The Deaf Shoemaker. Barrett Philip
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Название: The Deaf Shoemaker

Автор: Barrett Philip

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ holy walls,

      Far abroad our thoughts we send,

      Conscience often loudly calls,

      And entreats us to attend.

      When our angry passions rise,

      Tempting to revenge an ill,

      “Now subdue it,” Conscience cries;

      “Do command your temper still.”

      Thus, without our will or choice,

      This good monitor within,

      With a secret, gentle voice,

      Warns us to beware of sin.

      But if we should disregard

      While this friendly voice doth call,

      Conscience soon will grow so hard

      That it will not speak at all.

Jane Taylor.


      “Now, despisers, look and wonder;

      Hope and sinners here must part:

      Louder than a peal of thunder,

      Hear the dreadful sound – ‘Depart!’

      Lost forever!

      Hear the dreadful sound – ‘Depart!’”

      I saw, not long since, a man busily engaged in branding, with a red-hot iron, the word


      on a large number of barrels of flour.

      On asking him what it meant, he informed me that the flour was not sound, and he was instructed to brand all such “Condemned.”

      How forcibly, my dear young friends, did it remind me of the situation of sinful persons – those who have no part nor lot in Christ’s kingdom! What a melancholy spectacle would your Sabbath-school present, if your Superintendent were instructed by a Divine command to brand all the bad boys, and girls too – for we often find little girls as bad as boys – “Condemned!” What would be their feelings while undergoing such a painful and disgraceful operation? Yet God says those who believe not on Christ are condemned already, and you know “His Word is truth.” There is one, and only one, way by which this word can be effaced from your guilty and sin-defiled hearts; and that is by the purifying and sin-cleansing blood of Christ.

      Then pray that He will “Create in you clean hearts, and renew right spirits within you;” so that you may love Him better and serve Him more faithfully in the future than you have done in the past.


      There is a line, by us unseen,

      That crosses every path;

      The hidden boundary between

      God’s patience and his wrath.

      To pass that limit is to die,

      To die as if by stealth;

      It does not quench the beaming eye,

      Or pale the glow of health.

      The conscience may be still at ease,

      The spirits light and gay;

      That which is pleasing still may please,

      And care be thrust away.

      But on that forehead God has set

      Indelibly a mark,

      Unseen by man, for man as yet

      Is blind and in the dark.

      And yet the doomed man’s path below

      May bloom, as Eden bloomed;

      He did not, does not, will not know,

      Or feel that he is doomed.

      He knows, he feels that all is well,

      And every fear is calmed;

      He lives, he dies, he wakes in hell,

      Not only doomed, but damned.

      O where is this mysterious bourne,

      By which our path is crossed?

      Beyond which God Himself hath sworn,

      That he who goes is lost!

      How far may we go on in sin?

      How long will God forbear?

      Where does hope end, and where begin

      The confines of despair?

      An answer from the skies is sent:

      “Ye that from God depart,

      While it is called TO-DAY, repent,

      And harden not your heart.”



      Lives of great men all remind us

      We can make our lives sublime;

      And, departing, leave behind us

      Footprints on the sands of Time.


      More than a century ago there lived in England an orphan boy of no ordinary promise. From his early childhood, “I want to be a minister,” was his chief desire. Being deprived not only of the counsel of a father and the affection of a mother, but also of the necessary amount of money to carry out his cherished desire, his youthful spirit was bowed to the earth, and his noble heart throbbed only with feelings of bitter disappointment and despair.

      But a brighter day dawns. There is a prospect for his ardent desire to be gratified. A wealthy lady kindly volunteers to pay all of his expenses at the University of Oxford, if he will become a minister of the Church of England.

      But he is a Dissenter, and his noble spirit refuses to sell the religion of his father and mother for the perishable riches of this world, and he most respectfully declines the proffered kindness. God bless thee, noble youth! Wait patiently – don’t despair —never give up. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” The path of Duty is always the path of Right.

      Not long after this occurrence, a poor boy, dressed in the garb of poverty, presented himself at the door of a celebrated minister, and asked to have a private interview with him relative to studying for the ministry. The minister listened patiently to the recital of his many difficulties and numerous trials, but told him that he thought it entirely unheard of, for a youth like himself to think about entering upon so high and responsible a calling. He advised him to think no more of preaching, but to choose some other calling.

      Disheartened at himself, discouraged by his friends, poor, penniless and forsaken, he knew not whither to go. No smile of encouragement met his eye; no voice of approval sanctioned his noble endeavor. There was one Friend, however, who had never forsaken him; who had never turned a deaf ear even to his smallest desire; who had ever loved him with fatherly affection and motherly tenderness. To that friend he then betook himself, and when engaged in fervent prayer, a postman knocked at the door, and handed him a letter from an old friend of his father, informing him of his willingness to take him under his care and assist him in his studies, if he was still intent upon studying for the ministry. “This,” he exclaimed, “I look upon almost as an answer from Heaven, and while I live I shall always adore so seasonable an opening of divine Providence.”

      The wishes of the poor orphan boy were thus gratified; and before many years had passed away, under the guidance and instruction of his friend, he became a bright and shining light on the walls of Zion.

      Youthful reader, СКАЧАТЬ