Vivienne. Just an ordinary suburban housewife… no more. Colin Palmer
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СКАЧАТЬ this Foster Barnes.”

      “Mrs Curtis, how are you handling it, the heat I mean, the heat I know you’re feeling inside, the heat that makes you feel invincible doesn’t it? But Mrs Curtis, I want to, need to warn you, whatever you do, do not … Mrs Curtis? Mrs Curtis, are you there? Vivienne? Damn it, she’s gone. What the hell happened?”

      Pete was standing beside the operator who nodded at him.

      “She hung up boss.”

      Chapter 13

      “Hidden Treasure”

      Vivienne recalled the words – they still echoed around her head. “…how are you handling it, the heat I mean, the heat I know you’re feeling inside, the heat that makes you feel invincible …?” There was no doubt in her mind that it had been Foster Barnes she had spoken to. But how did he know? How could he know what she felt? She still held the receiver in her hand, and replaced it slowly, noticing the false dawn and knowing she needed to find another hidey-hole for the day. She remembered the council van park further down the esplanade. She would find something there, somewhere cool and out of sight. She began to run, ignoring the looks of the pre-dawn risers walking the dog or the more enthusiastic surfers changing into wetsuits. One of them even wolf whistled at her as she sprinted past, dress caught up around her upper thighs and hair sailing in the breeze of her making.

      She ran and ran, and only slowed as she neared the van park itself as she thought about where the entry gates were. To her amazement she found herself jumping the two-metre high chain mail fence and then and only then did she stop, from surprise. She glanced around quickly, recalling that van parks were notorious for early risers, but remembering this was a council park and there should be no permanents. It was not holiday season – there wasn’t a soul in sight. She located a small cabin with attached ensuite, the cabins on either side and opposite all looked unoccupied. The door opened easily after she softly knocked a few times, and she closed and applied the safety hook once inside. She sunk to the floor of the little cabin, a floor thankfully of linoleum over cool concrete, and heard those words again in her head.

      “… how are you handling it, the heat I mean, the heat I know you’re feeling inside, the heat that makes you feel invincible …?”

      “How could he know?” she whispered.

      Chapter 14

      “Closing In”

      “What was all that about boss?”

      “A stab in the dark Pete, just a stab in the dark.”

      “I hope it wasn’t a fatal one.”

      “No, I think I may have surprised her is all, shocked her maybe. Did we get a trace?”

      Pete glanced again at the operator who responded.

      “Yes sir, she was at a public phone on the Esplanade at Surfers.”

      “Do we want to go there boss?”

      Foster Barnes considered this for a moment. “How far is it?”

      “No more than seven or eight minutes tops at this time of morning.”

      “No, she’ll be miles away by then. Can we have a map, a tourist type map not just a road map?”

      “Yeah sure, any of the service stations should have one. I’ll get the Constable to get us one.”

      “Service station?”

      “Yeah, roadhouse.”

      “Oh, uhuh, yeah that’d be great – no hurry.”

      “You don’t think we can catch up with her?”

      “I don’t think she’s mobile, you know, she wouldn’t be using public transport for fear of being recognised. She doesn’t have her car anymore, and what, she’s moved less than five or six miles in three days? And finally, her husband and her daughter are still only just up the road, close enough to run home to, turn to if she gets desperate enough. She’s scared, scared about what’s happening to her and scared at what’s happening around her – and she’s scared for her husband and baby. That’s the reason she ran, not because she got uppity with a neighbour.”

      “What did you mean about the heat, what you said to her about that?”

      “You’re persistent Pete! Like I said, just a stab in the dark – we’ll have to wait and see. When does this school chum of yours arrive? We need to ask him a really big favour.”

      “Said he should be in by seven-thirty, about two hours from now.”

      “We got a place to kip, beside the truck I mean?”

      Pete looked at Barnes with surprise. “You actually want to sleep? I’ve been waiting to see if you did or not. Unless you slept on the plane over, I ain’t seen you put your head down yet.”

      “Not for me, for you. Go on, rustle up that map and find yourself a place to lie down for a while. I’ll need you rested tonight understand?”

      “Don’t need to understand boss, if that’s what you say that’s fine by me. What you gonna do then?”

      “As you say, I’m gonna study the file and that map when it gets here, send out a few enquiries and see what turns up.”

      Peter screwed up his already screwed up face. “You know something, you know where she is don’t you?”

      “No, no, I wish I did, but I’ll have a better idea by tonight so go on, stop wasting time and go grab a kip.”

      “Okay, you’re the boss, boss.”

      Barnes pored over the report again, memorising every little detail and ignoring the increasing bustle around him. The breaking morning brought Policemen in from patrols and their replacements ready for another day. He knew they’d be looking at him as word spread he was now based with them, not to mention the big black rig blocking most of their car parks. They probably knew nothing about him other than he was an FBI Agent, and that made him a curiosity. All manner of local, interstate and commonwealth authorities had tread the boards here at one time or another, but an actual Special Agent of the FBI was a rarity indeed. He recalled Viviennes’ voice and frowned.

      “She ain’t scared anymore, confused is all, and a mite angry too,” he muttered.


      It was the young constable from the front desk. Barnes looked up at him.

      “Nothing. What is it son.”

      “Sir, the Super is here asking for you and Mr Gallagher.”