Amethyst: The Story of a Beauty. Coleridge Christabel Rose
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СКАЧАТЬ yet, she only wanted to feel happy, in the whirl of the music and the dancing, and the sparkle of the lights. While he stood in a corner, and thought how lovely she looked.

      There were other people in the carriage with Amethyst and her mother as they drove home; but as soon as they arrived there, and the “Good-nights” had passed, she pursued Lady Haredale to the cosy dressing-room, where she sat up late sometimes with a novel, or dawdled over one in the morning, when disinclined to come down-stairs. She had taken off her evening dress, and was sitting by the fire in a pretty blue dressing-gown, which gave her an unusually youthful look, when Amethyst, still in her white ball dress, came in and stood by her side.

      “Well, little girl, what is it?”

      “Oh, mamma,” said Amethyst, “mamma; I thought I ought to come.” She stammered a little, then lifted up her stately head, and said simply, “Lucian Leigh has asked me to marry him.”

      “Already?” exclaimed Lady Haredale. “Why I shall never make a match-making mother. I saw that he was épris, but I never thought of its happening at once!”

      “I – I am afraid it seems quick – but, mother – I hope you won’t be angry, nor my father – but I said yes.”

      “You did? and suppose my lord says no?”

      “Oh, mamma, he will not?”

      “Suppose he does?”

      “I should wait till he consented, I couldn’t change. But indeed, mamma, he has quite enough money.”

      “The little mercenary thing! She has thought of that!”

      “No – no – but I thought there could be nothing else, he is so good.”

      “Now look here, Amethyst,” said Lady Haredale, standing up, and laying her hand on the girl’s shoulder, “this is your first fancy?”


      “Well, yes, I supposed so. Now listen, and no one shall say I don’t tell you all the truth. You are a beauty. That is a very different thing from being a pretty girl. You would have – I could ensure your having – a great success, and you might make a very great marriage. I don’t think many mothers would let you marry in the country at eighteen. But, on the other hand, we’re as poor as rats, as you know; if you marry young Leigh you are provided for, and if you think you love him – I believe she is in love with him – all my children are susceptible! No, I won’t talk you out of it.”

      “Talking could not make any difference,” said Amethyst; then suddenly – “Oh, mamma, I don’t want to be wilful, I will try to be good, but please – please don’t say I must not!”

      There was a passion in her tone, which Lady Haredale felt.

      “No,” she said. “You shall have him! How like you are to poor pretty Blanche; you shan’t be talked out of your lover as she was. I’ll not have it on my conscience. But does the child think she knows her own mind?”

      Amethyst felt indescribably jarred and hurt by her mothers manner. Her cheeks burnt and her eyes were bright, as she answered with equal straightforwardness, and with unexpected passion —

      “I should have liked to be a beauty, and have a success; I know I should like it. But that’s all nothing, compared – compared to him,” as the tears came in floods, and she hid her face.

      “Ah!” said Lady Haredale. – “Poor little girl, it’s a shame to tease her! You are a good child, my pretty Amethyst, and you shall stay good, if you can. Come, kiss me and forgive me, and you shall have your way.” Amethyst threw herself into her mother’s arms, and, in clinging kisses, soon forgot her vexation. “Mother was right to make sure;” and she only felt that she had the kindest and tenderest mother ever known, and the most sympathetic. For Lady Haredale, with a sudden change of tone, began to question her, and listened to the little idyll with as fresh and eager an interest as if she had been Amethyst’s sister or school friend.

      “My darling, its lovely. It’s the sweetest thing I ever knew, and I won’t let anything interfere with it.”

      Chapter Eight

      The Earthly Paradise

      Lucian Leigh’s side of the story did not meet with so favourable a reception. Like Lady Haredale, Mrs Leigh had not taken warning in time, and, while she was thinking of cautioning her son against the penniless beauty, he stood before her with the tale of his successful wooing, quite unprepared for the displeasure with which she received it.

      He was entirely independent of her, and she had no power to prevent him from marrying whom he would; and when she comprehended that the offer had been made and accepted, her consternation was great.

      “Lucian! In three weeks! One of those Haredales! Nothing could have grieved me more.”

      “I don’t think you can mean that, mother,” said Lucian.

      “You don’t know what you are doing.”

      Lucian said nothing. The fewness of his words always made it difficult to argue with him. He made no protestations of passionate love, but he did not yield an inch, and only said at last —

      “But I’m booked now, mother. I have proposed to her.”

      “Will you not at least give in to a delay? Have you no regard to my wishes?”

      “Yes,” said Lucian, “I wish you liked it. But I think I ought to settle it for myself. Anyway I have settled it.”

      “And have you no misgivings?”

      “No,” said Lucian, with a light in his handsome face never seen there before.

      Mrs Leigh felt as if she might as well argue with a statue. She went to bed in distress and uncertainty, and, early the next morning sent over a message to the Rectory, begging Mr Riddell to come and see her at once. He was an old friend, and his office made her feel it right to consult him besides; and she was a woman who liked sympathy, and always talked freely of her troubles and anxieties.

      He came before breakfast was over at Ashfield, and Mrs Leigh, rising, with an eager squeeze of his hand, dismissed her little girls and their governess, and said tearfully —

      “My dear Rector, you know everything I would say. I shall leave you with this foolish boy to persuade him, if possible – ”

      “I can go, mother, if you want to tell the Rector all your objections,” said Lucian. “Anyway I don’t see why you should go away. I have proposed to Miss Haredale, and she has accepted me. The thing is done.”

      Lucian turned scarlet as he spoke, and embarrassment gave a certain coldness to his tone. Mr Riddell recognised that he would be hard to move.

      “My dear boy,” he said, as Mrs Leigh, in spite of her son’s words, left them alone together, “I think I am sorry that you have been so hasty. Three weeks is a very short time.”

      “It’s quite long enough,” said Lucian.

      “Yes, she is a beautiful girl, Lucian, and as guileless – as – as Psyche herself; and brought up by a good woman. But she is only eighteen, and no man can say what she will grow up to. There will be a very great deal СКАЧАТЬ