Billy. Going where darkness fears to tread…. Colin David Palmer
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СКАЧАТЬ can go back and fix her man,” his smile so wide it seemed to spill off the side of his face.

      “No, I don’t want to see her, see that again.”

      “What, and let her get away with it? No way man, you gotta strike. Strike while the irons hot you hear me?”

      “What d’ya mean?”

      “I mean, you don’t wait until they go cold, until they’ve forgotten about you. You hit ‘em hard as soon as you can, while their grief for you is still uppermost. For the maximum effect you understand!”

      “What, haunt them or something? You’re kidding?”

      “No, no, haunt them! That’s movie Life crap! I mean hurt the bitch,” the smile turned into a malevolent grin.

      “What, hurt her? Lynn? Why? No! No way!”

      “So you gonna let the cheatin’ bitch get away with it, eh?”

      “Get away with what? That was my fault. My fault I tell you!”

      “Crap Peter. Absolute crap! Tell me, do you think that guy has been the only one? Is that what you think? Do you want me to tell you about the others then?”

      “No, I don’t believe you. She wouldn’t!”

      “Wouldn’t she? Come with me Peter.” Peters lounge room materialised in front of him yet again. Smiley was right behind him but there was no Lynn, and no stranger. He heard voices from the bathroom and found himself at the doorway, looking at his wife and the man sitting on the side of the bath. Lynn had at least readjusted her dress, but the man sat with his hand on her thigh, his other arm around her shoulder. Lynn was still sobbing and holding a tissue to her face. “See what I mean,” smiley mans voice came from behind.

      “You barstard, get your hands off her,” Peter yelled, leaping at them, and somewhere in the back of his mind he prepared to land in the creek again. Instead, he passed straight through the man, straight through the bath and the wall, and rolled onto his side lawn outside. He was seething, even through his surprise. He jumped back at the exterior wall, and passed through both the man and Lynn this time, before standing and looking at smiley man who was leaning with his shoulder against the doorframe. “What, how then?” he said frustrated.

      Smiley man stood upright, and the smile disappeared. “You wanna get the bitch now, right?”


      “Then you must do what I tell you Peter.”

      “No, no I don’t think so anymore. She’s crying, for me!”

      “Bullshit Peter. She’s putting on an act for him,” he pointed to the salesman. “You gotta do it now Peter. Or never.”


      “Because Peter, it’s all in the timing. It will mean nothing if you don’t do it NOW!”

      “I don’t want to. I don’t understand. I wish I could cry. I can’t cry.”

      Smiley man softened a little, and his smile returned. “Turn around Peter. Look at her.”

      “I don’t want to.”

      “Turn around Peter. Do it,” he commanded. Peter turned slowly and obediently lifted his head to see what he no longer wanted to see. The man was now caressing her thigh and Lynn had dropped her head onto his shoulder. “Peter, I’ll give you a little analogy that will help you understand. When you hear the jewfish are biting, off the break wall, and they are all a hundred pounders, what do you do? Do you wait until tomorrow night? No way man, you go out straight away, while they’re still there. You understand me now? It’s gotta be now Peter.”

      “Yeah, okay, but what about him. I want to kill the barstard.”

      “No you don’t. He’s just a pawn. What you gonna do, kill every man that comes along and looks at her sideways? Why kill a hundred when you only have to deal with one? You can do it Pete. You gotta stop it at the source.”

      “Yeah, yeah you’re right. Just help me get this barstards hands off her, will ya?”

      “Okay, now do exactly what I tell you.”

      Peter nodded.

      “Raise your arm, hold out your hand to her.”

      Peter frowned and looked around at smiley man. The response was another order but his voice was much stronger, booming off the walls.


      Peter watched as his arm rose almost of its own accord. His hand reached out toward Lynn.

      “Move forward, let your hand feel her heart. DO IT!”

      Peter watched, transfixed, as his hand passed through the mans arm, then his wife’s dress and her left breast, yet he could still see it clearly.


      Peter’s eyes widened when he saw Lynn’s heart appear in his hand, pumping its rhythm of Life.


      “What, I, I …”


      Peter squeezed, softly at first, and he saw Lynn give a little start. But then he did feel it, he felt the hearts rhythm transferring through his hand and began to time his squeezes to match. Each time he did so he began to feel the strength, its strength, traveling up his arm and into his body. He began to feel again, the floor under his feet firstly and a tear escaped from the corner of his eye.

      “Can I stop, now?”

      “NO. SQUEEZE,” the voice so loud it hurt his ears.

      He looked at Lynn and almost felt she was looking at him. She was very ashen faced, and the salesman was panicking around her now. Her eyes were still looking at Peter, and he realised suddenly that she was looking at him.

      “SQUEEZE!” the voice continued to command.

      Peter gritted his teeth, reveling in the feel of his tongue against the roof of his mouth again. He stared into his widows’ eyes, seeing her Life fading.

      “Peter!” she gasped.

      “Damn you, you cheated on me,” he yelled back at her, and squeezed tighter.

      And then her heart stopped still in his hand. Peter squeezed. He squeezed it harder. Her СКАЧАТЬ