Miser Farebrother: A Novel (vol. 2 of 3). Farjeon Benjamin Leopold
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СКАЧАТЬ do you speak to me like that?" asked Jeremiah, in an injured tone.

      "Because I know the world," retorted the miser; "because I know human nature. Did I show it to them just now, or did I not? Did I compel them to be honey to my face, while they hated me in their hearts? Play tricks with me, and I'll serve you worse!"

      "We have made a bargain," said Jeremiah, submissively, "and I will keep to it, and be grateful to you all my life."

      "That is what I want," said Miser Farebrother. "While I am alive I am master. When I am gone, you will have your turn."

      After that they walked on in silence; but Jeremiah's thoughts, fashioned into words, may be thus construed: "When you are gone! You think I will wait till then, do you? You old fool! you're not in it with me!"

      For a few moments after Miser Farebrother left the Lethbridges they gazed at each other in silence. Then said Fanny:

      "Would you like to know what I think of Uncle – no – Miser Farebrother? Well, I think he's a brute!"

      "Hush, hush, Fanny!" said Mrs. Lethbridge. "For Phœbe's sake!"



      Upon the happy musings of the lovers came a harsh interruption. They turned and saw Miser Farebrother and Jeremiah.

      "I have been looking for you, Phœbe," said the miser; "and so has Jeremiah."

      "Your flowers, miss," said Jeremiah, offering them.

      With her father's eye upon her, she could not choose but take them.

      "You sent me back for them, you know," said Jeremiah. "I should have brought them before, but for – "

      "But for my calling to him," interrupted Miser Farebrother, "upon a matter of business. I am pleased that your friends have enjoyed themselves. You have had a pleasant birthday, Phœbe?"

      "Very pleasant, father; I shall never forget it. Father, this is Mr. Cornwall, who brought me the presents I showed you."

      "I trust you will excuse me," said Fred, gazing with interest at Phœbe's father, "for intruding myself. But Miss Farebrother and I have met so often at Mrs. Lethbridge's house that I thought I might venture."

      "All my daughter's friends," said Miser Farebrother, in his blandest tone, "are welcome here. A very charming family, the Lethbridges."

      "Indeed they are," said Fred, warmly.

      "We have met but seldom," said Miser Farebrother, "and I was just expressing my regret that we did not see each other oftener."

      "Oh, father!" said Phœbe, in a grateful voice, gliding to his side. There was no discordant note in his speech; he looked kindly upon her; and he had met Fred Cornwall in a spirit of friendliness. Her cup of happiness was full to overflowing.

      "Perhaps Mr. Cornwall will give me his address," said Miser Farebrother. "I may ask him to decide some knotty point of law for me."

      Fred Cornwall drew forth his card-case with alacrity, and handed a card to the miser.

      "You will excuse me now," said Miser Farebrother; "I am by no means well, and I must go in-doors and rest. Remain with your friends, Phœbe; Jeremiah will assist me to my room. Come in and wish me good-night, Phœbe, before you retire."

      "Yes, father, I will."

      He smiled amiably, and saying "Good evening, Mr. Cornwall," departed, clinging to Jeremiah's arm. Jeremiah was not at all in a good humour; he would have preferred to be left behind with Phœbe, and he said as much to his master.

      "Be wise, be wise, Jeremiah," said Miser Farebrother, in response to this complaint. "You are but a novice with these people. Take a lesson from me, and learn to wait with patience. Before a good general strikes a blow, he lays his plans, and satisfies himself that everything is in order. Do I know how to act, eh? Have I already entangled and confused them, or have I not? I shall be a subject of discussion among them. 'He was flinging stones at us all the time he was speaking,' the Lethbridges will say. 'He said the most sarcastic things.' Who will defend me? The sharp lawyer, Mr. Cornwall, and, better than all, my daughter Phœbe. 'You are mistaken,' she will say; 'I am sure you are mistaken. He has been kindness itself; you do not understand him.' Then she will appeal to Mr. Cornwall, and ask him whether I did not speak in the most beautiful way of her aunt and uncle, and he will be able to make but one answer. That will silence them; they won't have a word to say for themselves. Ha, ha! I am really enjoying the game."

      He kept Jeremiah with him until the Lethbridges and Fred Cornwall were gone, and then sent him back to London, bidding him not to take the same train as Phœbe's relatives.

      It was between ten and eleven o'clock when Phœbe received a message from her father, through Mrs. Pamflett, bidding her come to him and wish him good-night. Phœbe had been sitting at the open window of her bedroom, musing upon the happy day fast drawing to an end. A tender light bathed the grounds of Parksides, and seemed to the happy girl to be an omen of the future – a future of love and peace. The soft breeze kissed her, and whispered to her of love; the silence of nature was eloquent with the immortal song; a tremulous joy possessed her soul. "He loves me! he loves me! he loves me!" This was the song sung by her heart, bringing light to her eyes, blushes to her cheeks, and causing her, from a very excess of joy, to hide her face in her hands. "How sweet, how beautiful is the world!" she said only to herself. "How good everybody is to me!" She rose from these musings to attend her father. Mrs. Pamflett accompanied her to the door of his apartment.

      "Good-night," she said to the young girl.

      "Good-night, Mrs. Pamflett," said Phœbe; "and thank you for all you have done to-day."

      "I am glad you are pleased with me. May I call you Phœbe?"

      "Yes, if you like."

      "May I kiss you?"

      "Yes," said Phœbe, with a bright look; and she received and returned the kiss.

      "This is the commencement of a happy time for you, Phœbe." She had heard from her son all the particulars of the agreement entered into by him and Miser Farebrother.

      Phœbe glanced shyly at her, and thought, "Does she know about Mr. Cornwall? Does everybody know?" She answered Mrs. Pamflett's remark aloud: "I am sure it is. Oh, Mrs. Pamflett, I am happy – very, very happy!"

      "I am delighted to hear you say so. Good-night again, Phœbe."

      "Good-night, Mrs. Pamflett."

      When she was in her father's room, with the door closed, what reason had Phœbe to suppose that Mrs. Pamflett was crouching down outside, to catch what passed between Miser Farebrother and his daughter?

      "Come and sit beside me, Phœbe," said Miser Farebrother. "So – the birthday is over?"

      "Nearly over, father."

      "And your friends have gone away contented?"

      "Yes, father."

      "Those flowers look well in your dress. What flowers are they? Ah, I see – white daisies and roses. Who gave you the daisies?"

      "A poor friend in the village sent them to me." Knowing that her father was incensed СКАЧАТЬ