General Nelson's Scout. Dunn Byron Archibald
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Название: General Nelson's Scout

Автор: Dunn Byron Archibald

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ the captain entered the car. There was a little delay, and Fred, who had got on the rear of the car, said to himself, "This little delay is a blessed thing for me, for it helps me carry out my plan." He waited until the train was getting under good headway, and then entered the car puffing and blowing and dropped into the seat beside the captain, where he sat panting as if entirely exhausted.

      "You seem to have had a hard run for it, my boy," said the captain.

      "Y-e-s, – had – to – make – it. Had – to – see – you," panted Fred, speaking in gasps.

      "Had to see me!" exclaimed the startled captain. "I reckon there must be some mistake."

      "No – mis-mistake. Wa-wait – until – I – catch – my – breath," and Fred sat puffing as if he had run a mile race. His companion eyed him not only in surprise, but with suspicion.

      After Fred had let sufficient time elapse to regain his breath, he said in a low tone: "You are Captain Conway of the State Guards, are you not?"

      "Yes, but what of that?"

      "You have just received an important letter from Major Hockoday to be delivered in Louisville."

      Captain Conway stared at Fred in astonishment; then said in a fierce whisper, "How do you know that?"

      "Don't get excited," whispered Fred; "don't attract attention, or all is lost. Listen! Hardly had the major placed the letter in your hands before he received the startling intelligence that he had been watched, and you spotted. Do you see those two men in the rear of the car, one in the uniform of a Federal officer, the other a keen looking fellow?"

      Captain Conway turned quickly and saw the men, both of whom happened to be looking at him, and as the captain imagined with sinister designs.

      "What of it?" he asked in a trembling voice.

      "The gentleman seated by the side of the officer," continued Fred, "is a noted detective from Danville. The plan is to declare you a celebrated thief, and arrest you and take you off the cars at Eminence. Once off, they will search you, get your dispatches, and let you go."

      "But there may be some on the train who know me."

      "That will make no difference; they will claim they are not mistaken, and that you must prove you are not the person wanted before some magistrate."

      "What can I do? What did Major Hockoday say for me to do?" asked the now thoroughly frightened captain.

      "He said that you should give me the letter, and for you to leave the train before it reached Eminence, thus giving them the slip."

      "Boy, you are an impostor. It is simply a plot to get hold of the letter. Why did not Major Hockoday write me this order?"

      "He had no time."

      "I shall not give you the letter."

      "Refuse at your peril. What do you think will happen when you are arrested and Major Hockoday's letter gets in the hands of his enemies. He will shoot you at sight for betraying him."

      "How do I know you tell the truth?" asked the captain, visibly weakening.

      "How did I know about the letter of Major Hockoday, if he had not sent me?" retorted Fred.

      The captain grasped at the last straw. "To whom am I to deliver this letter?" he asked. He was in hopes that Fred could not answer.

      "Tompkins," answered Fred, trembling, thinking his answer might be wrong.

      The captain was convinced, yet sat silent and undecided. He glanced back; the men were still looking at him. He shivered, and then slyly slipped the letter into Fred's hand. The train stopped, and the captain arose and went forward as for a drink of water. At the door he hesitated as if still undecided. Fred's heart beat fast. Would he fail after all. No, he would jump from the train himself first. The bell rang for the train to start, and the captain turned as if to come back, at the same time glancing at the two gentlemen in the rear of the car. The detective-looking individual had arisen to his feet, and was reaching for his hip pocket.

      Captain Conway waited to see no more; he turned, bolted from the car, and plunged from the now moving train into the darkness.

      The detective-looking gentleman drew a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his perspiring face, and sat down again. On such little incidents do great events sometimes depend.

      Fred drew a long breath. He had taken desperate chances, and won. For a moment he felt exultant, and then his face grew serious. He had always been the soul of truth and honor. "And now," he thought, bitterly, "I have been lying like a pirate." Had he done right? He hardly knew, and the wheels of the cars seemed to say, as they rattled along, "You are a liar, you are a liar," over and over again, until he leaned his head on the seat in front of him, and his tears fell thick and fast.

      Poor Fred! He had yet to learn that deception was one of the least evils of war.

      The dawn of the long summer day was just beginning to brighten the east when the train rolled into the station at Louisville. Early as it was, the streets were full of excited men and boys, cheering for Jeff Davis and the South. Fred at once found his way to the home of one of the best known Union men of the city, whom we will call Mr. Spear. The household was already astir, and Fred's ring was at once answered by a servant, who cautiously opened the door and asked, "Who is dar?"

      "Is Mr. Spear at home?" inquired Fred.

      "Yes, sah."

      "Tell him a messenger from Lieutenant Nelson wishes to see him."

      The servant withdrew, and in a moment returned, and throwing open the door, said, "Massa says, come right in, sah."

      Fred was ushered into a large drawing-room, where to his surprise he met the inquiring gaze of more than a score of serious looking men. They were the prominent Union men of the city, conferring with a number of the city officials as to the best method of preserving peace and order during the day. The danger was great, and how to meet it without precipitating a conflict was the question which confronted them. Now all were interested in the message brought by Fred, and his youthful appearance caused them to wonder why Nelson had chosen so young a messenger.

      "You have a message from Lieutenant Nelson, I understand," said Mr. Spear.

      "I have."

      "When did you leave Nelson?"

      "Last evening a little after seven," answered Fred.


      "At Danville."

      "Impossible; you are an impostor."

      "You are mistaken. I rode to Nicholasville in time to catch the ten o'clock train to Lexington, thence to Louisville."

      Those present looked at each other in surprise. The feat to them seemed scarcely possible.

      "Your message," said Mr. Spear, "must be important to demand such haste. Where is it?"

      "Here, sir," replied Fred, handing him the letter. Mr. Spear hastily tore it open and read:

Danville, Ky., July 21, 7:00 P. M.

      To the Union Men of Louisville:

      I have just received news of the defeat СКАЧАТЬ