Dorothy Dixon Wins Her Wings. Wayne Dorothy
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Название: Dorothy Dixon Wins Her Wings

Автор: Wayne Dorothy

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Классические детективы




СКАЧАТЬ apologize. It's wonderful-do start in or I'll forget my manners and grab!"

      Dorothy helped herself to a sandwich and handed the plate across the table. "Were you able to get Dad?"

      "Yes. Just caught him. He'd only got home from the bank a few minutes before. One of the maids told him you'd spoken of going sailing, so he phoned the club about you. He was just leaving the house to drive down there when I rang him up."

      "Did he say anything else?"

      "Oh, naturally, he was glad you were all right. He didn't seem so pleased when I told him I was flying you back. He asked me if I was an experienced pilot."

      "He would." Dorothy chuckled. "What did you tell him?"

      Bill laughed as he helped himself to another sandwich. "I wanted to get out here to your high tea, you know, so I asked him if he smoked cigarettes."


      "Yes. 'If you do, Mr. Dixon,' I said-you know the old slogan, 'Ask Dad-he knows-' and I'm sorry to say I rang off."

      "I'll bet he goes over and asks your father!"

      "Very probably. Dad's rather touchy when anybody questions my rating as a pilot. I'm afraid your father will get an earful."

      Cocoa and toast had disappeared by this time so the two in the cabin set about clearing up.

      "You must'nt mind Daddy's crusty manner," she said with her hands in a dishpan of soapsuds. "He's always like that when he's upset. He doesn't mean anything by it."

      Bill, who was stowing away cups and saucers in the locker, turned about with a grin. "Oh, that's all right. I had no business to get facetious-my temper's not so good, either. But there's no hard feeling." He held out his hands. "If you're finished with the dishpan I'll throw the water overside. The storm has broken and there's practically no wind. So if you're ready we'll shove off for New Canaan-and I'll give you your first hop."

       Chapter IV


      "How about giving me my first flying lesson now?" Dorothy suggested as Bill hauled in their anchor.

      "You really want to learn?"

      "Of course I do-I'm crazy about it!"

      Bill coiled the mooring line, looping it with practiced skill. "And I'd be glad to give you instruction. But you're a minor-before we can start anything like that we must get your Dad's permission."

      "Oh, that'll be all right, Bill," was the young lady's cool assurance. "But how about right now-"

      "Every student aviator is a watchful waiter the first time up. You stand behind me this trip and I'll explain what I'm doing as we go along."

      "That'll be great! I'm just wild to fly this plane!"

      Bill smiled. "But you won't get your flight instruction in this plane, Dorothy."

      "Why not?"

      "This amphibian is too big and heavy, for one thing; for another, she isn't equipped with dual controls."

      "But what does that mean?"

      "I see we'll have to start your training right now, Miss Student Pilot-Controls is a general term applied to the means proved to enable the pilot to control the speed, direction of flight, altitude and power of an aircraft. – Savez?"

      "You sound like a text book-but I get you."

      "All right. Now, unless we want the bus washed up on the beach, we'd better shove off."

      Fastening the door to the deck after them, they passed through the cabin and into the pilot's cockpit where head-phone sets were at once adjusted. The amphibian bobbed and swayed at the push of little waves. The sun's face, scrubbed clean and bright by wind and rain was reflected in the rippling water; whilst wet surfaces of leaves, lawns, tree trunks and housetops bordering the inlet gleamed in a wash of gold.

      Little gusts of fresh air blew in through the open windows filling the cockpit with a keen sweet odor of wet earth.

      Dorothy drew a deep breath. "My! the air smells good after that storm!"

      "You bet-" agreed Bill. "But I'll smell brimstone when your father comes into the picture, if we don't shove off pronto for New Canaan."

      "Oh, that's just like a boy-" she pouted.

      "Shush! student-Listen to your master's-I mean, – your instructor's voice, will you?"

      "Instructor's better," she smiled.

      "Here beginneth your first lesson." Bill slid into the pilot's seat. "Stand just behind me and hold on to the back of my seat," he ordered.

      Dorothy promptly did as she was told. After all, was not this the real Bill Bolton the famous ace and midshipman she had read about?

      "All set?"

      "Aye, aye, sir."

      "Good enough! Here we go then. I'll explain every move I make, as I make it. Look and listen! First-I crack the throttle-in other words, before starting the engine, set your throttle in its quadrant slightly forward of the fully closed position. Next, I 'contact'-that's air parlance for 'ignition switch on.' After that, I press the inertia starter to swing our propeller into motion-" the engine sputtered, then roared.

      "It is most important," he went on a moment later, "to see that the way ahead and above is clear at this point. Safety first is the slogan of good flying."

      "Yes. But really, Bill, you don't have to explain every thing you do. I'm watching closely. When I don't understand, I'll ask-if it's all the same to you?"

      "Good girl. Don't hesitate to ask me, though."

      "I won't."

      With that she saw him widen the throttle and with his stick held well back of neutral to prevent the nose dipping under the waves, he sent the big seaplane hurtling through the water toward the inlet's mouth. The wind had changed since the storm and now, as they raced into the teeth of the light breeze, Dorothy tingled with that excitement which comes to every novice with the take off.

      Six or eight seconds after opening the throttle, she saw him push the stick all the way forward.

      "Why do you do that? Won't that raise the tail of the plane and depress the nose?"

      Bill shook his head. "In the air-yes. But we're moving at some speed now on the surface-and the bow cannot be pushed down into the water. Our speed is gradually forcing it up until-now-we're skimming along on the step, you see."

      Dorothy nodded to herself and watched him ease the stick back to neutral and maintain it there while they gathered more and more speed.

      "Now I'm going to talk some more," said Bill. "Don't blame me if it sounds like a text book. – In order to fly, certain things must be learned-and remembered. Do not take off until you have attained speed adequate to give complete control when in the air. Any attempt to pull it off prematurely will result in a take off at the stalling point, where control is uncertain. Understand?"

      "I СКАЧАТЬ