Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville. Baum Lyman Frank
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Название: Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville

Автор: Baum Lyman Frank

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ we'll get along," said Uncle John, assuming a sudden brisk manner.

      "Just keep your eye on our baggage till we get back, my good fellow.

      There are no people to interfere with it, but some bears or tigers might come out of the hills and eat it up. Now, girls, away we go!"

      Uncle John's nieces were not so greatly dismayed at this experience as might have been expected. They had recently accompanied their erratic relative on a European trip and had learned to be patient under difficulties.

      A quarter of a mile down the dusty road they came to the hotel, a dismal, unclean looking place that smelled of stale beer. Uncle John routed out the proprietor.

      "Folks up?" he inquired.

      "Long ago," said the man.

      "Get us some boiled eggs, bread and butter and plenty of fresh milk – right away," ordered Mr. Merrick. "The quicker it comes the more I'll pay you. Bring a table out here on the porch and we'll eat in the open air. Where's the livery stable – eh? Oh, I see. Now, step lively, my man, and your fortune's made. I'll add a quarter of a dollar for every five minutes you save us in time."

      The fellow stared, then woke up with a start and disappeared within.

      "By gum, I'll bet a hen it's thet air nabob!" he muttered.

      Leaving his girls and Mary to sit on the wooden benches of the porch Uncle John crossed the road to the livery stable, where he discovered a man and a boy engaged in cleaning the half dozen sorry looking nags the establishment contained. A three-seated democrat wagon was engaged to carry the party to the Wegg farm at Millville, and a rickety lumber wagon would take the baggage. The liveryman recognized his customer as soon as the Wegg farm was mentioned, and determined to "do the city guy up brown."

      "Road's bad an' up hill, an' my time's vallyble," he said in a surly voice. "I'll hev to charge ye three dollars."

      "For what?" asked Uncle John, quietly.

      "Fer the two teams to Millville."

      "Get them harnessed right away, load up the baggage, and have the democrat at the hotel in twenty minutes. Here's five dollars, and if you'll look pleasant you may keep the change."

      "Blame my thick skull!" muttered the livery-man, as he watched the little man depart. "What a cussed fool I were not to say four dollars instead o' three!"

      But he called to his boy to hurry up, and in the stipulated time the teams were ready.

      Uncle John and his nieces were just finishing their eggs, which were fresh and delicious. The milk was also a revelation. Through the windows of the hotel several frowsy looking women and an open mouthed boy were staring hard at the unconscious city folk.

      Even Louise was in a mood for laughter as they mounted to the high seats of the democrat. The glorious air, the clear sunshine and a satisfactory if simple breakfast had put them all in a good humor with the world.

      They stopped at the station for their hand baggage, and saw that the trunks were properly loaded on the lumber wagon. Then, slowly, they started to mount the long hill that began its incline just across the tracks.

      "Sure this is the way?" inquired Uncle John, perched beside the driver.

      "I were horned here," answered the man, conclusively.

      "That seems to settle it. Pretty big hill, that one ahead of us."

      "It's the Little Bill. When we cross it, we're at Millville."

      Seven miles of desolate country could not dampen the spirits of the girls. Secretly each one was confident that Uncle John's unknown farm would prove to be impossible, and that in a day or so at the latest they would retrace their steps. But in the meantime the adventure was novel and interesting, and they were prepared to accept the inevitable with all graciousness.

      When, after the long climb up the hill, they saw the quaint mill and the town lying just across rushing Little Bill Creek; when from their elevation they beheld the placid lake half hidden by its stately pines and gazed up the rugged and picturesque foot-hills to the great mountains beyond, then indeed they drew in deep breaths and began, as Patsy exclaimed, to be "glad they came."

      "That Millville?" asked Uncle John, eagerly.

      "Yes, sir."

      "And which of those houses belongs to the Wegg farm?"

      "Ye can't see the Wegg house from here; the pines hide it," said the man, urging his horses into a trot as they approached the bridge.

      "Pretty good farm?" inquired Uncle John, hopefully.

      "Worst in the county," was the disconcerting reply. "Half rocks an' half trees. Ol' Cap'n Wegg wasn't no farmer. He were a sea-cap'n; so it's no wonder he got took in when he bought the place."

      Uncle John sighed.

      "I've just bought it myself," he observed.

      "There's a ol' addige," said the man, grinning, "'bout a fool an' his money. The house is a hunker; but w'at's the use of a house without a farm?"

      "What is a 'hunker,' please?" inquired Louise, curiously.

      The liveryman ventured no reply, perhaps because he was guiding his horses over the rickety bridge.

      "Want to stop at the village?" he asked.

      "No; drive on to the farm."

      The scene was so rude and at the same time so picturesque that it impressed them all very agreeably. Perhaps they were the more delighted because they had expected nothing admirable in this all but forsaken spot. They did not notice the people who stared after them as they rattled through the village, or they would have seen Uncle John's "agent" in front of his office, his round eyes fairly bulging from his head.

      It had never occurred to McNutt to be at the Junction to welcome his patron. He had followed his instructions and set Mr. Merrick's house in order, and there he considered that his duty ended. He would, of course, call on the nabob, presently, and render an account of the money he had received.

      Sam Cotting, the store-keeper, gazed after the livery team with a sour countenance, he resented the fact that five big-boxes of groceries had been forwarded from the city to the Wegg farm. "What'n thunder's the use havin' city folks here, ef they don't buy nothin'?" he asked the boys; and they agreed it was no use at all.

      Proceeding at a smart trot the horses came to the Pearson farm, where they turned into the Jane at the left and straightway subsided to a slow walk, the wheels bumping and jolting over the stony way.

      "What's this?" exclaimed Uncle John, who had narrowly escaped biting his tongue through and through. "Why did you turn down here?"

      "It's the road," returned the driver, with a chuckle; "it's the cobble-stone lane to yer farm, an' the farm's 'bout the same sort o' land as the lane."

      For a few moments the passengers maintained a dismal silence.

      "The country's lovely," said Patsy, glancing at the panorama as they mounted a slight elevation.

      "Are you sure, Uncle, that there is a house, or any place of refuge, on your farm?" asked Louise, in a mischievous tone.

      "Why, СКАЧАТЬ