The Book of Bulbs. Arnott Samuel
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Название: The Book of Bulbs

Автор: Arnott Samuel

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ some of the double forms, ascribed to autumnale, are possibly varieties of this. These double varieties are very useful, the best being album fl. pl., roseum fl. pl., and striatum fl. pl. The ordinary autumnale, of which there are several colours from white to purple, is rather weak in the flower-tubes and is much injured by bad weather. Other good Meadow Saffrons are cilicicum, Bertoloni, Decaisnei, alpinum, variegatum, Bivoniæ, and montanum. The spring-blooming crociflorum, with white flowers lined with violet, is small and much affected by slugs. The new hydrophyllum, which likes a damp spot, is a neat little spring species; luteum, also blooming in spring, does not appear to be so hardy as any of the others.


      The cultivation of the Lily of the Valley out of doors calls for no special remarks beyond saying that it likes shade and some moisture. It is also desirable to mention that there are varieties with pink flowers; with double white flowers; and with gold-striped leaves. The first of these shows its colouring much better outside than when grown under glass. Fortin's variety and prolificans are specially good forms.

Forcing Lily of the Valley

      Lily of the Valley is easily forced, and this can be done either by lifting large clumps or purchasing crowns, and growing them in a hot-bed or by planting them in pans or pots. The crowns should be kept above the soil, and they ought to be kept moist and dark until they have made some growth, when light should be given. For early bloom at Christmas, the crowns ought to be potted in the beginning or middle of November. A temperature of from 65 to 70 degrees is suitable for forcing this favourite flower. Retarded crowns are coming into favour, and give good results with careful treatment. It is inadvisable to put these in heat at first.

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