Music in the History of the Western Church. Dickinson Edward
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St. Augustine, Confessions, book ix. chap. 7.


St. Augustine, Confessions, book ix. chap. 6.


Gibbons, The Faith of our Fathers, chap. 24.


Caecilien Kalendar (Regensburg), 1879.


Wiseman, Four Lectures on the Offices and Ceremonies of Holy Week as performed in the Papal Chapels, delivered in Rome, 1837.


Jakob, Die Kunst im Dienste der Kirche.


Sermon by Dr. Leonhard Kuhn, published in the Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch (Regensburg), 1892.


O’Brien, History of the Mass.


Gibbons, The Faith of our Fathers.


The musical composition commonly called a Mass – such, for instance as the Imperial Mass of Haydn, the Mass in C by Beethoven, the St. Cecilia Mass by Gounod – is a musical setting of those portions of the office of the Mass that are invariable and that are sang by a choir. These portions are the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Benedictus, and Agnus Dei. The musical composition called Requiem, or Mass for the Dead, consists of the Introit – Requiem aeternam and Te decet hymnus, Kyrie eleison, Dies Irae, Offertory (Domine Jesu Christe), Communion – Lux aeterna, and sometimes with the addition of Libera me Domine. These choral Masses must always be distinguished from the larger office of the Mass of which they form a part.


It is worthy of note, as a singular instance of the exaltation of a comparatively unimportant word, that the word Mass, Lat. Missa, is taken from the ancient formula of dismissal, Ite, missa est.