A Sister of the Red Cross: A Tale of the South African War. Meade L. T.
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СКАЧАТЬ curious change in Keith's appearance. His face turned first white, then stern and sombre. He ceased to talk to Kitty, who was devoting herself now, with all that propensity for flirting which was part of her nature, to Major Strause.

      "Do you know him well?" asked Mollie suddenly, in a low tone.

      Keith gave a start when she addressed him. He turned and looked full at her.

      "You already hold a secret of mine," he said, "and I am about to make you a present of another. The man who drugged me that night six months ago is Major Strause."

      Mollie had too much self-control to show the surprise which filled her.

      "I have something I want to tell you," continued Keith. "Can I see you somewhere alone?"

      "Gavon, the music is going to begin again; do stop talking," cried Kitty, in a restless voice.

      A girl who made her name at that concert came to the front of the stage, and her magnificent organ-like notes filled the building. Mollie, however, much as she loved music, scarcely listened. It was not only the tone in Gavon Keith's voice, but the words which he had uttered, which filled her mind. Something was undoubtedly wrong.

      The song came to an end, and in the furore which followed Keith seized the opportunity to bend again towards Mollie.

      "I shall be in the front drawing-room to-night at seven," he said. "Can you come down a few moments before the rest of the party?"

      "I ought not," was Mollie's response.

      "I ask it as a favour – a great personal favour. Will you refuse me?"

      Mollie did not reply for an instant.

      "I will come," she said then.

      Major Strause did his utmost to make himself agreeable to Kitty, who, after the first moment of excitement, paid him but scant attention. Keith, having received Mollie's promise, was now quite ready to devote himself to the little girl, and his gay remarks and her smart repartees caused considerable laughter on the part of all the young people.

      When the concert was over, Major Strause invited the entire party to have tea with him at his club. Mollie looked at Keith, expecting him to reply in the negative; but to her surprise he accepted the invitation with apparent cordiality. They all went to the Carlton, where the major entertained them; and as if thoroughly satisfied with his conversation with Kitty, he now turned his attention to Mollie. She told him she was a Sister of the Red Cross; whereupon he looked her all over, and said, bowing as he spoke, —

      "Then we may have the pleasure of meeting again, and under different circumstances."

      "What do you mean?" she asked.

      "Why, my dear Miss Hepworth, need you ask? I mean that war is inevitable: my regiment, and that also of my friend Captain Keith, will be among the first ordered to the front. If you are a Sister of the Red Cross – "

      "I shall go to South Africa," replied Mollie. She spoke in a low tone, and there was a thrill of enthusiasm in her voice.

      "Then we are quite certain to meet again," he said, and he turned from her to Kitty to address a remark on a totally different matter.

      It was past six o'clock when the girls got home. Kitty was inclined to dawdle downstairs; but Mollie, remembering her promise to Keith, hurried off to her room. Kitty stayed behind for a moment. She suddenly stretched out her hand to Keith, who took it in some astonishment.

      "Well, little girl, what now?" he asked.

      "Tell me what you think of her," said Kitty.

      "Think of whom?"

      "My sister – my Mollie."

      "I admire her very much; she reminds me of you."

      "Oh, does she?" answered Kitty. She dimpled and smiled. "Is that really why you are so much interested in her, Gavon?"

      "It is one of the reasons," he replied, after a pause. "She reminds me most wonderfully of you. But at the same time there is a great gulf between you. Your sister has been trained in one of the finest professions a woman can possibly take up. She has therefore a force of character, an individuality which – "

      "Which I lack. Oh, you need not apologize," said Kitty, looking half amused, half sorrowful. "Mollie always, always had just what I lack. But I thought – "

      "Let your thoughts run in the old groove, Kitty," replied the young man. "You are the most charming friend a man could possibly possess. But I hear my mother's voice. We shall meet again at dinner."

      Kitty mounted the stairs slowly.

      "I wonder what Gavon really thinks about me, and about her," she said to herself. "It was to me he spoke whenever he had a chance this afternoon, but it was at her he looked. Did he wonder at her dowdy dress? Darling Mollie was not at her best; and I felt such a wretch, for I could have made her lovely. When once I am engaged to Gavon, my Mollie shall want for nothing."

      Kitty hummed a gay air as she entered the large bedroom which the two girls shared. Mollie was arranging her hair before the glass, and the lace evening dress which she had worn on the previous night lay on her bed.

      "What a hurry you are in!" cried Kitty. "We have oceans of time. We need not begin to dress until seven o'clock."

      "But I must dress at once," replied Mollie.


      Mollie did not answer immediately.

      "Why?" repeated Kitty, whose nerves were so strained that she could brook no suspense of any sort.

      Mollie thought quickly; then she turned and looked at her sister.

      "I will tell you," she said. "Captain Keith wants to see me for a minute or two. It is in connection with a matter which I happened to hear about when I was at Netley – a matter of which you know nothing. Dear little girl, if you are worth your salt you will not be jealous."

      Kitty's face turned very white.

      "But I am jealous," she said then, slowly. "I suppose I am not worth my salt. I am jealous – horribly so. O Mollie, don't go to him; don't, Mollie! Mollie, do stay here, for my sake."

      "I am sorry, Kitty. I have promised Captain Keith to give him a few moments, and I cannot break my word. You must trust me, and not be a goose."

      Kitty crossed the room slowly. Her very steps trembled. She reached her bed and flung herself on it. When she raised her face after a moment or two, the tears were streaming down her cheeks.

      "This is intolerable," thought Mollie. "I never could have guessed that my little sister would be so silly. The best thing I can do is to take no notice." So she checked the impulse to go up to Kitty, take her in her arms, and fuss over her and pet her, and went on with her own toilet.

      As the clock was on the stroke of seven she turned to leave the room. She had just reached the door when Kitty gave a cry.

      "Mollie," she said.

      Mollie went up to her at once.

      "Dress yourself like a good child and come down when you are ready," was her remark. "And let me say one thing: Don't be a little goose." Mollie closed the СКАЧАТЬ