Ireland under the Stuarts and during the Interregnum, Vol. I (of 3), 1603-1642. Bagwell, Richard
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СКАЧАТЬ letter to Chichester, Clanricarde, and Thomond are all in Carew, June 24, 1611.


Diary of Lord Carew’s journey in 1611 in Carew, No. 126; ib. No. 156; Carew to Salisbury, September 6, 1611.


Blenerhasset’s ‘Direction for the Plantation of Ulster’, 1610, is reprinted in Contemporary History, i. 317.


The Ulster muster-roll printed in Contemp. Hist., i. 332 from Add. MS. 4770, mentions the Earldom of Fingal, which was not created till 1628. Directions to the Lord Deputy, 1626, No. 521. Lord Conway to the Lord Treasurer, January 4, 1628.


The King to Chichester, March 25, 1615; Pynnar’s Survey, 1618-19, printed by Hill and in Harris’s Hibernica; Bacon’s speech in 1617 in Spedding’s Life, vi. 206.


Brief return of the 1822 survey in Sloane MS. 4756.


Proclamation of December 13, 1627, in the Irish R.O.


The last volume of Russell’s and Prendergast’s Calendar passim, especially T. Raven to Phillips, June 24, 1621; Survey of the Londoners’ Plantation, August 10 to October 10, 1622; Phillips’s petition to the King, July 6, 1624, and his proposed remedies, September 24.


Three papers among the Carew MSS. for 1611 calendared as Nos. 130, 131, and 132.


Nicoll’s Progresses of King James, ii. 733, where Chamberlain’s letter to Carleton is dated January 5, 1513-14.


Davies’s Discovery, 1613. It appears, however, from his letter to Salisbury, December 1, 1603, that Chief Baron Pelham held the first assize in Donegal without his help, and before his arrival in Ireland. The contemporary letter must prevail against the treatise written ten years later.


Davies to Cecil, April 19, 1604.


Davies to Salisbury, December 8, 1604 and May 4, 1606.


Davies to Salisbury, May 4, 1606; Brouncker’s letter of September 12, 1606.


Davies to Salisbury, May 4, 1606; Brouncker’s letter of September 12, 1606.