love, I shall not be afraid

      Of any human death; and yet because

      I know this strength of love, I seem to know

      Death's strength by that same sign. Kiss on my lips,

      To shut the door close on my rising soul, —

      Lest it pass outwards in astonishment

      And leave thee lonely!

      Adam. Yet thou liest, Eve,

      Bent heavily on thyself across mine arm,

      Thy face flat to the sky.

      Eve. Ay, and the tears

      Running, as it might seem, my life from me,

      They run so fast and warm. Let me lie so,

      And weep so, as if in a dream or prayer,

      Unfastening, clasp by clasp, the hard tight thought

      Which clipped my heart and showed me evermore

      Loathed of thy justice as I loathe the snake,

      And as the pure ones loathe our sin. To-day,

      All day, beloved, as we fled across

      This desolating radiance cast by swords

      Not suns, – my lips prayed soundless to myself,

      Striking against each other – "O Lord God!"

      ('Twas so I prayed) "I ask Thee by my sin,

      "And by thy curse, and by thy blameless heavens,

      "Make dreadful haste to hide me from thy face

      "And from the face of my beloved here

      "For whom I am no helpmeet, quick away

      "Into the new dark mystery of death!

      "I will lie still there, I will make no plaint,

      "I will not sigh, nor sob, nor speak a word,

      "Nor struggle to come back beneath the sun

      "Where peradventure I might sin anew

      "Against thy mercy and his pleasure. Death,

      "O death, whatever it be, is good enough

      "For such as I am: while for Adam here,

      "No voice shall say again, in heaven or earth,

      "It is not good for him to be alone."

      Adam. And was it good for such a prayer to pass,

      My unkind Eve, betwixt our mutual lives?

      If I am exiled, must I be bereaved?

      Eve. 'Twas an ill prayer: it shall be prayed no more;

      And God did use it like a foolishness,

      Giving no answer. Now my heart has grown

      Too high and strong for such a foolish prayer,

      Love makes it strong and since I was the first

      In the transgression, with СКАЧАТЬ