Grif: A Story of Australian Life. Farjeon Benjamin Leopold
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      "It's a rum go," Grif muttered to himself, as he wiped the tears from his eyes, and groped his way down the dark stairs; "a very rum go. If I was Ally, I should do as he told her. But she don't care for herself, she don't. She's too good for him by ever so many chalks, that's what she is!"

      By this time Grif had reached the staircase which led to the cellar. Crouching upon the floor, he listened with his ear to the ground.

      "I can hear him," he said, in a pleasant voice, "he's a beatin' his tail upon the ground, but he won't move till I call him. I don't believe there's another dawg in Melbourne to come up to him. Jist listen to him! He's a thinkin' to himself, How much longer will he be, I wonder, afore he calls me! And he knows I'm a-talkin' of him; he knows it as well as I do myself."

      He listened again, and laughed quietly.

      "If I was to mention that dawg's name," Grif said in a confidential tone, as if he were addressing a companion, "he'd be here in a minute. He would! It's wonderful how he knows! I've had him since he was a pup, and afore he could open his eyes. It would be nice sleepin' down in the cellar, but we can't do it, can we, old feller? We've got somebody else to look after, haven't we? You, and me, and him, ain't had a bit of supper, I'll bet. But we'll get somethin' to eat somehow, you see if we don't."

      Here the lad whistled softly, and the next instant a singularly ugly dog was by his side, licking his face, and expressing satisfaction in a quiet but demonstrative manner.

      "Ain't you jolly warm, Rough!" whispered Grif, taking the dog in his arms, and gathering warmth from it. "Good old Rough! Dear old Rough!"

      The dog could only respond to its master's affection by action, but that was sufficiently expressive for Grif, who buried his face in Rough's neck, and patted its back, and showed in twenty little ways that he understood and appreciated the faithfulness of his dumb servant. After this interchange of affectionate sentiment, Grif and his dog crept out of the house. It was raining hard, but the lad took no further heed of the weather than was expressed by drooping his chin upon his breast, and putting his hands into the ragged pockets of his still more ragged trousers. Slouching along the walls as if he derived some comfort from the contact, Grif walked into a wider street of the city, and stopped at the entrance of a narrow passage, leading to a room used as a casino. The dog, which had been anxiously sniffing the gutters in quest of such stray morsels of food as had escaped the eyes and noses of other ravenous dogs, stopped also, and looked up humbly at its master.

      "I'll stay here," said Grif, resting against the wall. "Milly's in there, I dare say, and she'll give me somethin' when she comes out, if she's got it."

      Understanding by its master's action that no further movement was to be made for the present, Rough sat upon its haunches in perfect contentment, and contemplated the rain-drops falling on the ground. Grif was hungry, but he had a stronger motive than that for waiting; as he had said, he had some one besides himself to provide for, and the girl he expected to see had often given him money. Strains of music floated down the passage, and the effect of the sounds, combined with his tired condition sent him into a half doze. He started now and then, as persons passed and repassed him; but presently he slid to the earth, and, throwing his arm over the dog's neck, fell into a sound sleep. He slept for nearly an hour, when a hand upon his shoulder roused him.

      "What are you sleeping in the rain for?" a girl's voice asked.

      "Is that you, Milly?" asked Grif, starting to his feet, and shaking himself awake. "I was waitin' for you, and I was so tired that I fell off. Rough didn't bark at you, did he, when you touched me?"

      "Not he! He's too sensible," replied Milly, stooping, and caressing the dog, who licked her hand. "He knows friends from enemies. A good job if all of us did!"

      There was a certain bitterness in the girl's voice which jarred upon the ear, but Grif, probably too accustomed to hear it, did not notice it. She was very handsome, fair, with regular features, white teeth, and bright eyes; but her mouth was too small, and there was a want of firmness in her lips. Take from her face a careworn, reckless expression, which it was sorrowful to witness in a girl so young, and it would have been one which a painter would have been pleased to gaze upon.

      "I have been looking for Jim," she said, "and I cannot find him."

      "I sor him to-night," Grif said; "he was up at the house-him and Black Sam and Ned Rutt, and the Tenderhearted Oysterman."

      "A nice gang!" observed the girl. "And Jim's the worst of the lot."

      "No, he isn't," said Grif; and as he said it, Milly looked almost gratefully at him. "Rough knows who's the worst of that lot; don't you, Rough?"

      The dog looked up into its master's face, as if it perfectly well understood the nature of the question.

      "Is Black Sam the worst?" asked Grif.

      The dog wagged its stump of a tail, but uttered no sound.

      "Is Ned Rutt the worst?" asked Grif.

      The dog repeated the performance.

      "Is Jim Pizey the worst?" asked Grif.

      Milly caught the lad's arm as he put the last question, and looked in the face of the dog as if it were a sibyl about to answer her heart's fear. But the dog wagged its tail, and was silent.

      "Thank God!" Milly whispered to herself.

      "Is the Tenderhearted Oysterman the worst?" asked Grif.

      Whether Grif spoke that name in a different tone, or whether some magnetic touch of hate passed from the master's heart to that of the dog, no sooner did Rough hear it, than its short yellow hair bristled up, and it gave vent to a savage growl.

      A stealthy step passed at the back of them at this moment.

      "For God's sake!" cried Milly, putting her hand upon Grif's mouth, and then upon the dog's.

      Grif looked at her, inquiringly.

      "That was the Oysterman who passed us," said Milly, with a pale face. "I hope he didn't hear you."

      "I don't care if he did. It can't make any difference between us. He hates me and Rough, and Rough and me hates him; don't we?"

      Rough gave a sympathetic growl.

      "And so you were up at the house, eh, Grif?" said Milly, as if anxious to change the subject. "What were you doing all the night?"

      "I was sittin' with-"

      But ignorant as Grif was, he hesitated here. He knew full well the difference between the two women who were kind to him. He knew that one was what he would have termed "respectable," and the other belonged to society's outcasts. And he hesitated to bring the two together, even in his speech.

      "You were sitting with-?" Milly said.

      "No one particler," Grif wound up, shortly.

      "But I should like to know, and you must tell me, Grif."

      "Well, if I must tell you, it was with Ally I was sittin'. You never seed her."

      "No, I've never seen her," said Milly, scornfully. "I've heard of her, though. She's a lady, isn't she?"

      "Yes, she is."