A Gothic Grammar. Braune Wilhelm
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Название: A Gothic Grammar

Автор: Braune Wilhelm

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ and nimid would be 'dublets' ('satzdubletten'). – Cp. also Kock, Zs. fda., 26, 226 et seq., who shows that these ds for þs ar most frequent after unaccented vowels (as in mitads), but after an accented vowel only when the latter is long or a difthong, rarely after a short accented vowel (as in mid; Lu. VII, 11.)

      Note 2. Sinse the final þ has by all means to be regarded as the regular one, it must also be employd in words of which only forms with medial d occur: biuþs, biudis, table; rauþs, red; usdauþs, zelous; gamaiþs, maimd; môþs, anger; knôþs, stock, race. Hense also garaiþs, redy; unlêds, poor, which, beside the forms with medial b, hav onse each the final forms garaid and unlêds, respectivly. But both forms occur in Lu.

      With final d only ar repeatedly found: weitwôds, witness, acc. weitwôd; twice gariuds (gariud), honorabl; only one final form with d (but none with þ) occurs in braids, broad; dêds, deed; wôds, mad, possest; grids, step, grade; skaískaid (prt. of skaidan). The normal forms would be dêþs, wôþs, etc., for the forms with d insted of þ ar hardly due to anything else but unfavorabl transmission.

      Note 3. The occurrence of this final þ for thematic d must not be confounded with that of þ in words that hav also medial þ beside d in other words from the same root; as, frôd- (nom. frôþs), prudent; frôdei, prudence; but fraþi, understanding, fraþjan, to understand; sad- (nom. saþs), satisfied, but ga-sôþjan, to satisfy; sinþs, a going, way, but sandjan, to send; alds, age, but alþeis, old. Cp. § 79, n. 2.

      Note 4. þ is seldom found where medial d is expected; as, guþa (for guda); Gal. IV, 8; unfrôþans; Gal. III, 3.

§ 75. The d of the weak preterit, which stands mostly after vowels (nasida, habaida), remains intact after l and n (skulda, munda), while after s, h, f it becums t: kaupasta, môsta, daúrsta, þâhta, brâhta, þûhta, brûhta, waúrhta, baúhta, ôhta, mahta, áihta, þaúrfta; it is changed into þ in kunþa; ss is assimilated from st in wissa.

      Conform to this rule ar the respectiv ptcs. nasiþs, habaiþs, skulds, munds, but waúrhts, baúhts, mahts, binaúhts, þaúrfts, kunþs. Cp. § 187, n. 1; § 197 et seq.; §§ 208. 209.

      Note. d becums s before the t of the 2nd pers. prt. (§ 81): baust (1st bauþ, inf. biudan); so, also, before consonants in derivativ words; as, gilstr, tax, tribute (< gildan); usbeisns, expectation (< usbeidan, to abide, expect).


§ 76. s is a hard (voiceless) dental spirant and corresponds to Gr. σ. s occurs very often in Gothic words, especially initially. E. g.

      (a) initially: sunus, sun; sitan, to sit; skadus, shade; speiwan, to spit; standan, to stand; straujan, to strew; slêpan, to sleep; smals, small; snutrs, wise; swaíhra, father-in-law.

      (b) medially: kiusan, to choose; wisan, to be; wasjan, to clothe; þûsundi, thousand; gasts, guest; fisks, fish; asneis, hired man; hansa, host; aúhsa, ox; þaúrsus, witherd.

      (c) Also final s remains unchanged; as, gras, grass; mês, table; was (prt. of wisan), was; hals, neck.

      Note 1. ss occurs frequently; e. g., ƕassei, sharpness; qiss, speech; wissa (prt. of witan); suff. -assus (þiudinassus, kingdom, etc.).

      Note 2. Final s stands in most cases for medial z, especially the final inflectional s. Cp. § 78; dropping of the s of the nominativ in § 78, n. 2.

      Note 3. For s from t, þ, d, before consonants (t), s. § 69, n. 2; § 71, n. 3; § 75, n. 1.

      Note 4. Concerning the fonetic distinction between the spirants s and þ, cp. IF., 342.

      § 77. The sign z corresponds in Greek words to ζ; as, Zaíbaídaius, Ζεβεδαῖος; azymus, ἄζυμος. Its sound, like that of the Gr. ζ both at Wulfila's time and in New Greek, was the corresponding soft sound of s, hense a voiced dental spirant (E. z).

§ 78. (a) In Goth. words z occurs never initially.

      (b) Medial z is frequent. But final z becums s, the corresponding hard sound (cp. § 79). E. g.

      azêts, easy; hazjan, to praise; hazeins, praise; dius, gen. diuzis, animal; hatis, gen. hatizis, hatred; hatizôn, to be angry; huzd, trezure; gazds, sting; mizdô, reward; azgô, ashes; marzjan, to offend; talzjan, to teach; – comparativs: maiza, 'major'; frôdôza, alþiza, etc.; – pronominal forms; as, izwara, þizôs, þizê, blindaizôs; 2nd pers. sing. midl: haitaza.