The Authoress of the Odyssey. Butler Samuel
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Название: The Authoress of the Odyssey

Автор: Butler Samuel

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ character as the house of Menelaus must have been from the quarters of Achilles before Troy.


For explanation why I bracket this passage see Chapter VI.


Scheria means "Jutland" – a piece of land jutting out into the sea.


Gr. πάππα φίλ', line 57.


Penelope and Calypso also had gardens: so had Laertes (xxiv. 217). I remember no allusion to them in the Iliad.


It is a little odd that this disc should have been brought, considering that none such were used by the Phæacians. We must suppose that Minerva put it in along with the others, and then shed a thick darkness over it, which prevented the attendants from noticing it.


Alcinous never seems to have got beyond saying that he was going to give the cup; he never gives it, nor yet the talent – the familiar ῶς εἰπὼν ἐν χερσὶ τίθει κ.τ.λ. is noticeably absent. He found the chest, and he took a great deal of pains about stowing the presents in the ship that was to take Ulysses to Ithaca (see xiii. 18, &c.), but here his contributions seem to have ended.


Dwellers on the East coast of Sicily believe the island here referred to to be Acitrezza, between Acireale and Catania. I have been all over it and do not believe that it contains more than two acres of land on which any goat could ever have fed. The idea that the writer of the Odyssey would make Ulysses and his large body of men spend half a day in killing over a hundred goats on such a site need not be discussed seriously, I shall therefore pass it over without notice when I come to discuss the voyage of Ulysses. That it should be so confidently believed to be the island off the land of the Cyclopes serves as a warning to myself, inasmuch as it shows how easily people can bring themselves to accept any site for any scene if they make up their minds to do so.


See Chapter xv. for reasons why I have bracketed lines 115 – 137.


Ulysses was to appease Neptune's anger by going as a missionary to preach his name among a people that did not know him.


The want of coherence here is obvions, but as it is repeated when Ulysses ought to come to the wandering cliffs (which he never does) it must be referred to a lacuna not in the text, but in the writer's sources of information – of which she seems fully aware.


I suppose this line to have been added when lines 426 – 446 of this book were added.


The wandering cliffs are certainly intended, for when Ulysses is recapitulating his adventures in Book xxiii. he expressly mentions having reached the πλαγκτὰς πέτρας, just after the Sirens, and before Scylla and Charybdis (xxiii. 327). The writer is determined to have them in her story however little she may know about them.


I incline to think that these lines are an after thought, added by the writer herself.