Western Bird Guide. Reed Charles Keller
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Название: Western Bird Guide

Автор: Reed Charles Keller

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ than on the coast. The male has the head, neck, and crest iridescent greenish black, breast brownish with black spots. The female has the head, neck and crown a deep chestnut color and the upper parts and tail a gray in place of the black found on the males.

      Nest.– They lay from seven to ten eggs of a creamy buff color, making their nest of moss and grasses, placed under or in tufts of grass or in crevices of rocks; usually lining the nest with feathers (2.50 × 1.70).

      Range.– Whole of North America, breeding from central United States to British America.


131. Lophodytes cucullatus. 17 inches

      Bill short, compared with the preceding. The large crest with which both sexes are adorned will easily distinguish this from the others. The male having the crest black with a large white patch, and that of the female plain brown.

      Nest.– In holes of trees; 8 to 12 eggs, grayish white (2.15 × 1.70).


135. Chaulelasmus streperus. 20 inches

      Male with chestnut wing coverts and white speculum; the female is similar but the back and wings are brownish-gray. As is usual with many of the ducks these do most of their feeding early in the morning or after dusk, and spend the greater part of the day in sleeping. They are one of the most noisy and active of the ducks.

      Nest.– They nest on the ground among the reeds of marshes or in the long grass of bordering fields. They lay from 7 to 12 eggs of a creamy buff color (2.10 × 1.60).

      Range.– Includes the whole of North America, breeds from British Columbia to southern California.


132. Anas platyrhynchos. 23 inches

      These are regarded as one of the best table birds. They feed on mollusks and marine insects which they generally reach by tipping in shallow water.

      Nest.– In close proximity to ponds or lakes, placing their nests in the tall grasses of which it is made and lined with feathers. Breed from Alaska to southern California (2.25 × 1.25).


137. Mareca Americana. 19 inches

      These are common and well-known birds throughout North America, where they are called by a great variety of names, most of which refer to the bald appearance of the top of the head, owing to the white feathers. They can usually be identified at a distance by the absence of any dark markings, and when in flight by the whiteness of the under parts.

      Nest.– Made of grass and weeds neatly lined with feathers, on the ground or in marshes. 6 to 12 cream colored eggs are laid (2.15 × 1.20).


139. Nettion carolinense. 14 inches

      These are the smallest of the Duck family, and are eagerly sought for by sportsmen, both for their beauty and the excellence of their flesh. The male may be easily identified by the reddish brown head and neck, with the large green patch behind each ear.

      Nest.– On the ground under the shelter of tall grasses, it is made of weeds and grass and lined with feathers. 5 to 9 buffy eggs are laid (1.85 × 1.25). Breeds abundantly in California and Oregon.


140. Querquedula discors. 15 inches

      Male has the head a dark gray with white crescent in front of the eye; under parts chestnut heavily spotted with black; wing coverts bright blue. Female similar to female Green-wing, but has the blue wing coverts. In flight can be easily separated from the Green-wing by its darker under parts. Their flight is very rapid, and usually in compact lines. This is more common east of the Rockies than the other.

      Nest.– Made of grass and nicely lined with feathers placed in the reeds bordering marshes. 8 to 12 creamy colored eggs are laid.

      Range.– North America, breeding more abundantly than the former farther north in its range.


141. Querquedula cyanoptera. 16 inches

      This is the most abundant of the Teal family west of the Rockies. It is on the male a bright cinnamon color on the under parts; also the head and neck, being darkest near the bill and lightest on the back. Wing coverts blue; speculum green, divided by a line of white.

      Nest.– Made same as above with 6 to 14 eggs (1.85 × 1.35).


142. Spatula clypeata. 20 inches

      Easily recognized in any plumage by the large broad bill, which is out of all proportion to the size of the bird. Head, neck and speculum dark green, under parts reddish brown, breast and back white, wing coverts blue. If it were not for the large ungainly bill, this duck would be classed as one of our most beautiful during the breeding season.

      Nest.– It makes its nest on the ground in marshy places of grass, weeds and lined with feathers; laying from 6 to 10 grayish white eggs (2.10 × 1.50).

      Range.– North America; breeding most abundant on the western coast from southern California to northwest Alaska.


143. Dafila acuta. 30 inches

      A long-necked duck and with a long pointed tail. Male with head and stripe down the back of neck, brownish; back and sides barred with white and black wavy lines.

      Nest.– On the ground like the other ducks, well-lined with feathers generally placed near the water, laying from 6 to 12 eggs of a dull olive color (2.20 × 1.50).

      Range.– North America.


144. Aix sponsa. 19 inches

      This bird, without doubt, is by far the most beautiful of any of the duck family. Both the male and female have a long crest; that of the male of the most beautiful shades of blue and iridescent green colors, with stripes of white, the throat and under parts also white, breast chestnut with white arrow head marking, sides buff with black and white line markings.

      Nest.– In the hollow of a tree, usually near the water. The birds are said to carry the young from the nest to the water in their bills. 6 to 10 eggs, buffy in color (2.25 × 1.60).

      Range.– Temperate North America, breeding from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.


146. Marila americana. 19 inches

      This bird, the preceding and the one following are considered as the best table birds of the duck family.

      Nest.– Placed on the ground in marshes. Eggs 6 to 14 in number, buffy white in color (2.40 × 1.70).

      Range.– North America, breeding from Minnesota northward.


147. Marila valisineria. 21 inches

      Differs СКАЧАТЬ