Steven. Crazy on You. Colin Palmer
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Название: Steven. Crazy on You

Автор: Colin Palmer

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9788381045742


СКАЧАТЬ we’ll put the blanket over us too. Are you cold now?” He looked directly at her this time. She was looking straight ahead at the screen but her head was shaking no! “It’s okay, I told you I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. Relax!”

      He grasped her hand a bit tighter in his, and jiggled it a little higher on her thigh. She turned her head to him now, and whispered.

      “I’m… I’m sorry Steven, it’s just I am nervous, and it’s just, with my mum and all, I’ve just never been out with a boy before, and I will try to relax, I’m really sorry, I don’t want to spoil things, between you and me, and my Mum, well…". Her voice trailed off and Steven wasn’t sorry she finished but he gleaned enough from what she’d said.

      “How old are you Katie?”

      “What, well, what are you doing?”

      Steven had released her hand and put his arm around her shoulders. She sat uncomfortably rigid, staring straight ahead.

      “Katie, I know it’s not polite to ask how old a girl is but after what you just said about your mum and all, I wanted to let you know that everything is okay, we’re friends. When’s your birthday?”

      He felt her shoulders relax against his arm and he softly rested his fingers against the skin of her upper arm, moving them ever so slowly so that she would get used to their physical contact.

      “Um, February 18th, I’m a Pisces”.

      She smiled at him with a visible effort to calm herself down.

      “Yep, so next year that means you will turn…? Steven framed the question for her.

      “I’ll be twenty-two next year” she almost whispered.

      “Gee, I’m sorry I wasn’t around for your twenty-first party; did you have a big one”?

      Steven was surprised. He didn’t believe she could be a day over about 18 or 19, at most. She started talking about her birthday party, obviously happy to talk about something that was special to her. While she babbled, Steven brought his left hand over and took both of her hands and rested them in her lap.

      She didn’t appear to notice “and me and a couple of other girls had this bottle of Asti out the back where Mum wouldn’t see us…”

      Steven started caressing his fingers against her hands, his eyes never left hers as he appeared to listen intently to her nonstop recitation. Whenever she paused he would cock his head slightly and raise his eyebrows as if to say “go on”, and she would. It probably lasted only two or three minutes and she relaxed to a stage where she was responding to his caresses, and was also tentatively using her own fingers to caress his hand in return. On the next pause Steven let her hands go, raised his to the side of her face and began caressing her cheek.

      “Go on”.

      She smiled at him, half closed her eyes and rocked her head softly against his fingers. “That feels so nice Steven” she murmured.

      He guided her slightly forward and when she closed her eyes completely he leaned forward as well until his lips came softly into contact with her cheek. Her eyes fluttered but didn’t open so he kept kissing her, softly, from the side of her face to each closed eye, then slowly down to the tip of her nose. Her body rolled into him and her head lolled back slightly so he kissed her top lip, then around her mouth before placing his lips directly over hers. The kiss was ever so soft, and Steven felt his erection growing in his jeans. She kept her lips together as she tentatively kissed back. He felt her arm come over his shoulder, her hand to the back of his neck and she pulled him in tighter to her as her lips opened ever so slightly.

      Steven suddenly pulled away from her, his arm stayed behind her back but he grabbed her right arm with his left so that she wouldn’t let him go.

      “I’m sorry Kate, I’ve wanted to do that for so long, and I said that I wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with”.

      Kate smiled, her eyes almost glowing in the dark. Once again he pulled her to him and she responded vigorously, kissing him hard, and accepting his tongue without hesitation. Their tongues were intertwining and his erection was now painfully uncomfortable in his jeans. He dropped his arm onto her thighs and then moved his hand over them, massaging her softly, ever so slowly raising the hem of her dress to a reachable length. It seemed to Steven that she never wanted to let his tongue go, because when he retracted his, hers would just come snaking out and plunder his mouth until he responded in kind.

      The hem of dress was now almost to her knees and would go no further as the weight of her legs trapped it against the seat. Steven finally pulled away from her lips but still kept his face within an inch of hers. Her eyes opened and her face lit up again. Steven thought her eyes were a little glazed. He kissed her softly again and placed his hand down onto her bare calves. She looked at him smiling and radiant.

      “I have to lift your legs up over mine so I can hold you closer, it’s getting a bit too uncomfortable” he smiled back at her.

      “Okay” was all she murmured back, her eyes never left his.

      She lifted her legs for him but at the same time pulled his head back to kiss. He swung her legs over his own, but as Steven knew, that meant her body had to compensate. She began to slide down the seat, firstly holding on tighter to him to arrest her movement and then moving herself along the seat to allow his body to be more beside hers, and her own to be more or less, lying straight along the back seat. The arm he had around her shoulders was now propping him up, so that he wouldn’t be lying on top of her and he put his hand behind the back of her head. She reached up smiling at him and pulled his head down to meet her own again. Steven crushed his lips against hers, almost in triumph, as he had seen that he’d successfully pulled her dress above her knees when she moved.

      Their tongues danced together again and Steven’s left hand began fondling her exposed thighs, slowly and softly at first, then higher and higher as she did not resist. Little moans escaped from her lips and once he thought she even moaned his name. He turned her head into the seat a little, and kissed her ear and the side of neck. His left hand, restricted by their physical position could only slide up her right side, and he did so until he felt the waist band of panties. Kate responded strongly to his kisses on her neck and face, and she let a long sigh go as he began tracing his fingers along the waistband of her panties. Her thighs remained bonded together, even though she rocked her legs side to side sometimes in response to his caresses. His erection pressed hard into her left thigh and when she rocked he almost moaned himself. He slid his hand down her right leg and the next time she rocked he lifted it by the ankle and placed it down onto the floor. She moaned and rocked back at him, lifting her leg to put it back together with the other but still pulling his face harder against hers. He slid his hand up onto her inner thighs and her reaction completely surprised him, to the point where he almost stopped.

      She uttered “Oh my God”, and lifted her hips so that the pressure of his hand came into contact with the swell of her pubis. Her grip on his head tightened. He wanted to look down so badly and see her down there, to know what kind of knickers she wore. He felt them, they were the same satiny type she had worn to lunch with him yesterday but he didn’t think they would СКАЧАТЬ