An Essay on the Effects of Opium. Considered as a Poison. Awsiter John
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СКАЧАТЬ Pains of Mind and Body, Opium obtained the Name of Laudanum, derived from the Latin Laudabilis, or Laudatum; yet, though it has this Property of easing Anxieties and Torments of the most excruciating Diseases, the constant Use of it should be rejected, as it will impair the Memory, destroy the Appetite, bring on a Stupor, and by Relaxation, weaken the whole Frame. That it impairs the Nerves, is manifest, for applied to the Ear, to ease Pain, it may cause Deafness; to the Nostrils, to stop an Hæmorrhage, Loss of Smelling; and however applied, whether internally or externally, (unless very sparingly) it will benumb the Part most immediately in Contact with it. When we consider the nervous Coats of the Stomach, and the Action of Opium upon them by constant Use, the Effects may easily be judged; and if a Person so habituated, is prudent enough to throw aside the Use of it, before he is betrayed into some fatal Disease, the Appetite is to be restored by nervous Stimulants, Bracers, and Cold-bathing. Doctor Jones advises gradual Decrease of the Opiate, and to use, instead of it, generous Wine in Moderation.

      The Production of Opium is from the Fruits or Seed-vessels of the Poppy-Plants, commonly called the Heads; they are gathered while green, which (the Seeds being taken out) are bruised and pressed. The Juice thus collected from them is dried to a Substance, which being wrapped in Leaves, is formed into Balls or Lumps, generally under a Pound Weight, and in that Form transported to all the Markets of Europe.

      Though it is a received Opinion, that Opium, with us, and other Countries where not manufactured, has not near the Strength of that used by the People where it grows; yet in Turkey they can venture to take it in larger Quantities; and hence it is manifest, that the Effects would be more pernicious amongst them, if they did not use it in a most pure State; and though Habit might conduce to the Constitution bearing it in much larger Doses, than we in England dare give it, yet certainly the constant Use of it, unless when of a most fine Texture of Parts, must sooner prove hurtful, than the immoderate and constant Drinking of Wines, and Spirits; and by this Means, the Lives of the major Part of the Eastern Countries, where it is so much requested, would drop in the Flower of their Youth, and whole Nations, in the Space of a Century, be depopulated.

      The ancient Accounts of the Manner of gathering Opium, was, according to Diascorides, by the milky Juice being collected from Time to Time, that distilled from the wounded Head of the Poppy; thus gathered, it is entirely pure, and being taken, gives no disagreeable Sensation to the Stomach. This Extract being almost wholly volatile, immediately enters into Action, and discharges itself by Perspiration, opening the Pores, and refreshing the Spirits, without any attendant Injury; and daily Experience will convince every one who will put it to the Tryal, that the purer the Opium, in the greater Quantity it may be taken, unattended with the Nausea, Vertigo, and Tremor, which are so often the Consequences of it with us, though used in small Doses. Tournefort, Page 292, Materiæ Medicæ, informs us, that Opium, or Laudanum, does not only pass off freely by Perspiration, but cures those Distempers arising from Obstructions of the Organs of Respiration in hot Countries, without any Inconvenience whatever, which cannot be said of it, in such Cases, in England, though assisted with volatile and cordial Medicines. This seems a palpable Contradiction to the Opinion of Doctor Jones, who says, that Opium may be taken in much larger Doses, in Cold, than in hot Climates.

      It is a natural Supposition, that when a Country produces a Commodity, in a Manner peculiar to herself, the Manufacturers will embrace the most ready Means of collecting it. The first Consideration generally is, how to make the greatest Emolument with the least Labour; if the Opium, which is brought into Europe, were to be taken from the Head of each Poppy, by Incision, as is supposed by some Authors, the Produce would not be sufficient to supply the Markets; for as the daily Collection of Opium, from one Head, could not exceed one Grain in Weight, and many might fail even of that the Labour, Time, and Hands requisite to gather one Pound only, must necessarily make that Article, five, if not ten Times the Price it now bears. Though it is not improbable, that Opium, being a pure body, and wholly volatile, may be gathered by Incision, Yet it is not natural to suppose, that the Quantity of Opium, so nicely produced can answer, in any moderate Proportion, what may be made by gathering the Heads, while green, grinding them, and expressing the Juice, which may be easily inspissated. Vide Plin. Secund. Lib. 20. Cap. 18.

      Some Authors apprehend, that common Opium is not made alone from the Head, but from the impressed Juice of the whole Plant; and indurated by the Sun's Heat, See Mathiolus, Scaliger, &c. But, if the Authority of Pliny is not thought sufficient, Geoffroy further refutes this Opinion; clearly proving, by extracting the Juice of the Leaves and Stem of the Poppy-Plant, that on the most strict Analysis, it is many Degrees inferior in Strength to the Properties of common Opium. This is also confirmed by the Examination of the Fæces, or impure Parts, remaining from the Solution of our Opium, they having no Similitude to the woody Fibres belonging to the Plant, which might pass with the Juice, by the Force of the Press, but to the light spongy Particles from the Apex or Head, with some little Grit.

      We have several Instances of the fæculent Parts of inspissated Vegetable Juices increasing the Violence of their Operation; such are the Aloes of the Shops, Scammony, and grosser Juice of the wild Cucumber, called Elaterium. The Fæculæ of Opium, in the State wherein we receive it, will clog the more fine Parts, and prevent their ready Passage through the Pores of the Skin; and as the Time of its Duration in the Body, by such Means, is greatly increased, the Effects must necessarily remain longer, and the deleterious Quality have more Power over the human System. Wedelius says, id certissimum habemus nunquam ab Opio ulla timenda esse incommoda si bene sit depuratum. Lib. 1. Sect. 2. Cap. 3.

      There are several Plants which have a sleeping Property, though not in so great a Degree as the inspissated Juice of the Poppy, yet more poisonous, because they are not endued with that volatile Power to carry themselves off. Thus we find the Juice of Hemlock, Mandrake, Nightshade, and several others of this Class, loaded with an acrid Salt, which, when inwardly taken, will corrode, vellicate, and cause an immediate Inflammation in the Primæ Viæ, to which the Nerves consent by a general Convulsion; and if any of these venene Powers remain long enough in the Body, to insinuate themselves into the Circulation, the debilitated Blood will become stagnant in, or lacerate, the capillary Vessels. Examples of these have been seen in Indians, who have taken Poison, which, though not of immediate Power to destroy Life, has manifested itself in Ulcers over the whole Body; and what is related of the Poison of the Seps Hæmorrhous, or Hæmorrhoid Serpent, is very extraordinary, that it will make the Blood flow out from several Parts of the Body; which can only be accounted for by an extream Fluidity of the Blood, and a consequent Velocity in Circulation, increased to such a Degree, as to lacerate the capillary Vessels, and thereby force them to part with their Contents.

      From the various and violent Effects I have observed to arise from the Use of different Parcels of Opium, I am inclined to think, that the Juice of some Narcotic Plant is frequently added to that of the Poppy, in order to increase the Quantity of the Drug; and Bellonius observes, that Traders in Opium have so far adulterated it, that four Ounces of the pure Drug have sometimes been multiplied to a Pound. I myself have observed, in the Use of two different Opiums upon one Subject, that the one had a mild and proper Effect, and the other, through its Churlishness of Operation in the first Passages and Symptoms, on the following Day, had the Appearance of Poison, though in an inferior Degree. Such may always be suspected of Adulteration with the acrid Juice of some other Plant, and when a Purging ensues the taking of Opium, it most probably arises from a Mixture with the milky Juice of Spurge; there being nothing in the Principles or Effects of the pure Drug, to excite Purgation. This I apprehend to be the Reason why solid Opium sometimes purges, and the Tincture very seldom, the Menstruum used, dissolving only the finer Powers.

      To judge of pure Opium in the Lump, is a great Nicety, and what the Buyer ought to be very careful of, that it may answer his Intention of easing, and not injuring his Patient, if he designs using it inwardly; for this Intent, some Authors have given Instructions; but how few are they, who are assiduous to know the different Degrees of Strength each different Lump may contain! It is thought enough, if it has the Appearance of Opium, and the stronger it is in Smell and Taste (provided it СКАЧАТЬ