The Martian: A Novel. Du Maurier George
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Название: The Martian: A Novel

Автор: Du Maurier George

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ up at the country houses of friends and relations of the Lafertés; and visited old historical castles and mediæval ruins – Châteaudun and others – and fished in beautiful pellucid tributaries of the Loire – shot over "des chiens anglais" – danced half the night with charming people – wandered in lovely parks and woods, and beautiful old formal gardens with fishponds, terraces, statues, marble fountains; charmilles, pelouses, quinconces; and all the flowers and all the fruits of France! And the sun shone every day and all day long – and in one's dreams all night.

      And the peasants in that happy country of the Loire spoke the most beautiful French, and had the most beautiful manners in the world. They're famous for it.

      It all seems like a fairy tale.

      If being made much of, and petted and patted and admired and wondered at, make up the sum of human bliss, Barty came in for as full a share of felicity during that festive week as should last an ordinary mortal for a twelvemonth. Figaro quà, Figaro là, from morning till night in three departments of France!

      But he didn't seem to care very much about it all; he would have been far happier singing and tumbling and romancing away to his charbonniers by the pond in the Forest of la Tremblaye. He declared he was never quite himself unless he could feel the north for at least an hour or two every day, and all night long in his sleep – and that he should never feel the north again – that it was gone forever; that he had drunk it all away at that fatal breakfast – and it made him lonely to wake up in the middle of the night and not know which way he lay! "dépaysé," as he called it – "désorienté – perdu!"

      And laughing, he would add, "Ayez pitié d'un pauvre orphelin!"

      Then back to Le Gué des Aulnes. And one evening, after a good supper at Grandmaman Laferté's, the diligence de Paris came jingling and rumbling through the main street of La Tremblaye, flashing right and left its two big lamps, red and blue. And we three boys, after the most grateful and affectionate farewells, packed ourselves into the coupé, which had been retained for us, and rumbled back to Paris through the night.

      There was quite a crowd to see us off. Not only Lafertés, but others – all sorts and conditions of men, women, and children – and among them three or four of Barty's charcoal‐burning friends; one of whom, an old man with magnificent black eyes and an immense beard, that would have been white if he hadn't been a charcoal‐burner, kissed Barty on both cheeks, and gave him a huge bag full of some kind of forest berry that is good to eat; also a young cuckoo (which Barty restored to liberty an hour later); also a dormouse and a large green lizard; also, in a little pasteboard box, a gigantic pale green caterpillar four inches long and thicker than your thumb, with a row of shiny blue stars in relief all along each side of its back – the most beautiful thing of the kind you ever saw.

      "Pioche bien ta géométrie, mon bon petit Josselin! c'est la plus belle science au monde, crois‐moi!" said M. Laferté to Barty, and gave him the hug of a grizzly‐bear; and to me he gave a terrific hand‐squeeze, and a beautiful double‐barrelled gun by Lefaucheux, for which I felt too supremely grateful to find suitable thanks. I have it now, but I have long given up killing things with it.

      I had grown immensely fond of this colossal old "bourru bienfaisant," as he was called in La Tremblaye, and believe that all his moroseness and brutality were put on, to hide one of the warmest, simplest, and tenderest hearts in the world.

      Before dawn Barty woke up with such a start that he woke me:

      "Enfin! ça y est! quelle chance!" he exclaimed.

      "Quoi, quoi, quoi?" said I, quacking like a duck.

      "Le nord – c'est revenu – it's just ahead of us – a little to the left!"

      We were nearing Paris.

      And thus ended the proudest and happiest time I ever had in my life. Indeed I almost had an adventure on my own account —une bonne fortune, as it was called at Brossard's by boys hardly older than myself. I did not brag of it, however, when I got back to school.

      It was at "Les Laiteries," or "Les Poteries," or "Les Crucheries," or some such place, the charming abode of Monsieur et Madame Pélisson – only their name wasn't Pélisson, or anything like it. At dinner I sat next to a Miss – , who was very tall and wore blond side ringlets. I think she must have been the English governess.

      We talked very much together, in English; and after dinner we walked in the garden together by starlight arm in arm, and she was so kind and genial to me in English that I felt quite chivalrous and romantic, and ready to do doughty deeds for her sake.

      Then, at M. Pélisson's request, all the company assembled in a group for evening prayer, under a spreading chestnut‐tree on the lawn: the prayer sounded very much like the morning or evening prayer at Brossard's, except that the Almighty was addressed as "toi" instead of "vous"; it began:

      "Notre Père qui es aux cieux – toi dont le regard scrutateur pénètre jusque dans les replis les plus profonds de nos cœurs" – and ended, "Ainsi soit‐il!"

      The night was very dark, and I stood close to Miss – , who stood as it seemed with her hands somewhere behind her back. I was so grateful to her for having talked to me so nicely, and so fond of her for being English, that the impulse seized me to steal my hand into hers – and her hand met mine with a gentle squeeze which I returned; but soon the pressure of her hand increased, and by the time M. le Curé had got to "au nom du Père" the pressure of her hand had become an agony – a thing to make one shriek!

      "Ainsi soit‐il!" said M. le Curé, and the little group broke up, and Miss – walked quietly indoors with her arm around Madame Pélisson's waist, and without even wishing me good‐night – and my hand was being squeezed worse than ever.

      "Ah ha! Lequel de nous deux est volé, petit coquin?" hissed an angry male voice in my ear – (which of us two is sold, you little rascal?).

      And I found my hand in that of Monsieur Pélisson, whose name was something else – and I couldn't make it out, nor why he was so angry. It has dawned upon me since that each of us took the other's hand by mistake for that of the English governess!

      All this is beastly and cynical and French, and I apologize for it – but it's true.


      It was a black Monday for me when school began again after that ideal vacation. The skies they were ashen and sober, and the leaves they were crisped and sere. But anyhow I was still en quatrième, and Barty was in it too – and we sat next to each other in "L'étude des grands."

      There was only one étude now; only half the boys came back, and the pavillon des petits was shut up, study, class‐rooms, dormitories, and all – except that two masters slept there still.

      Eight or ten small boys were put in a small school-room in the same house as ours, and had a small dormitory to themselves, with M. Bonzig to superintend them.

      I made up my mind that I would no longer be a cancre and a crétin, but work hard and do my little best, so that I might keep up with Barty and pass into the troisième with him, and then into Rhétorique (seconde), and then into Philosophie (première) – that we might do our humanities and take our degree together – our "Bachot," which is short for Baccalauréat‐ès‐lettres. Most especially did I love Monsieur Durosier's class of French Literature – for which Mérovée always rang the bell himself.

      My mother and sister were still at Ste.‐Adresse, Hâvre, with my father; so I spent my first Sunday that term at the Archibald Rohans', in the Rue du Bac.