Billy Sunday. Ellis William T.
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Название: Billy Sunday

Автор: Ellis William T.

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ social, business and domestic arrangements are thundering through on the main line.

      A lot of people, from the way they live, make you think they've got a ticket to heaven on a Pullman parlor car and have ordered the porter to wake 'em up when they get there. But they'll get side-tracked almost before they've started.

      I believe that a long step toward public morality will have been taken when sins are called by their right names.

      The bars of the Church are so low that any old hog with two or three suits of clothes and a bank roll can crawl through.

      You will not have power until there is nothing questionable in your life.

      You can't measure manhood with a tape line around the biceps.

      The social life is the reflex of the home life.

      There are some so-called Christian homes today with books on the shelves of the library that have no more business there than a rattler crawling about on the floor, or poison within the child's reach.

      Home is the place we love best and grumble the most.

      I don't believe there are devils enough in hell to pull a boy out of the arms of a godly mother.

      To train a boy in the way he should go you must go that way yourself.

      The man who lives for himself alone will be the sole mourner at his own funeral.

      Don't try to cover up the cussedness of your life, but get fixed up.

      Wrong company soon makes everything else wrong. An angel would never be able to get back to heaven again if he came down here for a week and put in his time going with company that some church members would consider good.

      The devil often grinds the axe with which God hews.

      I wish the Church were as afraid of imperfection as it is of perfection.

      Whisky is all right in its place – but its place is in hell.

      A pup barks more than an old dog.

      Character needs no epitaph. You can bury the man, but character will beat the hearse back from the graveyard and it will travel up and down the streets while you are under the sod. It will bless or blight long after your name is forgotten.

      Some people pray like a jack-rabbit eating cabbage.

      If you put a polecat in the parlor you know which will change first – the polecat or the parlor?

      A church is not dropped down on a street corner to decorate the corner and be the property of a certain denomination.

      Many preachers are like a physician – strong on diagnosis, but weak on therapeutics.

      Your religion is in your will, not in your handkerchief.

      It won't save your soul if your wife is a Christian. You have got to be something more than a brother-in-law to the Church.

      If every black cloud had a cyclone in it, the world would have been blown into toothpicks long ago.

      No man has any business to be in a bad business.

      When you quit living like the devil I will quit preaching that way.

      You can't raise the standard of women's morals by raising their pay envelope. It lies deeper than that.

      The seventh commandment is not: "Thou shalt not commit affinity."

      A saloon-keeper and a good mother don't pull on the same rope.

      The presumptive husband should be able to show more than the price of a marriage license.

      Put the kicking straps on the old Adam, feed the angel in you, and starve the devil.

      When a baby is born, what do you do with it? Put it in a refrigerator? That's a good place for a dead chicken, and cold meat, but a poor place for babies. Then don't put these new converts, 'babes in Christ,' into refrigerator churches.

      Nobody can read the Bible thoughtfully, and not be impressed with the way it upholds the manhood of man. More chapters in the Bible are devoted to portraying the manhood of Caleb than to the creation of the world.

      Home is on a level with the women; the town is on a level with the homes.

      You will find lots of things in Shakespeare which are not fit for reading in a mixed audience and call that literature. When you hear some truths here in the tabernacle you will call it vulgar. It makes all the difference in the world whether Bill Shakespeare or Bill Sunday said it.

      The more oyster soup it takes to run a church, the faster it runs to the devil.

      The reason you don't like the Bible, you old sinner, is because it knows all about you.

      Bob Ingersoll wasn't the first to find out that Moses made mistakes. God knew about it long before Ingersoll was born.

      All that God has ever done to save this old world, has been done through men and women of flesh and blood like ourselves.

      Nearly everybody is stuck up about something. Some people are even proud that they aren't proud.

      The average young man is more careful of his company than the average girl.

      Going to church doesn't make a man a Christian, any more than going to a garage makes him an automobile.

      If we people were able to have panes of glass over our hearts, some of us would want stained glass, wouldn't we?

      To see some people, you would think that the essential orthodox Christianity is to have a face so long they could eat oatmeal out of the end of a gas pipe.

      God likes a little humor, as is evidenced by the fact that he made the monkey, the parrot – and some of you people.

      Wouldn't this city be a great place to live in if some people would die, get converted, or move away?

      The normal way to get rid of drunkards is to quit raising drunkards – to put the business that makes drunkards out of business.

      You can't shine for God on Sunday, and then be a London fog on Monday.

      I don't believe that God wants any man to be a hermit. Jesus Christ did not wear a hair shirt and sleep upon a bed of spikes. He went among the people and preached the Gospel.

      If you only believe things that you can understand you must be an awful ignoramus.

      There is more power in a mother's hand than in a king's scepter.

      I have no doubt that there are men looking into my face tonight who will have "1914" carved on their tombstones.

      If God had no more interest in this world than some of you church members have in Johnstown, this city would have been in hell long ago.

      I hate to see a man roll up to church in a limousine and then drop a quarter in the collection plate.

      Give your face to God and he will put his shine on it.

      No fountain under the sun can hold enough to satisfy an immortal spirit.

      Jesus СКАЧАТЬ